

Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha

【作者】 曹凌

【导师】 方广锠;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 宗教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在佛教研究的領域内,中國佛教疑偽經研究已經開展了百年,雖然曾經被忽視甚至貶低,但隨著中國佛教研究史研究的深入,其重要性越來越為學界所重。疑偽經的產生是佛教向中國傳播過程中出現的一種非常值得關注的現象,它直接反映了中國人對於佛教的接收方式、接受的内容以及中國文化對佛教的改造,是中國歷史上文化交流、文化傳播的重要見證者。中國佛教疑偽經,除了被作爲翻譯經典收入藏内,或通過民間的傳承而流傳下來的一小部分經典,絕大部分已經亡佚了,這給對於佛教學研究的開展來説是一件遺憾的事情。幸賴敦煌遺書的發現,日本、韓國古寫經的發現等等契機,從這些存留物中發現了一批疑偽經文獻,從而大大豐富了佛教研究的資料庫,對研究中國佛教發展的實態具有非常的價值。但由於這些資料比較零散,收集不易,給學者帶來了困擾,使疑偽經成爲比較難以掌握的資料。雖然已經有學者對疑偽經錄作過一定程度的整理,但是對於原始資料的整理尚沒有令人滿意的成果,本文試圖對這部分内容進行補缺的工作。此外,一些疑偽經雖然在存世的典籍中有佚文,但也還缺乏整理,掌握不易,本文也擬盡量收集佚文,便於掌握。在前言的第一部分,本文則試圖通過對中國佛教史上以佛教目錄編撰者為主的佛教學者的疑偽經觀進行考察,展現古代佛教學者對疑偽經認識及其變化過程,試圖對“疑偽經”這個概念的變遷史、佛教經錄中疑偽經錄的發展史以及古代僧人對疑偽經的評判標準等問題進行探討。通過對古代疑偽經觀的梳理,本文研究了疑偽經錄的擴大以及疑偽經意義的泛化問題,並對疑偽經判斷的標準以及古代僧人對疑偽經態度的二重性進行了研究,試圖尋找疑偽經觀變化的邏輯過程。前言的第二部分則是對百年來的中國佛教疑偽經研究進行考察,對各個時期疑偽經研究的基本關心點、學術動態以及重要著作進行總結和研究,以解明疑偽經研究的基本情況及最新的動態。本文正文的解題目錄部分則擬通過收集疑偽經相關的各方面信息加以整理,以便於學者掌握以及進行研究。在解題部分,對於各個疑偽經的成立年代、亡佚年代以及基本内容進行討論,結合前人的研究以及筆者的研究,使讀者能夠掌握這一部經典基本情況,對經典内容有大致了解。對於有文本傳世的疑偽經,則記錄其留存的形態,基本情況,以及現存的各種文本的異本情況,以及異本的系統。

【Abstract】 In the field of Buddhist studies, the study of Chinese Buddhist apocrypha has been carried out for centuries. Though overlooked and even belittled by the academic circle in the past, apocryphal scriptures are gaining more and more importance as the study of the history of Chinese Buddhism deepens. The birth of apocryphal scriptures is a phenomenon deserves paying attention to. It directly reflects how the Chinese accepted Indian Buddhism, to what extent did they accept, as well as the transformation of Buddhism under the influence of Chinese culture. The Chinese Buddhist apocrypha serve as important witnesses of cultural exchanges and cultural transmission in the course of Chinese history.Most of the Chinese Buddhist apocryphal scriptures had been lost, except for a few scriptures which had been regarded as authentic and had been collected in the Buddhist canon, and a few scriptures which had been handed down from the folks. The lost of scriptures was a pitiful thing to happen in the course of development of Chinese Buddhist studies. Fortunately, we found some apocryphal scriptures among the ancient Buddhist manuscripts recently discovered in Dunhuang, Japan and Korea. These newly discovered manuscripts greatly enrich the database of Buddhist scriptures, and are of great value to scholars studying the actual development of Chinese Buddhism. However, as the manuscripts are scattered in repositories in different countries, it is difficult for scholars to access the apocryphal texts. Even though some of the scholars have already studied ancient catalogues of Chinese Buddhist apocrypha to some extent, there is still no satisfactory result in the systemization of the original apocryphal texts. The present thesis is going to add a piece to the puzzle. In addition, although some of the apocryphal scriptures exist as extant anonymous texts in the Buddhist cannon, they receive little processing and are not readily accessible. This thesis also aims at collecting as much anonymous texts as possible in order to facilitate the study of the subject.The main body of this thesis is an annotated bibliography of Buddhist apocrypha. Through collecting and systemizing corresponding information on the apocrypha, I want to make it easier for scholars to access the texts and facilitate their research on the subject. Combining other scholars’previous studies and my own research findings, this annotated bibliography covers the date of composition, disappearing date and other basic information of each apocryphal scriptures, so that readers could get a basic idea about the scriptures and their contents. For extant apocryphal scriptures, I am going to record their existing contents, basic conditions, variety versions of each extant texts and the systems of the variety versions.

  • 【分类号】B94
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】752

