

A Stylistic Approach to Translation: Comparing Two Versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

【作者】 林钰婷

【导师】 林大津;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “忠实”被广泛地认为是译者在翻译过程中应该遵守的基本原则。由于审美功能是文学作品中最重要的功能,因此译者在翻译文学作品时应同时兼顾原作的内容与风格两方面的忠实。作品风格反映作者的人生观、世界观、美学理念和艺术技巧。风格是作者独特的语言形式的选择,它让读者在阅读中获悉主题意义,欣赏艺术魅力和审美价值。尽管国内外学者对“忠实”一说仁者见仁、智者见智,但对原作风格忠实的可能性和必要性却从来没有断然否定过。本文借鉴文学文体学理论,以斯托夫人的废奴小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的两个中译本的比较,来探讨风格的翻译。本文首先从作者的写作背景和小说的主题中考察小说的整体风格,然后试图分别从语言和文化角度就李自修和周冬华的合译本以及黄继忠的译本进行对比研究。通过分析两个译本的优、缺点,本文试图证明一元论的可靠性和正确性。特定的语言形式具有其特定的主题意义和美学效果。小说中的语言形式同样也是作者出于主题和美学考量的选择,因此风格的传递和故事内容的传递在小说翻译中同等重要。为了达到忠实原作的目标,本文特别强调风格再现的重要性,并提出了实现风格再现的三步骤:掌握原作的主题和整体风格,分析与主题和美学有关的语言特征,在译文中保持原作的文化气息。三个步骤循环运动,从而使风格翻译的质量不断得到提升。

【Abstract】 It is generally accepted that "faithfulness" is the basic principle translatorsshould follow strictly. Since aesthetic function is the most dominant one of literaryworks, translators should be faithful to both the content and the style of the originaltext in literary translation. Style reflects an author’s outlook on life and world,aesthetic idea and artistic skills, and it is an author’s unique choice of linguistic formwhereby readers appreciate the thematic meaning, artistic appeal and aesthetic value.Both Chinese and Western translation theoreticians hold that it is possible andnecessary to be faithful to the style of the original text. This thesis applies literarystylistics to the studies of style translation by a comparison between two Chineseversions of Mrs. Stowe’s anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, taking intoconsideration the general style of the novel against the author’s background and afocus on the theme of the novel, and then attempts to pursue a comparative study ofLi Zixiu and Zhou Donghua’s version and Huang Jizhong’s version from linguisticand cultural perspectives respectively. The tentative analysis of the merits anddemerits in style translation of the two versions is the attempt of the present study toconfirm the reliability and validity of monism. A particular linguistic form signifiesits particular meaning so as to produce particular thematic meaning and aestheticeffect. The linguistic form of a fiction is also an author’s thematically andaesthetically motivated choice, so conveyance of the style of the original is asimportant as the transference of the stories in fiction translation. In order to achievethe goal of faithfulness to the original, this thesis places great emphasis on stylereproduction and puts forward three steps for style reproduction, i.e. to grasp thetheme and general style of the original, to analyze the thematically or aestheticallyrelated linguistic features and to retain the cultural flavor of the original intranslation. The three steps work in a circular way so that the quality of styletranslation may be improved on a continuous basis.

【关键词】 风格翻译再现忠实文学文体学
【Key words】 StyleTranslationReproductionfaithfulnessliterary stylistics
  • 【分类号】I712.074;I046;H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270
  • 攻读期成果

