

Study on Fair Value Incremental Information Content after the Implementation of the New Standards

【作者】 李晶

【导师】 陈平;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 会计学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,世界经济的飞速发展尤其是金融业的飞速发展促使传统会计的计量模式发生了实质的变化,公允价值的引入对整个世界都是一个质的飞跃。在我国,也发生着类似的变化。2006年2月15日,我国财政部发布了包括1项基本准则和38项具体准则的新会计准则体系,并规定于2007年1月1日起首先在上市公司范围内实施。其中一大亮点即是新会计准则基本准则把公允价值作为5种会计计量属性之一,且有17项具体准则不同程度地涉及了公允价值的计量。因此,公允价值在会计确认和计量方面的运用趋势促使我们有必要对公允价值进行研究。国外的规范研究基本倾向于公允价值优于历史成本。国外学者对此进行的多数实证研究认为公允价值信息是具有相关性的,特别是当以客观的市场交易价格作为公允价值估计的基础时,更具有价值相关性。国内学术界对公允价值的研究绝大部分为规范研究,他们大多认为公允价值计量优于历史成本且更具有价值相关性,同时,他们对公允价值在我国的运用前景持乐观的态度。新准则颁布实施后,国内也涌现了不少对公允价值价值相关性的实证研究,但现阶段各学者得出的结论还不一致。本文认为,随着大量数据资料的不断充实和人们对公允价值计量的深入认识,在决策有用性的会计目标下,公允价值的计量将越加显示出其价值相关性。因此,本文采用增量信息含量研究的方法,针对利润表中的“公允价值变动损益”项目和所有者权益变动表中的“可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额”项目提出三个假设,在奥尔森(Ohlson)价格模型的基础上建立了三个模型分别对三个假设进行检验并对实证结果进行分析,进而得出本文的研究结论并提出相关制度建议。本文的研究结果表明,新会计准则实施后我国上市公司财务报告中披露的公允价值表内计量信息具有增量信息含量。该研究结果能有效地消除外界对公允价值在我国曲折运用的疑虑,也为准则制定者提供了实证研究上的支持,从而在一定程度上可以推动公允价值的广泛应用。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, the rapid development of the world economy and especially the rapid development of financial industries promote the traditional accounting measurement model to change substantially, the use of the fair value is a qualitative leap to the whole world. In our country, the similar change also occurred. On February 15th of 2006, China’s ministry of finance issued the new system of accounting standards which include 1 basic standard and 38 specific standards, and regulated that first carrying out in listed companies on January 1 st of 2007. One highlight of the new accounting standards is the basic standard attributing the fair value as one of the five accounting measurements, and there are 17 specific standards involve the fair value measurement in different degrees. Therefore, the use of fair value in accounting recognition and measurement leads us to make research on it.Foreign normative researches basically believe that fair value superior to the historical cost. Most foreign empirical researches consider that the fair value information has value relevance, especially when using the market transaction price as the foundation of the fair value, it has more value relevance. The majority of domestic academic researches for fair value are normative researches, most of them think that the fair value measurement is superior to the historical cost and has more value relevance. At the same time, they are in optimistic attitude to the application of fair value in our country. After the new standards promulgated and implemented, China also sprung up many empirical researches of value relevance for fair value, but the conclusions of our scholars still inconsistent. We believe that in the wake of enriching the large number of data and gradual understanding of the fair value measurement, fair value measurement will be increasingly shows its value relevance under the objective of decision usefulness.Therefore, this paper uses the incremental information content method. According to the "’Fair value flexible loss and profit" item in profit statement and the "Fair value flexible net amount to financial assets available for sale" item in statement of change in stockholder equity, we raise three hypotheses, in the basic of Ohlson model, we build three models to test the three hypotheses we raise and analyze our empirical results. Then, we draw our conclusion and propose some related institutional constructions. Our research results show that after implementing the new accounting standards, the fair value measurement information disclosed in the financial reports of China’s listed companies has incremental information content. These results can not only effectively eliminate people’s anxiety to the zigzag utilization of fair value in our country, but also provide support in the view of empirical research to the standards’ constitutors. So the results of this paper can impel the widespread application in some extent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

