

Significance Evolution of Revolutionary History"

【作者】 黄艺荣

【导师】 席扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 建国后”十七年”是“革命历史题材”创作的繁荣期,这一阶段所产生的一大批“革命历史叙事”创作,经过近半个世纪的沉淀已成为中国当代文学史上一个重要的现象。“革命历史叙事”文本的改编,也是与之相伴随的一个需要认真研究的问题。半个世纪里有关“革命历史叙事”文本的两次改编高潮,不仅使这一类型的创作得以更为深入的传播,更为重要的是“革命历史叙事”的“意义”也在不断地改编中发生着变化——我们注意到,每一次文本的改编及其意义的变迁,都与时代文化思潮的变迁密切相关。《敌后武工队》的“改编史”是一个值得分析的典型个案。本文通过对20世纪50年代末至21世纪以来关于《敌后武工队》所有改编形式的分析与讨论,以对这一文本的改编历史的纵向梳理为基本线索,分别从战争叙事、爱情叙事以及人物形象等几个方面具体展开,重点探讨不同历史时期社会文化思潮对《敌后武工队》改编和意义建构所产生的复杂影响,从而揭示“审美文本”意义变迁与社会文化思潮之间的互动关系。

【Abstract】 After the founding of People’s Republic of China, "Seventeen Years" is a "revolutionary historical themes" creative boom, this period produced a large number of "revolutionary historical narrative" creation. After nearly half a century, precipitation has become an important phenomenon on Chinese Contemporary Literature. "Revolutionary Historical Narrative," an adaptation of the text is also accompanied by a corresponding need to be carefully studied. Half-century of "the historical narrative of revolution," the text of the two adapted climax, not only makes this type of creativity to the dissemination of more in-depth, more importantly, "significance" of "the historical narrative of revolution" and is changing during continually adapted- we note that each adaptation of the text and its meaning changes with time, and changes and cultural trends are closely related. "Adaptation of history" of "Behind Enemy Lines" is a typical case analysis.Based on the 50’s, from the end of the 20th century to 21st century nearly all forms of adaptation about "Behind Enemy Lines" are analyzed and discussed, in order to make the history of vertical comb the adaptation of this text as the basic clue. Separately from the war narrative, love narrative as well as several aspects such as characters, specific to start focusing on the different historical periods of social and cultural trends, " Behind Enemy Lines " adaptation and construction of meaning generated by the complex. Thus, they reveals the interaction during social change and cultural significance of "aesthetic text" between ideas.

【关键词】 敌后武工队改编史研究
【Key words】 Behind Enemy LinesAdaptation of the history ofresearch

