

Research on Trap Clauses of the Crime of Illegal Business

【作者】 于学东

【导师】 都亳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 非法经营罪是1997年《刑法》在废除1979年《刑法》中所规定的投机倒把罪后新增的一个罪名。该罪名设立后,由于《刑法》第二百二十五条第四项规定了“其他严重扰乱市场秩序行为”,为了正确适用这一条款,最高立法机关通过制定单行刑法和刑法修正案,不断丰富非法经营罪的行为方式,扩大非法经营罪的范围,最终使之成为了新的“口袋罪”。这一条款也被学界及司法实务界称为非法经营罪的“补漏条款”。本文在理论结合实践的基础上,对非法经营罪的补漏条款进行了研究探讨。首先笔者从分析非法经营罪的定义及构成要件出发,确定非法经营罪“补漏条款”所应具有的特征;其次,通过对非法经营罪“补漏条款”及有关司法解释所涉及的行为的分析来进一步说明我们在司法实践中应如何对非法经营罪“补漏条款”进行认定;最后,对如何解决非法经营罪“补漏条款”在司法适用中所引起的诸多问题的途径进行了探讨。笔者希望通过对非法经营罪“补漏条款”的研究,能够使我们在司法实践中正确理解非法经营罪“补漏条款”的立法原意,恪守罪刑法定的刑法原则,防止对非法经营罪“补漏条款”在立法、司法解释及司法实务中的不合理扩张。

【Abstract】 The crime of illegal business in 1997, "Criminal Law" in repealing the 1979 "Criminal Law" under the speculation on the basis of the crime of an additional charge for the fight against serious disruption of the socialist market economic order in illegal behavior. After the charges established, due to "criminal law " provisions of article 225 of Di Sankuan "other acts have seriously disrupted the market order" requirement, in order to correctly apply this provision, the highest legislative body of criminal law and criminal law through the development of one-line amendment to the highest judicial organ through promulgation of universal application of judicial interpretation of the effectiveness of the crime of illegal business and constantly enrich the content of behavior, and continuously expand the connotation and extension of the crime of illegal business, judicial practice has also carried out the crime of illegal business expansion, ultimately become a new crime of illegal business "pocket crimes." This provision has also been the academic and judicial practitioners to become the crime of illegal business, "Trap clause." In this paper, to integrate theory with practice, based on the provisions of the Crime of Illegal Trapping conducted a study to explore.The first part, the author of the crime of illegal business, the definition and constituent elements were analyzed, the purpose initially identified through the above analysis to the crime of illegal business operations under the act should have characteristics. First of all, the author with scholars given the definition of the crime of illegal business were analyzed in order to correctly understand the concept of the crime of illegal business, an accurate understanding of the intention of legislators to facilitate the judicial practice in the use and operation; Secondly, illegal Elements of the crime were analyzed to determine the crime of illegal acts in the business should have the characteristics: first, the illegality, that is in violation of national laws and administrative regulations of the prohibitive or restrictive provisions, without the relevant approval or beyond the approved scope of relevant business activities. Secondly, seriously disrupted the market order and achieve the degree of social harm of crime. This is a consequence of circumstances and should have the elements of crimes against the general behavior of disrupting the market order does not constitute an illegal crime of illegal business. For the "other" can not be arbitrary interpretation, to prevent the crime of the original speculation pocket of the state.The second part, the author of the crime of illegal business Trap by the terms and ordinary terms of the relationship between the Understanding of the linkages between the two distinct discussed, and then summed up the crime of illegal business terms Traps should possess three characteristics: First, the Trap provisions must be established with the premise of the crime of illegal business. That must be a clear violation of laws and administrative regulations of the act; second, Trapping terms of criminal acts must be pointing to the nature of the business. The crime of illegal business position in criminal law decision of the crime could only happen in a market economy activities, the crime of pointing to the nature of the act must have a business must have disrupted the market order of objective hazards; third, the terms of Traps involved in criminal conduct must be seriously disturbed the market order. Violation of relevant provisions of the premise of market operation, determine the crime of illegal business must have seriously disrupted the market order and the nature of the Trap as the offense in terms of an integral part of the course, no exception.The third part, the author around the country’s highest legislature and the Supreme People’s Court for the application of the terms of illegal crime Trap has enacted legislation and judicial interpretation concerning the interpretation of behavior is analyzed. In order to correctly apply the Crime of Illegal Trapping terms and guide the court in the trial, and my highest legislative and judicial organs were promulgated and implemented a decision, a judicial interpretation of the amendment and 7, in such a large number of legislative and judicial interpretation of either of them in line with the crime of illegal business, "Trap clause" of the legislative intent in line with the principle of legality, but I believe that there is still a considerable majority of the interpretation is the crime of illegal business, "Trap clause" to do an unreasonable expansion, contrary to the Criminal Law the value of ideas. I carry out the above analysis is aimed at in the next legislative and the judicial process to better improve and adapt to the offense.The fourth part, the author of how to correctly identify the crime of illegal business Trap terms discussed and summarized to correctly identify the crime of illegal business Trap should adhere to the terms of the principle: First, we must uphold the principle of legality; second, we must correctly understanding "in violation of state regulations"; Third, we must correctly exercise their discretion; fourth to deal with the terms of the Trap should be strictly construed.The fifth part, the author attempts to find a solution from two aspects of the crime of illegal business problems in terms of Trapping way. The first envisaged the adoption of legislation to apply to "the Criminal Code," Article 225 of the third, and second, envisaged through the establishment in the judicial interpretation of the special provisions relating to retroactive effect, to solve this problem.I hope that the crime of illegal business, "Trap terms" research, will enable us to correctly understand the judicial practice in the crime of illegal business, "Trap terms" the legislative intent to abide by the principle of legality of criminal law to prevent the crime of illegal business, "Trap terms" in the legislative, judicial interpretation and judicial practice in the irrational expansion.

【关键词】 非法经营犯罪刑法
【Key words】 Illegal BusinessCrimeCriminal Law
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】294

