

The Research about Suzhou’s Wen’s Family Writers in the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 张小波

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 明代苏州文氏家族以文、艺兼修传家,是当时颇具特色的文化世家。其家族成员大多诗文书画兼善,亦有专攻一艺者。本文侧重于对其诗文的考察。故从文氏家族成员作家的身份切入,对其生平、交游、诗文做比较全面的考察。本文以其家族的世系为行文线索,以图展现其家族文学从肇始到鼎盛直至沉寂的全貌。因此,本文主体部分共分为四章。第一章对标志着文氏家族文学初兴的文洪、文林、文森做较全面的考察。每人单列一节,并在每节后附其行年简表。第二章对其家族文学艺术创作的顶峰——文徵明做详细的考察。以其生平、交游、思想、诗文分别列节,进行专门阐述。由于已有多本《文徵明年谱》问世,故不再附其行年简表。第三章对延续其家族文艺传统的文彭、文嘉、文肇祉等人做较全面的考察。此三人分别专节论述,而同时期的其他成员则附在其后。同时,每节后又附其行年简表。第四章对明末文氏家族作家进行研究。这一时期的代表人物是文震孟、文震亨,因此,此二人都有专节论述。而以文秉为代表的其他气节之士则共列一节。同时,每节后又分别附其行年简表。本文前有绪论,后有余论。绪论简述文氏家族成员文艺活动概况,并分析当前研究现状。余论探究了其家族的文化特征,并对其家族文艺兴盛的原因进行了简要分析。

【Abstract】 In the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou’s Wen’s family was expert in Literature and the Arts. And this feature passed on from generation to generation. At that time, the family was a unique culture family. The most of this family members were good at Literature and the Arts, of course, there was somebody was proficient in an art. This article focuses on their poems and prose. So this thesis cuts from Wen’s family members’writer identity to research their life, friendship, poems and prose.This thesis takes the pedigree of Wen’s family as the clue, in order to show the whole picture about this family Literature’s development. And it is divided into four chapters.Chapter One researches Wen Hong, Wen Lin, Wen Sen, who symbolized Wen’s family Literature’s Early-hing. There are their“life tables”behind themselves.Chapter Two researches Wen Zhengming who was Wen’s family Literature’s peak.This Chapter is divided into four parts, such as“life”,“friendship”,“thoughts”,“poems and prose”. Because there have been some kinds of Wen Zhengming Chronicle, so there was not his“life table”.Chapter Three researches Wen Peng, Wen Jia, Wen Zhaozhi, and so on, who continued their family Literature tradition. There are their“life tables”behind themselves, too.Chapter Four researches Wen’s family writers at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The representatives are Wen Zhenmeng and Wen Zhenheng. In addition, there are Wen Bing and other members, who had noble virtues. There are their“life tables”behind themselves, too.There is Introduction in front of this paper and Epilog at the back of this paper. Introduction summarizes Wen’s family members’actions in Literature and the Art, and analyzes the Research Status.Epilog explores the family’s Literature Features, and briefly analyzes the reasons why the family’s Literature can flourish.

【关键词】 明代文氏家族作家诗文
【Key words】 Ming DynastyWen’s familywriterpoems and prose

