

Natural Disaster (the Flood and Drought) and the Succor from the Government is on the Liaodong District Later Ming Dynasty

【作者】 姜雪娜

【导师】 高福顺;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 明末的辽东自然灾害频仍,政局动荡。本文以史料为依据,运用定量分析与定性研究相结合的方法,重建明末辽东地区水旱灾害等级序列,考察明末辽东地区水旱灾害的分布特点及危害,通过比较明政府与后金(清)政府面对辽东地区水旱灾害所采取的不同的应对措施,深入探讨与灾害相伴随的社会变化,借此说明灾害的发生与发展在受社会因素影响的同时也引发社会政治结构变迁,灾害与社会之间是一种相互作用、相互影响的关系,社会因素将对自然灾害产生深刻的影响,与此同时,在自然灾害的推动下,社会将为了更加有效地应对灾害而逐渐进行自我完善。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times, the disaster has followed with man. As the reason of the huge geographical and the geography variable and weather condition complicated, the Chinese people are in the process of development unremittingly and against natural disasters. At the present time of the influenza virus A H1N1 spread around the world. The history of natural disasters research is more important than before.In the last years of the Ming dynasty disasters and the wars spread rapidly. The dieters in the transfer of governments and the structural changes have not been studied. The paper has wrote from being based on the historical basis, using quantitative analysis and quantitative research methods, combining the Liaodong area reconstruction level Ming FDD Liaodong are and reviewing the Liaodong area of Ming FDD distribution characteristics and harm . I take the Ming government to compare with and Qing in paving the Liaodong area of natural disasters to different measures, lucubrating about disasters of social change, explaining the occurrence and development of the disaster by social factors in the social and political structure and the change and finally the important influence.The paper studies disasters about the distribution of characteristics and disaster in the Liaodong area of the Ming dynasty by existing academic achievement and the historical data.71 years at the end of the Ming dynasty, the floods and droughts occurred 34 times, including floods for 16 times, and drought for 18 times, flood 7 times and drought 6 times in drought and water logging index to 1 and flood 9 times and drought 12 times in drought and water logging index to 2. Drought is more serious than flood by the extent of the damage. From the degree of disaster, the late stage is worse than the earlier stage but the intermediate stage is worse than any other stage. The disaster made the agricultural economy almost collapse in this region. The plane of living is very lowly for the man in the street. Social contradictions and conflicts were escalating constantly. Social unrest was more serious than ever. To cope with the Liaodong area of flood and drought disasters, the government has adopted a series of measures. The main ways were tax cuts, relief, temporary the port trade open, pay-to-play politics by grain and commercial disaster relief. However, the Ming dynasty government relief measures were mainly concentrated in the period of the Emperor Wanli. And the government relief measures aimed at several serious disasters. Although the famine was still constantly between the Emperor Tianqi and Emperor Chongzhen, the government relief records were rarely. Because of the official’s corruption, the government cannot achieve ideal result disaster relief. Those people who had been living in Liaodong sought fled to survive to Jianzhou statehood. Finally, as the government without the management and the prestige, they lost the regime in Liaodong region.Likewise, faced with the same disaster test, level of economic development backward Jurchens’ situation was more embarrassed than other ethnic group. Play the advantage of national martial hunting Ming and North Korea as the choices of they plundered the most directions to resolve disaster. The government also made full use of the disaster, they turned the national crisis and internal to contradictions into external nationality contradiction. They enhanced the strength of themselves and weakened his opponent’s strength in the war. Depending on war and plundering to cope with the disasters process, the Jurchens were gradual to undertake the responsibility of feudal society. Finally Jurchens took the Liaodong area regime.Through the Liaodong area Ming FDD and social and political changes in the structure the studies, we can concluded: Between disasters and society are the kind of interaction and the mutual influence factors of social relations, social factors will have a profound impact on natural disasters. Meanwhile, natural disasters will also have a profound impact on social and natural disasters; social will push for more effectively with disaster and gradual improvement.However, the historical research of humanistic concern is the most fundamental. Although disaster from a sense of social development has some, we can not be as the opportunity in social development. In the Ming dynasty, many people lost their homestead in war and disasters, and they felt pain worse than death. The social development should not return for this price. It’s purpose of the research on history of disasters in history should aims to mirror, pay attention to people’s life and disaster-reduction, guarantee the stability and promote the steady development of social health, not in the disaster of passive negative development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】K248.3
  • 【下载频次】106

