

【作者】 尤利英

【导师】 王从仁;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 无论从学术史的回顾还是宋诗的发展脉络来看,王禹偁及其诗文研究,长期以来未引起学界的广泛关注,这其中的原因很多,一些宋诗研究的前辈曾作过较精辟的分析。近年来,随着宋学研究的不断升温,关于作家作品的解读呈现多元化趋向,特别是社会学、民俗学、民族学甚至是心理学研究方法的介入,为多视角分析作家与解构作品提供了另类思路。在此背景下,有着“纵横吾宋”美誉的王禹偁诗文研究日渐勃兴。本文试以王禹偁一生的游历行为为基点,以具体游历作品为支撑,以其本人自述、自序及宋人若干笔记史料为佐证,以《传记》、《年谱》、《诗歌编年》为依据,另辟蹊径,通过对其游历范围的厘定、物质条件的推定、游历诗歌创作的阶段性、承继性以及以意象为基点的独特艺术境界的创设分析等,企图揭示与还原传统研究视角以外更富含真情、更近乎真实的王禹偁,从而为多元视阈下的王禹偁研究提供新的视角和思路,并探析其在宋代游历文学史中的地位。通过分析可以发现,“平生诗句多山水,谪宦谁知是胜游”的王禹偁,不仅开拓了宋诗,尤其是宋代游历诗歌创作的新境界,同时,以山水倡复古道、以自然驱散颓靡,对于绮靡风气盛行的五代、宋初诗坛,起到了矫易时弊、首开风气的作用,其创作理念与实践均站在诗文革新的最前沿;以“三黜”为代表的贬谪游历生涯中凝结的罢黜纪游情怀,对宋代特殊的贬谪游历文化、游历心理以及同体诗歌风貌走向产生了重要影响。与此同时,通过在游历文学史中地位的还原,从高度、宽度、长度和精度四维客观评价其游历作品,并初探其诗歌弊病的根由。

【Abstract】 Whether from the history of academic review or the development of Song poetry, the study of Wang Yucheng and his poetry, has not caused widespread concern in academic circles for a long time.There are many reasons for that. A number of senior researchers of Song poetry made more incisive analysis of it. In recent years, with the rising of studying of Song poetry, the interpretation of a writer and his works tend to diversify, especially in sociology, folklore, ethnology and even the intervention of psychologyical research methods,which offers alternative ideas for the multi-angle analysis of writers and the deconstruction of their works. Under this background,the research of Wang Yucheng who had a reputation of "China- Song dynasty" and his works is growing emergence.This article bases on Wang Yucheng’s travel of his lifetime, with the support of specific travel works and his own readme, preface and a number of historical notes of Song dynasty.On the basis of "biography", "Chronicle", "poetry for years", it opens a new way. Through the determination of the scope of his travels, the presumption of the material conditions , the inheritance and stages of the creation of travel poetry, and the creative analysis of the unique artistic realm , it attempts to reveal and restore a Wang Yucheng who is more rich than the truth, but also near-real than from the traditional perspective.Thus offers a new perspective and ideas for the research of Wang Yucheng.Through analysis, we can find sush a Wang Yucheng ,"He created many verses about mountains and rivers in his life, he lso found that it was a great chance to travel after dismissed." He not only opened up the Song poetry,but especially explored a new realm of the Song poetry. At the same time , the advocacy of ancient ways by landscape and the dispersion of stumbles with nature have helped in correcting problems and opening the first role of culture in Five Dynasties and early Song poetry where the atmosphere of erosion was very popular. His creative concept and practice of poetry are standing on the forefront of innovation. His travel feelings of relegation which condensed with the representative of "the three dismiss "in his travelling, had a major impact on the special culture of relegation and psychology, as well as on the development of similar poetry in Song Dynasty. At the same time, through the reduction of the poetic and travelling literature, it objectively evaluats the works of his travels from the height, width, length and of the accuracy of four-dimensional.Thus find the root of the causes of the ills in his poetry.

【关键词】 王禹偁游历阶段性意象弊病
【Key words】 Wang Yuchengtravelstageimageryills
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】268

