

The Research of Consummating Housing Welfare System in Shanghai

【作者】 严真

【导师】 王郁;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 住房问题一直伴随着上海近现代城市的发展。政府对社会住房体制进行了两次改革,实行住宅商品化,吸引社会资金投入建设,基本满足了上海城市住房数量上的需求。原有公有住房体制逐步终止。但是由于社会住房保障体系的不健全和市场分配结构的不完善,中小型廉价住宅数量偏少,社会住房价格偏高,中低收入家庭的居住状况仍然得不到根本性改善。政府作为宏观调控组织者,有责任保障市场解决不了的城镇低收入家庭的住房问题。本文主要从住房保障制度中的公积金制度、廉租房制度和经济适用房制度三个层面进行分析。通过上海市静安区的实例,进一步反映整个上海市的住房保障制度中存在的问题,并提出通过借鉴国外住房保障制度的成功经验来完善上海市的住房保障制度。住房公积金制度应该对储存方式、营运方式、监督方式进行改革。建立招标选择储存机构,或建立政策性的储存机构;保证住房公积金安全、保值、增值和对增值收益应合理进行分配;对住房公积金实行高存低贷,其利息差额由政府补贴;住房公积金管理委员会、财政、审计等部门应对住房公积金的筹集、使用进行有效监督;廉租住房是政府向城镇低收入家庭提供租金补贴或者以低廉的租金配租的具有社会保障性质的普通住房。在切实解决城镇最低收入家庭住房问题以及完善住房保障体系方面取得了极大的进展,但在制度建设、资金和房源供给等方面也存在一些突出的问题。一方面政府应承担城镇低收入家庭住房保障的责任,应该尽最大努力推进廉租住房保障制度的建设,使得更多的低收入家庭享受住房保障政策;而经济适用房则是为那些勉强供得起房但还买不起商品房的低收入阶层提供住房保障的制度。由于上海市经济适用房制度还刚刚起步,制度本身还存在许多需要完善的部分,同时,在实践中也存在若干偏差,使得当前城市低收入阶层的住房保障整体效果并不尽人意,广大城市低收入人群享受到的住房保障十分有限。

【Abstract】 The housing problem is always along with the development of Shanghai city. After two government’s reforms on social housing system, residents’demands for houses are basically satisfied through the commercialization of the housing market with financing from society introduced in., as well as the termination of previous public-owned housing system. However, due to the unsound social housing welfare system and imperfect income distribution structure, housing conditions of low-and-middle-income families have still to be improved, while small and medium-sized apartments with low prices are hard to be found in the market, and the house prices are relatively higher.As a macro-control organizer, it is the government’s responsibility to solve the housing problem from low income class. This paper will analyze the social housing welfare system from the following three aspects: housing accumulation fund , low-rent housing, and affordable housing. It will try to find some problems in current Shanghai social housing welfare system through the case study of Jingan District. Some successful experiences from foreign countries on their housing welfare systems will also be introduced for study and reference.The housing accumulation fund management system should be reformed in depositing, operation and supervision. The management body of the fund should prudently select its deposits institutions by tender and policy , ensure the preserve , increase as well as reasonable distributions of fund realized. The housing fund should be borrowed at high rate and lend at low rate, while resulting interest rate margins are covered through fiscal subsidies The financing and use of the fund should be under effective supervision of its own managing committee as well as auditing and financial departments of the government.The low-rent housing is ordinary housing with social security function by providing rent allowance to low-income families. Though great progress has been made in solving housing issue of urban low-income class, and improving urban housing welfare system, problems still exist in system improvement, fund financing,and housing supply. The government should take its responsibility in housing welfare of low income families; make its utmost possible effort to promote the low-rent housing system, more qualified people can thus enjoy its benefit.Affordable houses are for a group of people within low income range, while the housing costs are just‘affordable’to them. However, they are unable to afford those high- price commercial houses. The implantation of affordable housing is still at the beginning stage at this moment, with many sides to be improved; therefore, its benefits are quite limited to urban low-income class.


