

Teaching Practice and Theory Study of the Public Sports Basketball in Jinan City Colleges and Universities

【作者】 张振德

【导师】 王嵊海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 篮球运动是深受广大学生喜爱的运动项目,是高校体育课程主要内容之一。然而长期以来,济南市高校公共篮球课教学模式、教学方法一直是传统的按班就绪,以技术教学、技能培养为主导,注重教学形式、结构、内容、方法、考核、评价等的统一性与标准化。但在当前国家体育赋予高校体育新目标与要求的情况下,这种教学模式和方法的局限性和片面性便显现出来。传统的篮球课教学是对学生进行篮球运动的基本技术、基本战术等的教学,这一些已经引不起学生的学习兴趣,因为参加篮球选项课学习的学生,大多数学生已经掌握了一定的篮球技术,他们对篮球最基本的技术的学习已不再感兴趣,同时我们对学生的要求不再是让他们掌握十分精确的篮球技术、篮球战术,学生要求是在课堂有限的时间内,尽可能地享受篮球带来的乐趣,并最大可能进行锻炼,增强身体素质,所以学生希望在篮球课上,能让他们更多的参与运动,而且学生也希望在篮球课上,更多地进行篮球比赛;同时学生对教师要求是能对他们的比赛进行指导,或者参与到他们的教学比赛中,在比赛的同时,对他们进行技、战术的指导,从而在篮球教学比赛中掌握和提高篮球的基本技术和战术配合。篮球运动是集体项目,集体性的特点使得人们可以在参与篮球运动的过程中建立人与人的和谐配合;熏陶人的团结合作精神;培养人的顽强、自信的品质;不重复的组合技术锻炼人的创新意识和能力。参与、合作、尊重差异、体验成功等篮球运动的这些特征最能体现现代体育课程改革的方向。所以,在篮球课教学中采取俱乐部型的教学模式、分层次教学以及以学生为中心、教师为主导的教学方法是篮球课教学的新思路。教师在面临新课程改革时,除了要认真解读、领悟新课程体系中蕴涵的思想,还要树立正确的教育观念。因此,要求教师在接受各种培训基础上,还应根据新课程的要求,及时转变自身观念,调整教学模式和教学方法。新课程体系下,学校的教学模式以及教师的教学方法,首先要立足于学生的身心发展(终身体育发展),着重于学生的创新精神和实践能力的培养。其次,新课程倡导教师教学的共性以及个性化。共性化是教师积极地研究教材,对教学模式以及教学方法进一步探讨,得到一个新的普适标准。个性化是每个教师不断的提高自身素养和技能,以自己的实际行动感悟学生,同时教师个人要进行教学反思,不断的完善自己的教学方法和手段。因此,新的教学模式及教学方法是以学生为中心,创建一个快乐体育的理念,这也是新课程标准和新教材的需要。快乐体育是以学生的兴趣爱好和体育需求为中心,通过课程设计来逐渐培养学生自发自主进行体育锻炼的能力,逐步理解体育锻炼的必要性,养成科学健身的良好习惯。从而促使学生身心和谐发展,形成正确的体育价值观,实现全面育人和科学育人的教育思想。所以,快乐体育是顺应时代发展的需要,是满足学生的主体需要,是发挥教师能动性的需要,是因地制宜发展学校体育的需要。因此,本课题提出,济南市高校应顺应时代的发展和学生的需求,尝试公共篮球课教学以篮球俱乐部为教学模式、分层次教学,也就是以学生为主体、教师参与指导的教学方法。在篮球课上实行分层次教学,学生根据自己的身体素质水平、运动技术水平、运动能力和自身发展目标,自主选择不同层次水平的教学环境进行学习。由于学生篮球运动能力及体育基础的不同,“分层次”教学,在教材设置上强调因人而异,不搞一个模式,一个标准,有针对性地组织学生进行教学活动,从而减少由于运动水平的差异给教师教学带来的困难和给学生造成心理上的压力。按照学生能力对学生进行分层次教学,每个层次中学生具有相同的教学目标,为实现自己的目标,学生之间合作与交往就更容易,学生之间的关系也更融洽,有利于形成宽松、和谐、团结的课堂氛围,提高班集体的凝聚力。同时,解决了教学上学生“吃不饱”和“吃不了”的矛盾,是对因材施教的教学原则进一步深化,体育教学应给不同层次的学生提供适合自己特点的全面发展机会。由此,我们从中来观察思考公共篮球课教学目标、教学内容、教学评价,希望能够在以后的篮球课教学中得到一些启迪。

【Abstract】 Basketball is the popular and favorite sport for the students and is one of the major college sports programs. However, a long time, the teaching modes and methods in Jinan city public colleges and universities have been traditional and well-sequenced. In general, technology teaching and skills development are oriented, focusing on the unity and standardization for teaching methods, contents and evaluation. But, according to the current national sports new goals and requirements, the limitations and one-sidedness of this kind of the teaching model and method become apparent.The traditional methods are teaching the students the basic skills and tactics of basketball, which do not arouse too much interest in basketball study. Because the most students participating in basketball lessons have mastered a certain amount of basketball skills, they learn the most basic skills basketball is no longer interested. Moreover, they will no longer be required to equip them with a very precise basketball skills and tactics. The students demand is to enjoy the fun of basketball sport and enhance physical fitness as much as possible in the limited classroom time. Therefore, students hope to allow them more participation in sports and give them some guidance in matches. Also, they hope the teachers can participate in the basketball matches and can carry out technical and tactical guidance to improve basketball basic technical and tactical coordination at the same time.Basketball is a collective project which makes it possible to participate in basketball to establish harmony with human beings, the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, and cultivate people’s tenacity, self-assured quality, the sense of innovation and ability. Participation, cooperation, respect for differences and experience the success of these basketball features can best embody the modern sports curriculum reform. Therefore, the method of teaching basketball is to take the club-based teaching model, which is divided into difference level and student-centered, teacher-dominant way of teaching new ideas for teaching basketball.In the face of the new curriculum reform, teachers not only carefully read and understand the system new ideas, but also establish a correct concept of education. Therefore, this requires the teachers receive a variety of training. Moreover, according to the new curriculum requirements, teacher should be timely change concepts and adapt their teaching models and methods. The new curriculum system, schools teaching models and teachers teaching methods, firstly, is based on physical and mental development of students and focusing on students in the innovative spirit and practical ability. Secondly, the new curriculum calls for teaching commonness as well as individuality development. Commonness is that teachers study schoolbook and further investigate teaching models and methods in order to get a new universal standard. Personalization is that each teacher constantly improve their own qualities and skills, in which their actual actions insights students. And also teachers should be teaching personal reflection in order to continually improve their own teaching methods and means. Therefore, new teaching models and methods are student-centered and create a happy idea of sport, which are the new curriculum standards and the need for new textbooks.A happy sport is the center of student’s hobbies and sports demand. According to the adoption of curriculum design, students exercise self-autonomous ability and an understanding of the necessity of physical exercise are developed, in order to develop science and good fitness habits. These deeply contribute to the harmonious development of physical and mental and form a correct physical value, which achieves a comprehensive and science education ideology. So, happy sport is the need for development of the times and to meet the main needs of the students. Moreover, it is the need for teacher’s dynamic role and for the development of local school sports.Therefore, the issue raised, Jinan municipal colleges and universities should go with the development of the times and the needs of the students try teaching in the public Basketball club as the teaching model, at different levels of teaching, also as the main body of students, teachers involved in guidance of teaching methods. In basketball class, different levels of teaching is implemented, which the students can choose different levels of teaching and learning environment according to their own level of physical fitness, sports skills, athletic ability and self-development goals. Because the students’basketball skills and physical basis is different, "sub-level" teaching emphasizes that teaching materials set up varies, not to engage in a pattern, a standard. This model is targeted for teaching different students in order to reduce the teaching difficulties for the teachers and the caused psychological stress for the students. Based on the student’s ability to teaching at different levels, each level of the students have the same goal. To achieve their own goals, cooperation and exchanges among students is much easier and students are also more harmonious relationship between the conducive to the formation of loose, harmony, unity and classroom atmosphere, enhancing the cohesion of the collective class. At the same time, this model avoids the contradiction“enough" and“insufficiency," for students, which is further deepen the principles of individualized instruction. Physical education should be given to students at different levels to provide suitable opportunities for the comprehensive development of its own characteristics. As a result, from the observation and reflection of public basketball teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching evaluation, some inspiration can be obtained for the teaching basketball in the future.

  • 【分类号】G807.4;G841
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】528
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