

【作者】 张方平

【导师】 郭开平;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在目前对我国古代蒙学教材的探讨中,古代蒙学教材对现代小学语文教材的编写的启示研究是十分值得关注的。通过对古代蒙学的研究,有助于我们更好的理解语文教学,为我国正在进行的语文教育改革提供借鉴。本文重点对我国古代蒙学教材发展的分期及代表性教材做了详细划分和分析,同时对国内已有的相关课题的学术论文和著作进行研究,从中获取有用的信息,在前人已有的研究成果的基础上,做出一些有益的尝试与创新。文章的中心部分是我国古代蒙学的现代实践以及我国古代蒙学教材编写对现代小学语文教材编写的启示。本文由以下六个部分构成:前言,介绍了课题提出的过程,并详细介绍了在论文准备过程中从所查阅的所有学术论文和书籍中整理出的关于我国古代蒙学教材的研究综述,以此为基础提出了本课题研究的意义与创新之处。第一章,从蒙学及蒙学教材入手,界定了二者的定义,这对后面的论述很重要,所谓名正言顺。第二章,从浩如烟海的古籍中分离出有代表性的古代蒙学识字教材,然后对其历史沿革做了客观而简要的回顾,将其发展期分为三个阶段,并对每个阶段的识字教学思想,教材的编写形式、编写内容进行简要概括,总结其历史沿革过程中的规律。第三章,在第一,二部分论述的基础上,对具有开创性和代表性的识字教材《急就篇》、《千字文》、《百家姓》、《三字经》的内容、形式、识字教学思想做了详细叙述,并进行综合比较,以资佐证。第四章,现代蒙学实践及其评述。展示了现代蒙学实践的表现方式:蒙学热,经典诵读,国学启蒙和新私塾运动并发表笔者关于现代蒙学实践的看法。第五章,我国古代蒙学教材对现代小学语文教材编写的启示。首先对当今小学语文教材编写的实际情况作了解析,分析存在的问题,最后提出借鉴古代蒙学教材的编写经验,提高当今小学语文教材的编写质量。我国的语文课程改革正处在发展之中,希望籍以此论文能提供些许参考。

【Abstract】 At present, among the research on the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material in our country, the achievements of the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material are worthy of our attention. The research on the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material is helpful to deepen our understanding towards Chinese education and the nature of Chinese study, enlarge our knowledge about Chinese education, and provide a reference for our country’s Chinese education reform.This thesis discusses the development of the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material ,and emphasizes the analyzation of the representation of the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material。At the same time, the thesis pays attention to the research on academic papers and works on relative topics done in China, from which useful information is abstracted, and does some beneficial attempt and innovation on the basis of previous research achievements. The central part of the thesis is the discussion of the research of the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material , from which the characteristics of such methods are summarized to lighten the development of our country’s Chinese education.The thesis contains five parts:Preface, in this part, the proposing course of the topic for study is introduced, and the summary of the research on the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material collected in the process of preparation is fully expounded, from which the significance and innovation of the research on the topic are proposed.Part One, defines the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material;Part Two,divides the history into three parts,lastly summarizes the regular patern of the historical revolution.Part three, Based on the first and second chapters,the third chapter pay more attention to the typical ancient Chinese character Teaching Material, such as three-word essay, thousand-character essay and hundred family surnames. They play an important role in the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material. Because they complete each other in both contents and forms,they can cooperate in appliance.Not only do they take the place of character teaching material before them, but also they create the beginning of the character teaching material after them.Part four, the application of the ancient Chinese character Teaching Material,such as "Chinese studies hot", "classics reading hot "and "old - style private school hot"Part five, the compilation of primary school Chinese teaching textbooks is analyzed. This paper gives some advices on the editing of modern Chinese character teaching material.China is in the developing process of the Chinese curriculum reform, and maybe the thesis will supply some reference for it.

  • 【分类号】G629.299
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1643
  • 攻读期成果

