

Problems of Democratic Appraisal in Choosing and Appointing Communist and Administrative Leaders and Their Countermeasures Research

【作者】 王爱民

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “民主测评”作为党政领导干部选拔任用工作的一项重要的制度和方法创新,是党的干部工作的重要实践成果和制度成果。作为干部选拔任用过程中的重要程序和基础环节,是党的群众路线在干部选拔任用工作中的生动体现和具体运用,是落实群众对干部选拔任用的知情权、参与权、选择权、监督权的重要载体和途径,是干部人事制度改革的重要内容和环节,也是匡正选人用人风气、不断提高选人用人公信度、努力建设高素质干部队伍的迫切需要。但是由于认识层面的偏差和实践层面的不完善,“民主测评”所蕴涵的价值和意义还没有在实践中充分彰显和体现,需要不断地探索和完善。本文就是想通过对干部选拔任用中“民主测评”实施的背景、“民主测评”的历史发展、工作实施的现状回顾与分析,从理论层面分析其价值和意义,并力图对解决实行“民主测评”中存在的问题提出对策意见,以使“民主测评”这一制度创新在实践层面得以不断完善,实现其最初制度设计的初衷,真正在干部选拔任用工作中发挥最大的实际功效。“民主测评”源于干部人事制度改革实践,经历了“实践、认识、再实践、再认识”这样的一个认知过程。本文在积极吸收和充分借鉴许多党建理论工作者和组织人事干部研究成果的基础上,综合运用参阅文献资料、实例分析并结合工作实践等多种研究方法,从理论和实践两个层面进行系统的研究,把干部选拔任用中“民主测评”的价值和意义放在推行党内民主的大环境背景下,研究“民主测评”的产生、发展和对策走向,从理论和实践两个层面阐述“民主测评”在干部选拔任用中的价值和意义,同时针对“民主测评”在制度规定方面存在的缺陷和在实践中存在的不足,提出对策意见,有的放矢,对不断改进和完善选拔任用干部工作提出个人的观点,由此推动增强这个制度规定的有效性,实现它在实践中功能的最大化,为理论界和组织人事部门提供具有一定参考价值的意见。

【Abstract】 To choose good cadres and appoint them well, both good systems and good methods are needed. As an important innovation of the system and the method to choose and appoint communist and administrative cadres, democratic assessment is an important system for cadres to work for the masses. It embodies concretely that the principle, according to which the Communist Party supervises cadres, is kept and the way in which the Communist Party supervises cadres is improved. This system and method roots in the reform practice of cadres personnel system, and manifests its value and significance in the practice. As a method to understand the masses’opinion, to dredge democratic channels and hear the basic level opinion, democratic apprasal is an effective form to widely ask for and collect public opinion and assess cadres objectively , justly and accurately. It embodies the advantages of maneuverability in the concrete practice. It can be conveniently organized , actualized , quantized , counted and gathered together, analyzed comprehensively. It plays a positive and accelerative role in magnifying the democracy in cadres’work, strengthening the construction of the cadres styles, holding back officials’corruption and advancing the democratic construction of the Communist Party. However, there exist warp in understanding, imperfection in practice and insufficiency of appointing the assessment results . Moreover, some related systems are not perfect and do not match, which badly influences the exertion of the role of democratic assessment. Therefore, it is truely a problem which needs to be solved urgently to scientifically and effectively organize democratic assessment, to make full appoint of the strong points and avoid the weak points, to exert its function in choosing and appointing cadres.Many theorists and cadres in organization and personnel departments have done thorough and meticulous research into the method to choose and appoint cadres through democratic assessment. They have achieved some positive theoretic fruit and exerted positive and accelerative role in improving and strengthening democratic assessment. Most of the past comprehensive researches into the choosing and appointing leaders and cadres technically dealt with the disadvantages of democratic assessment and how to further improve it and exert its function. And they did not give enough analysis of its value and significance and they did not probe into its historical development. Articles about systematic researches both in theory and practice could hardly be seen. Hereby, this article focuses on the value and significance of democratic assessment which is used in choosing and appointing cadres while talking about the large circumstances of pushing democracy of the Communist Party. It expatiates the value and significance of democratic assessment in choosing and appointing cadres. Meanwhile, it puts forward some countermeasures, opinions and suggestions for the disadvantages of the system and its weak points in practice. It also advances some personal opinions about how to improve and perfect democratic assessment so that it may promote strengthening the efficiency of the system, fully realize its function in practice and provide some valuable reference opinions for the theorists and the organization and personnel departments.This article includes five parts:Exordium. It defines the connotation and the extention of democratic assessment mentioned in this article, mainly dealing with the purpose, significance and background of the chosen problem and summarizing the past researches actuality. It puts forward the research method and the train of thought and points out the problems that needs to be solved and the innovations.The first part of the article analyzes the historical development and the realistic background of democratic assessment. It mainly expatiates the appearance and the step-by-step implementation of democratic assessment which are based on Chinese Party Central Committee’s attaching importance to developing democracy of the Communist Party, the appearance of the large circumstances of deepening the reform of cadres personnel system, the practice and exploration of the leading Party group at the basic level, and the building up and the continuous perfection of the related systems to choose and appoint cadres in the Communist Party. Moreover, starting from Third Plenary Meeting of the 11th Session of CPC, it describes the course that democratic assessment develops from the exploration and attempt at the basic level to being extended progressively and still to summarization and the support in terms of system, and finally to the continuous improvement and perfection at the system level. It lays a foundation for the following dissertation and analysis. The second part discusses the value and significance of democratic assessment. From many different angles of view, it analyzes the values and significance of democratic assessment , including carrying through the masses course, solving the problems of choosing cadres, improving the credibility in choosing and appointing cadres, advancing the reform of cadres personnel system, strengthening the construction of cadres’styles, preventing and correcting the bad practice in appointing cadres, holding back the officials’corruption, and advancing the construction of democracy of the Communist Party.The third part points out the problems that exist in the implementation of democratic assessment and analyzes their causes. It points out the problems in terms of thinking and understanding, the concrete manipulation link, and the actual function. It also deeply analyzes the subjective and objective causes of the problems and provides foundations for solving problems and bringing forward countermeasures.The fourth part advances some countermeasures to implement democratic assessment and cause it to function more effectively. According to the problems and the causes, it puts forward some methods , opinions and suggestions , including those to improve cognition in terms of concept, those to strengthen norm in terms of system, those to carefully organize in terms of work, those to perfect procedure in terms of process, those to summerize experience, and those to strengthen supervision in terms of result. Democratic assessment originates from the reform practice of cadres personnel system and experiences the development logic of“practice, cognition, practice again, cognition again”. People experience a cognition process which continuously improve and perfect when they meet and practise democratic assessment just as they did when democratic assessment came into being. We should pay close attention to this key obstructive factor that influences the full exertion of the role of democratic assessment, work hard on improving and perfecting systems and properly carrying out systems, convincingly build up the science , authenticity and validity of democratic assessment, and continuously improve the credibility of choosing and appointing cadres.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】538

