

【作者】 朱兰珍

【导师】 蒋硕亮;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 义乌是浙江省中部的一个县级市,地理位置算不上优越,然而,在短短的二十多年间,义乌成为闻名遐迩的国际性小商品集散中心,成为国内外商家投资兴业的黄金码头。小商品的飞速发展,很大程度得益于义乌市政府解放思想,不断创新市场模式。义乌经济的每一步发展,政府在发展规划和发展环境的建设方面,都发挥了十分积极的作用。政府调控有度是义乌小商品市场繁荣发展的有力保证。政府这只“有形的手”始终牢牢把握着市场资源,最终形成“有形的手”与市场“无形的手”有机地结合。义乌政府的积极有为不是表现为对微观经济过程的全面干预,更不是越俎代庖,替代市场主体去直接从事经营活动,而主要表现为通过政策的扶持、引导,来催生市场、规范市场,促进市场体系的发展和市场秩序的扩张。如今,义乌小商品市场处于发展瓶颈的“高位”,义乌市场模式克隆版全国遍布,市场的同质化竞争越来越激烈,网络经济、虚拟经济等新的经营业态不断涌现,品牌竞争加剧,义乌小商品市场的传统优势正在逐渐丧失。义乌小商品市场发展过程中,由于政府缺乏有效措施导致市场竞争不公平,产业层次较低,城市职能不完善,外资利用水平较低,缺乏高素质人才等问题。政府的正确行为无疑对市场的发展起积极的推进作用。义乌市政府应进一步引导市场加快创新步伐,推进现代经营手段和交易手段,实施品牌战略,改善投资环境,提供信息服务,规范市场秩序,调整行政体制,完善信贷体制等,确保义乌小商品市场在竞争中处于优势,并且可持续发展。

【Abstract】 As a county-level city in the middle of Zhejiang Province, Yiwu does not enjoy any geographical advantages. In less than thirty years, however, it has become a well-known international commodity distribution center and a golden commercial and transportation centre for domestic and foreign business people to make investment and start ventures. Commodity market in Yiwu has developed swiftly since Yiwu government has been making market model innovations and playing an active role in market planning and economic environment building.Proper government function contributes to the prosperity of the market. "Tangible hand" of government controls market resources and functions together with "intangible hand" of market. Active function of Yiwu government is neither overall intervention in micro economy nor direct operation in market, but to regulate and motivate market by means of policy guidance and support.At present, Yiwu Commodity Market is at the stage of "high" bottleneck, with cloning of Yiwu market all over China. Moreover, network economy and virtual economy add up to the increasing market competition. Yiwu Commodity Market is losing its traditional advantage. Due to the partial ineffectiveness of government function, Yiwu Commodity Market is facing problems such as unfair market competition, low industrial level, incomplete urban function, low utilization of foreign capital, and lack of highly-qualified personnel.Positive government function surely boosts the development of market. Yiwu government should further guide market innovation, propel modern management and trade measures, carry out brand strategy, improve investment environment, provide information service, regulate market order, adjust management system, and perfect credit system to ensure the sustainable development of Yiwu Commodity Market.

【关键词】 义乌小商品市场政府作用
【Key words】 YiwuCommodity MarketGovernment Function

