

On Functions of Local Government in the Management of Water Resources

【作者】 陈晓东

【导师】 胡伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 水是基础性的自然资源,是战略性的社会经济资源。随着水资源短缺在世界范围内的蔓延,水资源问题已成为世界普遍关注的问题之一,它不仅影响一国的经济、社会、生态安全,而且还影响全球人类的可持续性发展。我国水资源状况极为不乐观,其形势有不断恶化的趋势。若不及时采取行之有效的措施,水资源危机在不久的将来会成为所有资源问题中最为严重的问题,并会成为制约我国经济、社会发展的一大资源瓶颈。目前,我国面临着水资源短缺、洪涝灾害、水质量恶化等问题,随着我国人口增加和用水量不断增加,水资源供需缺口进一步拉大,水资源危机是我们必须面对的现实。水资源管理是指政府依据水资源及环境承载能力,遵循水资源系统自然循环功能,按照经济社会规律和生态环境规律,运用法规、行政、经济、技术、教育等手段,通过全面系统地规划,优化配置水资源,对人们的涉水行为进行调整与控制,保障水资源开发利用与经济社会和谐持续发展。本文通过对水资源属性进行分析,界定政府职能,以浙江省余姚市为例,阐述当前地方政府在水资源管理中还存在,如地方政府部门职能交叉重叠,“多龙治水”效率与效能低下;地方政府侧重发展而轻视水资源保护,干部水环境保护考核制度不合理;地方政府重视水利建设而忽视水资源管理;资金短缺,水利投资渠道单一;水价运行机制不合理;政府在水资源保护宣传不到位,公众参与不够等问题。因此,只有明确界定地方政府在水资源中的职责,制定出行之有效的可持续发展的政策措施,才能使之在水资源保护中发挥其应有的作用,促进经济发展。文章对政府在水资源管理中的角色进行了科学定位,地方政府应成为水资源管理中的调控者、水环境的保护者、水资源管理中的规划者和水资源节约的宣传者。现代水资源管理的根本目的在于实现水资源的永续利用,水资源的有效管理,关系到我国的经济发展、社会安定和国家安全,作为水资源的经营者—地方政府,必须在保障水资源安全中发挥其应有的作用。为此,本文提出了几点建议,转变政府职能,理顺水管理体制;建立科学合理的水环境考核制度;强化政府对水资源的规划;建立多元化的水利融资体制;建立健全水市场,完善水价形成机制;加强宣传教育,提高公众参与水管理意识等。

【Abstract】 As the basic natural resource, water is strategic socio-economic resource. With the worldwide spread of the shortage of water resources, it has become one of the issues of common concern. It not only affects a country’s economic, social, ecological security, but also the world’s sustainable development. The situation of China’s water resources is extremely unoptimistic and it has a tendency to deteriorate. If effective measures were not taken in a timely manner, the crisis of water resources in the near future would become the most serious problem of all the problems of resources, and will be restricting China’s economic and social development as a resource bottleneck. At present, China is facing such problems as water shortages, floods, water quality deterioration and so on, Moreover, China’s population growth and increasing water consumption, further widening the gap between supply and demand of water resources and water crisis is a reality that we have to face.Water resources management refers to that, according to environmental bearing capacity and economic, social rules and ecological environment rule, the government, following the natural water cycle system functions and using laws and regulations, administrative, economic, technological, educational and other means, adjusts and controls people’s behavior to protect the development and utilization of water resources for harmonious and sustainable social, economic development through a comprehensive and systematic plan and optimal allocation of water resources. Based on an analysis of properties of water resources and a defination the functions of governments, this article takes the city of Yuyao, Zhejiang Province as an example, and describes the problems existing in current water resources management by the local government which include the overlapping functions of local government departments and their low efficiency and effectiveness, importance attached to economic development instead of environmental protection by the local government; unreasonable cadre appraisal system regarding water environment protection; importance attached to water conservancy construction instead of water management by the local government; a shortage of funds and single investment channels; unreasonable water price mechanism; inefficient government publicity in the protection of water resources; lack of public participation, etc.. As a result, only if the local government clearly defined the responsibilities of water resources management and develops effective policies and measures for sustainable development would it play its due role in the protection of water resources and in the promotion economic development. The article scientifically defines the government’s role in the management of water resources: the local government should be the regulator of water resources management, the protector of the water environment, the planner of water resources management and the advocate of water resources conservation.Modern water resources management is designed to achieve sustainable use of water resources, efficient management of water resources, which will influence China’s economic development, social stability and national security. As the operator of water resources, the local government must play its due role in the protection of water resources security. To that end, this article raises a number of proposals: to change the government’s role; to rationalize water management system; to establish a scientific and rational cardre appraisal system regarding water environmental protection; to strengthen water management and the government’s water planning; to establish a diversified, multi-channel financing system for water conservancy; to improve the water market and the formation mechanism of water price; to reinforce publicity and education to enhance public participation in water management and so on.


