

【作者】 冯婕

【导师】 周仁魁; 赵建科;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着光电经纬仪在武器装备与空间防御系统中发挥的作用越来越大,对它的跟踪性能以及测角精度要求也在不断的提高。如何在室内更加准确的测量光电经纬仪的跟踪性能以及测角精度等关键技术指标,成为目前急需解决的问题。传统的正弦引导法,由于存在测量缺陷,一直无法得到最理想的测量结果。为了适应工程测量的需要,得到光电经纬仪关键技术指标的最佳测量结果,我们研制出一种光学动态靶标,可以通过与被测光电经纬仪同步环境下,调整靶标旋转角速度大小和旋转方式,就可以模拟出不同运动状态下的空间运动目标。本文就是根据此靶标的设计将靶标模拟出的不同运动状态下的室内运动目标作为真值,提出一种基于光学动态靶标检测光电经纬仪测角精度的方法。这是一种室内提高检测光电经纬仪静态与动态精度的工程应用方法。根据误差理论可知,只有当检测设备的精度高于被检设备精度的3倍以上时,才可以用于测量。因此,本文在提出检测光电经纬仪动态测角精度方法的同时,结合此靶标,提出一种光学动态靶标精度实时标定方法——面阵CMOS实时判读法。它的精度标定过程与靶标实际运动过程完全一致,并且可以实时采样。本文还结合LABVIEW软件,对光学动态靶标与光电经纬仪之间空间位置关系进行了仿真模拟,得到靶标在不同角速度参数条件下的空间目标方位角速度、角加速度以及俯仰角速度、角加速度大小值。由于CCD具有重量轻、体积小、功耗低、寿命长、灵敏度高以及动态范围宽等特点,并且当判读引入亚像元细分法等技术以后,大幅度提高了脱靶量判读精度,目前CCD已经大部分取代过去的胶片,作为新一代的光电接收媒介。光电经纬仪动态测角误差源发生了相应的变化,为此,本文在讨论光学动态靶标检测光电经纬仪动态测角精度前,还对它的误差源进行了分析。本文的研究工作对提高光电经纬仪测角的室内检测精度,将具有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 Requirement for tracking performance and angle measurement accuracy of photoelectric theodolite constanly improve as the importance of photoelectric theodolite in weapon equipment and space defense system.How to precisely measure tracking performance and angle measurement accuracy of photoelectric theodolite in dooe enviroment becomes an important problem.The method of sinusoidal guidance can not get ideal result because of existing defects in measurement. We study a kind of optical dynamic target which can simulate space moving object by adjusting speed of optical dynamic target.A new goniometric methods is proposed in this paper according to this dynamic target.It is a new high precision method for dynamic testing angle precision measurement in engineering application.According to error theory, the accuracy of testing equipment need higher than the tested photoelectric theodolite 3 times,therefore,a method for real-time accuracy calibration of optical dynamic target is proposed in this paper.The method not only calibrate the stability under no change the real working environment of the optical dynamic target situation ,but also it can achieves 360 degree range inner calibration.This paper also simulate space position of optical dynamic target and photoelectric theodolite with LABVIEW software, angular velocity and angular acceleration of azimuth and pitch obtained eventually.CCD camera has a lot of advantages such as light-weight、small volume、low power dissipation、long-life、high sensitivity and wide dynamic range and so on, in addition,sub-pixel subdivision technology introduced interpretation greatly improve interpretation precision of miss target value. CCD camera has substituted photographic film at present as a new generation photoelectric receiving media,dynamic angel measurement error changed, therefore, this paper analyse it before discussing dynamic measuring angle .Reserching work for this paper have a certain guiding significance for improve precision of dynamic measuring angle of photoelectric theodolite.


