

A Study on Responding System of Local Authority

【作者】 杨晓艳

【导师】 胡伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 现代政府的实质是以民为本的服务型政府,政府只有通过提供充足优质的公共服务,才能证明自己存在的价值与合法性。政府回应是现代行政管理理论与实践中的重要问题。提高政府回应的能力,是当前各国行政改革的价值取向之一。本文以公共管理、公民政治参与以及服务型政府的相关理论为依据,通过对政府回应理论与实践形成背景、发展历程的总结梳理,分析政府回应的内涵实质、层次表现与基本特征,研究探讨了政府回应的相关理论问题。对我国地方政府回应作了系统地梳理和分析,指出当前地方政府回应缺失的原因。并以上海市杨浦区为例,分析其在建设服务型政府过程中加强地方政府回应实践取得的成绩和值得借鉴之处。介绍国外提升政府回应能力的有益经验,研究我国地方政府在转型时期,如何提升回应能力,实现有效服务的对策。本文分五个部分进行研究:第一部分是关于政府回应理论概念的分析。介绍政府回应问题的背景及研究意义、国内外研究的现状;其次介绍文章研究的目的、内容、结构框架和研究方法。第二部分是关于政府回应的理论分析。介绍了政府回应理论的缘起及发展,归纳出三种政府回应模式,依次是行政管制型政府回应模式、市场取向型政府回应模式、民主治理型政府回应模式,并对政府回应的内涵与层次表现进行了阐述,最后着重介绍了政府回应的基本特征。第三部分,通过对我国地方政府回应建设的分析,笔者认为我国当前地方政府已逐渐重视并加强政府回应建设,但尚处在初级阶段,从回应的快捷性来看,回应迟缓;从回应的公正性来看,回应失衡,从回应的有效性来看,比较低效。笔者从决定政府回应的三个关键要素(行政机构、公民参与、回应机制)的发展现状出发,分析我国现阶段地方政府回应缺失的原因。第四部分,以上海市杨浦区在政府回应方面的创新实践——“网上评议政府”和“一线工作法”作为案例分析,在加强政府与民众之间的有效互动、增强民众主动参与积极性、提高政府科学决策能力以及改善政府服务意识等方面取得了一定成效,但也存在回应尚处被动、制度机制建设有待深化和回应能力有待增强等诸多问题,其中有些障碍是地方政府这一层面难以突破,希望以更宽的视角思考我国地方政府回应建设。第五部分,通过上述章节的分析,借鉴国外有益经验,笔者认为加强地方政府回应建设应把握务实、迅捷、效率原则,其功能定位具体体现在价值性和技术性两个方面,建议从四个方面入手,第一,加强理性官僚制建设;第二,扩大公民政治参与渠道;第三,变革政府层级架构;第四,完善政府决策制度。

【Abstract】 The essence of the modern government is a Service-oriented government that is based on the people, the government only passes and offers the sufficient and high-quality public service, could prove one’s own value and legitimacy. It is the important problem in modern administrative management theory and practice that the government responds. Improve the ability that the government responds, it is one of the value orientations of the present various countries’ administrative reform.In this article, service-oriented government, public administration, as well as the participation of civil and political theory as the basis, through the Government’s response to the formation of theory and practice of background, summary of development course comb, analysis of the Government’s response to grasp the real meaning of the basic elements and to study the response of the Government question the relevance of the theory. And take Yangpu District, Shanghai as an example, the analysis of its response to the practice of local governments at the achievements and worth, as well as learn from the plight of these reasons exist. Through the grasp of the characteristics of the current study the local government in the face of our country against the backdrop of multiple challenges, how to overcome constraints and achieve an effective response. This article is divided into five parts to carry on research:The first part is on the Government’s response to the analysis of theoretical concepts. Introduce background, research meaning, current situation studied both at home and abroad that the government responds the problem; Purpose content, structural frame and research approach that secondly introduce the article and study.The second part is the theory analysis regarding the government responds. Introduce government genesis and development to respond theory at first, sum up, appear 3 kinds of governments respond the mode, administration person who control government respond mode, market orientation type government respond mode, democracy person who control government responds the mode sequentially; Secondly has explained intension and level that the government responds behave, introduced the essential feature that the government responds emphatically finally.The third part, Through responding the system of building course to comb to the government since the foundation of the state of our country, I think the local government has already paid attention to and strengthened the government and responded construction gradually at present in our country, but still at primary stage, according to swiftness responded, respond it slowly; According to fairness responded, it is out-of-balance to respond, according to validity responded, comparative poor efficiency. From determine three current situation of the development of key element (bureaucratic apparatus, citizen participate in, respond the mechanism), analyzed that the local government responds the reason lacked at the present stage of our country.The fourth part ,by the innovative practice in responding in the government in Yangpu district of Shanghai——“Government Online Council”and“Front-line work method”as a case study, in strengthening the effective interaction between government and citizens, enhance active participation in the interest of citizens, improve government’s science decision, and improving the Government awareness of public ,etc, have a certain degree of success. However, there are still many problems. Some of these obstacles is difficult to break through the level of local government’s.Part V, through the above-mentioned sections of the analysis, draw on the useful experience of foreign countries, I think that the strengthening of local governments should take a pragmatic response to the building, quick, efficient principles, reflected in the value functions and technical. Response from the four-pronged: strengthen the construction of rational bureaucracy, expand political participation channels for citizens, changes in levels of government structure and improve government decision-making system.


