

Research on the Development of Trade Associations under the Background of Super-Ministry System Revolution

【作者】 张正金

【导师】 赵麟斌;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国正在实施大部制改革,政府职能转变稳步推进,政府对社会经济领域的管理从微观层面转为宏观层面、从直接层面转为间接层面,把行业管理的部分权限转交给社会中介组织,行业协会作为下接政府职能转变的重要承体,在市场经济发展进程中的正起着越来越不可替代的作用。在党的十七大会议上,胡锦涛总书记已经明确提出要把政府与社会中介组织等分离开来,真正做到把行业协会等社会中介组织推向市场,使之切实起到沟通政府与社会之间的桥梁作用。然而,由于特殊的历史国情,我国的行业协会与政府关系不畅,致使行业协会并没有起到该有的作用,从某种意义上说,还不能称呼为真正的行业协会。整体上而言,行业协会受到政府的限制,相对应的法律法规制度一片空白,不具有社会合法性和权威性,与政府的关系走入矛盾怪圈,行业协会的发展陷入重重困境,举步唯艰。我国行业协会与政府的复杂关系由来已久,本文通过对二者关系的历史演进及存在的现状问题展开分析研究,立足于当前行业协会与政府矛盾关系状况,以大部制改革为背景,分别站在行业协会和大部制的视角,分析探讨目前行业协会与政府存在的一系列深刻复杂问题,同时,借鉴同样实行大部委体制的美国、德国、日本等西方市场经济发达国家的先进经验,立足于我国基本国情,以科学发展观为指导,提出调整理顺行业协会与政府的错综复杂关系以积极推进行业协会全面协调可持续发展的建议对策。

【Abstract】 At present, our country is implementing Super-Ministry System revolution, steadily promote the transformation of government functions, the government’s economic management from the micro-level to the macro level, from direct to indirect dimension level, the government of the industry to transfer the management of social intermediary organizations, trade associations play an important role of the market economy in the development process. The 17th congress of the Chinese Communist Party, the General Secretary Hu Jintao made clear to the government and trade associations. Truly put trade associations and other social intermediary organizations to market to the effective communication between the Government and society play a role as a bridge between.However, due to China’s specific national conditions and institutions, trade associations and Government relations is not smooth. In a sense, it really should not call for the industry associations. Overall, trade associations subject to Government control, the corresponding legal system deficiencies, some trade associations and government relations in a vicious cycle.China’s trade association relationship with the Government goes back to ancient times. Based on the historical evolution of relations between the two and there is the issue of the status quo analysis, based on the current trade association and government relations conflicts, Super-Ministry System revolution in the context of the respective industry associations and stand Super-Ministry System perspective,Analysis of the current trade associations and government relations existing problems, from the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries of the advanced experience, based on national conditions, To the scientific development concept as a guide, adjust to rationalize the trade association of the complex relations with the Government to actively promote the trade association of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the proposed countermeasures.


