

Investigation and Research of the Ecological Environment Based on 3S in West Jilin Province

【作者】 薛莉

【导师】 刘万崧;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林省西部地区属于温带大陆性半湿润半干旱地区,旱涝灾害较多,生态环境比较脆弱,是生态环境变化的敏感区,因此成了学术界、环保界、政府部门等关注的焦点。对吉林省西部生态环境问题的研究较多。土地三化(沙化、盐碱化、土地退化)问题、生物多样性问题、草原退化问题,旱涝灾害问题等都是研究的重点问题。本文在总结大量国内外相关文献,运用“土地利用/土地覆盖变化”理论和“3S”技术,解译了1980年、1995年、2000年、2004、2006年和2008年卫星遥感数据,并以2004年为例开展了野外核查工作,调查分析了吉林省西部地区的土地(包括耕地、林地、草地、水域、建筑用地和未利用土地)利用和覆盖变化情况,以《生态环境状况评价技术规范(试行)》为指导,以吉林省西部生态环境为研究对象,计算了这六个时期数据的生物丰度指数、植被覆盖指数、水网密度指数、土地退化指数和环境质量指数,以及吉林省西部以上各时期的生态环境状况指数和分级,并分析了吉林省西部地区生态环境变化情况以及原因。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the world population growth and global and regional economic development, structural problem such as“Population, Resources, Food and Environment”has become a global common problem. In particular, the strengthening of human activity, activities of regional expansion, making natural ecosystems are increasingly affected by the interference of human behavior.Ecological environmental degradation, natural disasters increased have seriously affected the smooth development of human society.Ecological environment is closely related to human survival and development of the environmental foundation, which is the eco-system and the organic combination of environmental systems, including biological and abiotic ecological factors of the ecological factors, such as vegetation, water, land, climate, physical geography conditions and artificial conditions; while the eco-environmental investigation is to use effective methods, in time or space within a specific geographical area or ecosystem eco-system polymer type, quantity, structure and function, etc. in one or more elements of regular, systematic measurement and observation process, and its aim is to establish the effects of each factor in the environment and ecological system in place to reflect the relationship between the ecosystem in order to eventually achieve the status and development trend of the evaluation and prediction.This study ,concluding a large number of domestic related literature, used theory of“land use / land cover change”,and based on“3S”technology,guiding by《Eco-environment assessment of technical specifications (for trial implementation)》,as a guide for regional eco-environmental evaluation of the application requirements, as the research object of the ecological environment in western Jilin Province, investigated and researched the ecological environment in western Jilin Province by different time and space scales , in line with practical, science, advanced principles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

