

Study on the Modeling and Algorithm of Mechanical Manufacturing Workshop Facility Layout

【作者】 苏小进

【导师】 蒋祖华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 制造系统设备布局设计是工业工程领域中最重要的研究内容之一,布局设计的好坏不仅关系到工厂的生产效率、厂房的利用率,也与设备的使用寿命、生产的安全性有重要关系。传统的设备布局主要依靠布局设计者的经验,缺乏科学的理论分析和定量化的计算,布局成本高、周期长。本文研究制造系统设备布局设计的数学优化方法,结合计算机仿真,完成生产线的优化配置。本文首先对设备布局问题进行了详细的综述,总结了设备布局问题的有关概念,应用范围,主要要素以及布局基本原则,阐述了制造系统设备布局设计的传统理论方法——系统布局设计。本文对设备布局问题建模时,物流成本考虑物流交叉的影响。在该思路下,定义逆流和顺流,横向物流和纵向物流,按照布局者的要求赋予不等的物流成本权重,在优化求解时自动排除一些物流交叉程度高的方案,实现最小化物流成本和降低物流交叉程度的平衡。实例表明,布局设计者可以对该模型的参数设置进行调整,从而得到满足其具体需求的结果。常见的建模方法中,对顺流、逆流的成本权重不作区别,可看作本文模型的一种特例。在此思路基础上,分别对两类设备布局问题——二次分配问题和混合整数规划问题建立数学模型。在求解环节,本文研究了禁忌搜索算法在设备布局求解中的应用。首先对禁忌搜索算法进行介绍,接着详细说明了禁忌搜索算法的重要参数、求解策略和求解步骤。针对设备布局的二次分配问题和混合整数规划问题,说明了实现禁忌搜索算法的关键问题:构造启发式算法求初始解,解的编码,和实现混合整数规划的两阶段求解法。最后设计数值实验,考察多项参数对算法整体性能的影响,从而有助于设计一套合适的参数完成计算,实例计算的对比也表明禁忌搜索算法的优越性;数值实验同时也表明,混合整数规划问题的两阶段求解法具有良好的求解效果。最后,以某运输机器厂搬迁新厂房项目为应用案例,用本文介绍的方法建立模型并求解,完成车间的设备布局。实际案例证明了本文的模型和求解方法的可行性和有效性。

【Abstract】 Manufacture system facility layout is one of the most important research areas in industry. The quality of layout has impact on the production efficiency, the factory utilizing rate, the life cycle of the facility, and the production safety. The traditional facility layout, which mainly depends on the designer’s experience, lacks of theoretical analysis and quantifies calculation and costs considerable time to finish it. This paper studies on efficient facility layout techniques to solve this problem and achieve an optimized resource arrangement with the cooperation of computer simulation.First this paper makes a literature review of the facility layout problem. It summarized the concept, application area, main element and design principles of this problem; it also introduces the traditional theory and method of facility layout-Systematical Layout Program.This paper, focusing on the study of layout optimization, come out with a layout model with material flow direction, which considers the asymmetry between the horizon and vertical flow as well as the forward and backward flow, and gives them different weights so that the solution with highly crossed flow will be eliminated. The designer can get various layout results through different parameter setting. The past models mostly ignored the asymmetry referred above, so that they can be a particular instance of the model in this paper. Then this paper studies two main kinds of layout problem: Quadratic Assignment Problem and Mixed Integer Programming.To solve this problem, this paper studies the application of Taboo Search algorithm in layout problem. First this paper gives an introduction of Taboo search and its key parameters, solving strategies and process. For the QAP problem, this paper gives a heuristic algorithm to get an initial solution, and for the MIP problem, this paper constructs a two stages method. At last this paper gives a numerical experiment, through which the parameters’ effects for the performance of algorithm were tested. Then in an instance, an appropriate set of parameters can be determined for a special problem and get better solution than the existing method. The numerical experiment also shows that the two stages method can solve the problem with a satisfying result.In the practice project, a facility layout problem from a roller production company was studied and the model and the method introduced by this paper were proved to be feasible and effective.


