

Research on Residents Committee Autonomy: From the Perspective of Synergy Mechanism

【作者】 唐朝

【导师】 章晓懿;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会管理体制改革的深入,原来由政府和企事业单位统包统揽的社会管理与服务职能开始分化并逐渐回归于社区。居委会作为城市社区的基本单元,是大量社区工作主要的承载组织,因此居委会在现代化进程中的独特的地位、价值和功能等日渐凸显。然而,由于政府对社会管理长期大包大揽,公民社区参与机制不够完善,居委会自治过程中缺乏“政府、居委会、居民”的三方协同,承担了过多的行政职能,成为了政府的附属机构,阻碍了其自治功能的发挥,因而研究居委会自治发展过程中的协同机制显得越来越重要。加强居委会建设,发挥其在社区中应有的自治功能,对我国的社区基层管理,乃至整个国家社会管理体制将起到积极作用,意义重大。本文以居委会为切入点,运用社区治理理论,分析了居委会自治的现状,探究了阻碍居委会自治进程的深层次原因:居委会在自治发展过程中没有形成“政府、居委会、居民”有效的三方协同机制。本文结合黄浦区居委会建设的实例,提出了通过形成“政府、居委会、居民”三方协同机制,推进居委会自治的观点,即理顺三方关系,发挥三方各自在社区治理中应有的作用:政府要转变职能、居委会要加强自身建设、社区要建立居民参与机制,以此突破当下居委会的发展瓶颈,解决居委会面临的问题,发挥其社区自治功能,进而完善社区群众自治组织居委会的建设,加强我国社区建设发展水平,推进我国社区自治进程。

【Abstract】 Along with the deepening reform of social administration system in our country, the function of social administration and service, what was monopolized by government, enterprises and institutions, starts to split up and shift back to community; therefore, as the most basic unit making up urban society and the major unit undertaking the great deal of community work, residents community is gradually revealing her unique role, value and function in the modernization. However, resulting from long time taking on all things of sociaty management from government as well as the deficiency of mechanism of civic participation in community affairs nowadays, the residents committee lacks for tripartite coordination among‘government, residents committee and residents’in the development of autonomy, and comes to be an affiliated organ of the government, which overly charges her with administrative responsibility and obstructs the autonomic function. Hereby it becomes more and more important to make research into the synergy mechanism in resident committee autonomy. It is of great significance to improve the governance of residents committee, giving full play to her autonomic function in community, which will make positive contribution to our community administration, even the social administration system of whole nation.By means of community governance theory, this essay, with residents committee as its penetration point, analyses current situation of residents committee autonomy and explores deep factors resulting in the role and function confusion of residents committee which delays the progress of community autonomy, thus indicates the lack of effective coordination mode among‘government, residents committee and residents’in residents committee autonomy. Furthermore, taking residents committee construction in Huangpu District as example, the essay proposes that tripartite coordination mechanism among‘government, residents committee and residents’should be established in residents committee autonomy, so as to straighten out relations of the three parties and have them playing proper roles in community governance, that is, government transforming functions, residents committee improving governance while community establishing resident participation mechanism. And only thus can residents committee break bottleneck and solve facing problems to bring autonomic function into play, consequently completing the establishment of resident autonomic community and advancing the level of our nation’s community governance and autonomy.

【关键词】 居委会自治政府居民协同
【Key words】 Residents committeeAutonomyGovernmentResidentSynergy

