

【作者】 田培培

【导师】 曹晓卫;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 物理化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类环境保护意识的增强和可持续发展思想的深入,对缓蚀剂的开发和应用也提出了新的要求,围绕性能和经济目标研究开发对环境不构成破坏作用即环境友好型缓蚀剂成为未来缓蚀剂的研究发展方向。本论文就是以此为基础,对金属铜环境友好型缓蚀剂展开研究:氨基酸作为环境友好型缓蚀剂已有研究。我们用电化学交流阻抗技术表征了各种氨基酸在0.6MNaCl溶液中对金属铜的缓蚀性能。研究结果表明氨基酸表现了优良的缓蚀效能,其中半胱氨酸的缓蚀效率最高为63.93%。定量构效关系研究结果表明缓蚀效率和缓蚀剂分子羧羟基上氧原子和羰基上氧原子的电荷量有关。组氨酸是典型的碱性氨基酸。我们主要运用电化学方法研究讨论在氯化钠和硝酸钠溶液中组氨酸对金属铜的缓蚀作用,着重考察了电极浸入时间对电极-溶液界面的影响。研究结果表明,缓蚀剂L-组氨酸对于铜电极在NaNO3和NaCl溶液中均具有一定的缓腐蚀效果。金属铜电极浸入溶液中0.5h至4.5h之间,时间越长,金属铜电极表面吸附的缓蚀剂分子就越多,缓蚀膜越致密。核酸碱基腺嘌呤作为核酸的重要组成部分也是一种优良的绿色缓蚀剂。我们借助于电化学以及SERS光谱技术,对于以分子自组装技术制备的腺嘌呤分子SAMs应用于金属铜缓蚀的电化学特征和分子吸附结构的光谱表征进行了研究。研究结果表明腺嘌呤自组装单分子膜对金属铜起到了良好的缓蚀作用,尤其在中性溶液中高达99%。在不同的酸碱性溶液中,腺嘌呤分子在铜电极上的吸附构型不同。溶液酸性逐步增强的过程中,伴随着分子的质子化程度的提高,铜表面腺嘌呤分子的吸附构型将逐步由直立转向平躺。这一转变过程通过腺嘌呤的环呼吸全对称伸缩振动的特征谱峰其强度有规律的显著变化而得以表征。

【Abstract】 Along with enhanced awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development, there will be new demands on the development and application of corrosion inhibitor. Among them environment-friendly corrosion inhibitors should be the desired ones due to the consideration and need for the purpose of sustainable development our society in the future.On base of this, in this paper, we do research as follows on environmentally friendly copper corrosion inhibitor:As environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors, amino acids have been studied here. We use electrochemical AC impedance technology to study copper corrosion in 0.6MNaCl solution with various amino acids. The results show that the amino acids showed excellent corrosion performance, in which cysteine inhibition efficiency up to 63.93%. The calculation results show that the corrosion inhibition efficiency is related with molecular structure.Histidine is a typical one of basic amino acids. We discuss the corrosion inhibition of histidine on copper electrode using electrochemical methods in solution of sodium chloride and sodium nitrate. The study focused on the impact of electrode modification time to the electrode/solution interface structue. The results show that the inhibitor L-histidine for copper electrode in the medium NaNO3 /NaCl alleviate some corrosion effects. when copper electrode immersed in solution between 0.5h to 4.5h, the longer the time of immersed the copper electrode surface more of the inhibitor molecule, the more dense membrane corrosion.Nucleic acid bases adenine, as an important component of the nucleic acid is also a good green inhibitor. We use molecular self-assembly technology to prepare adenine molecular SAMs. In this research , surface enhanced Raman scattering(SERS)technique is used to obtain the information about conformation and structure changes of adenine molecules adsorbed on copper surface when solution pH was changed.The results obtained here reveal that with increasing of protonation degree of adenine molecules as a result of lowering in solution pH ,the adsorotion configurations of adenine molecules on copper will transfer from its originally vertical adsorption configuration at high pH to a flat adsorption configuration at low pH . This change was characterized by the relative intensity variation of a characteristic band,which is corresponding to the totally symmetrical ring breathing vibration of adenine molecules,with solution pH.


