

Studies on Flora and Ecology of Bryophytes in Hangjiahu Area, Zhejiang Province, China

【作者】 李洋

【导师】 曹同;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 植物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 杭嘉湖地区(杭嘉湖平原及莫干山)是长江三角洲的重要组成部分,也是连接苏州市、无锡市、上海与杭州市的重要交通枢纽。本研究在广泛野外采集,生态样方调查和数据分析的基础上,首次对杭嘉湖地区苔藓植物区系和生态进行了专门的研究报道,为中国苔藓植物区系及长三角地区植物保护和利用提供基础资料和科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1杭嘉湖地区苔藓植物的物种多样性通过全面系统的野外调查和标本鉴定,记录杭嘉湖地区苔藓植物35科93属199种。其中杭嘉湖平原苔藓植物31科79属158种(苔类7科8属11种,藓类24科71属147种);莫干山苔藓植物29科66属133种(苔类6科7属10种,藓类23科59属123种)。发现浙江省新纪录属1个(陈氏藓属Chenia),新纪录种4个(陈氏藓Chenialeptophylla(C.M(u|¨)ll.)Zand.、北地链齿藓Desmatodon leucostoma(R.Brown)Berggr.、爪哇石灰藓Hydrogonium javanicum(Dozy & Molk.)Hilp、多姿柳叶藓Amblystegium varium(Hedw.)Lindb.),并对优势科、属进行了分析。2杭嘉湖地区苔藓植物区系地理成分及特点分别对杭嘉湖平原和莫干山两地苔藓植物区系成分进行了分析。杭嘉湖平原苔藓植物区系成分中温带、东亚和热带成分所占比例分别为39.23%、39.23%和16.16%;莫干山苔藓植物区系成分中温带、东亚和热带成分所占比例分别为37.50%、41.07%和16.08%。两区都表现出明显的从中亚热带向北温带过渡的特征。运用聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA)等方法,将杭嘉湖地区(杭嘉湖平原及莫干山)的苔藓植物区系与我国其它十二个地区比较,结果表明:杭嘉湖地区(杭嘉湖平原及莫干山)与同位于华东的苏州、上海、杭州和古田山关系最为密切,而与其它八个地区关系较为疏远。3杭嘉湖平原苔藓植物生态学研究3.1对杭嘉湖平原15个样点进行测定分析,记录苔藓植物28科63属100种。根据其相对频度,运用除趋势对应分析(DCA)排序,将15个样点大致分成2个组。第一组共10个样点,分布于嘉兴市全境和湖州市郊区,以耐旱耐人为干扰的土生直蒴藓类为主。第二组共5个样点,分布于湖州市区和余杭区,以对环境有较高要求的石、树生侧蒴藓类为主。3.2典范对应分析(CCA)的结果表明,人为干扰因素和基质是影响平原地区苔藓植物分布的主要因子,郁闭度、海拔和湿度也有一定影响。城市中的普通公园苔藓植物种类明显低于生境异质性较高的古典园林;平原边缘环境湿润、植被茂密丘陵的苔藓植物物种多样性明显高于水土流失严重、人为开发过度、环境干燥的丘陵。3.3基于杭嘉湖平原12个样点中100种主要苔藓植物的重要值,计算各种生态位宽度。大部分苔藓植物的生态位宽度较窄,因此要特别重视对苔藓植物特殊生境的保护,才能真正有效保护其多样性。4莫干山苔藓植物生态学研究4.1对海拔200m、400m、550m和700m四个海拔地带的苔藓植物进行了细致的摸查,共发现苔藓植物28科62属125种。计算各海拔地带之间的Sprensen种相似性系数表明,550m~700m的苔藓植物种相似性最高,而200m~400m的种相似性最低。此外,对冬夏两季的苔藓植物种类组成进行比较,发现莫干山苔藓植物种类组成随季节变化较大。4.2计算了莫干山4个不同海拔样点的α多样性指数,发现Shannon-Wiener指数和Patrick指数呈现出曲折性上升趋势,其中海拔400m和700m是苔藓植物物种多样性最高的两个地带,而各海拔样地的Pielous均匀度指数差异很小。计算各样点之间的β多样性指数发现,莫干山苔藓植物在海拔400~550m之间的变化速率最大。4.3根据4个样地中苔藓植物的相对频度计算出各种生态位宽度,与杭嘉湖平原一致,大部分种类生态位宽度较窄。宽度大于0.5的仅有11种。

【Abstract】 Hangjiahu Area(Hangjiahu Plain and Mogan Mountain) not only is one of the most important part in the delta of Yangtse River,but also is a important traffic hinge among Suzhou,Shanghai,Wuxi and Hangzhou cities.Based on extensive field specimen collection and ecological quadrat investigation,studies of the bryoflora and ecology of bryophytes in Hangjiahu area were undertaken for the first time.The main results are as follows:1 Characteristics of bryophytes diversity in Hangjiahu areaBased on the comprehensive investigation and identification,199 species in 93 genera and 35 families of bryophytes were reported from Hangjiahu Area.Of these, 31 families,79 genera,and 158 species of bryophytes in Hangjiahu Plain were recorded,including 7 families,8 genera,and 11 species of liverworts and 24 families, 71 genera,and 147 species of mosses;29 families,66 genera,and 133 sepecies of bryophyte in Mogan Mountain were recorded,including 6 families,7 genera,and 10 species of liverworts and 23 families,59 genera,and 123 species of mosses.Four species and one genus are new to Zhejiang Province.They are Chenia leptophylla(C. M(u|¨)ll.) Zand.、Desmatodon leucostoma(R.Brown)Berggr.、Hydrogonium javanicum (Dozy & Molk.) Hilp、Amblystegium varium(Hedw.) Lindb.and the genus of Chenia. The characteristics of dominant families and genera in Hangjiahu Area were also discussed.2 Floristic analysis of bryophytes in Hangjiahu AreaThe bryoflora of Hangjiahu Plain and Mogan Mountain were analyzed respectively.The Temperate,East Asian and Tropical elements in the bryoflora of Hangjiahu Plain account for 39.23%,39.23%and 16.16%,respectively.The Temperate,East Asian and Tropical elements in the bryoflora of Mogan Mountain account for 37.50%,41.07.%and 16.08%,respectively.Both Hangjiahu Plain and Mogan Mountain bryoflora showed a transitional characteristic from sub-tropical to northern temperate zone obviously.The results of comparison of bryoflora of Hangjiahu area with the other 12 areas in China by means of cluster analysis an PCA, according to floristic pectrums of among Hangjiahu area(Hangjiahu Plain and Mogan Mountain) and other 12 areas,showed that the bryoflora of Hangjiahu Area was close related to the those of other eastern areas,including Suzhou,Shanghai,Hangzhou and Gutian Mountain.3 Ecological study of bryophytes in Hangjiahu Plain3.1 The frequency of bryophytes in 15 sites in Hangjiahu Plain were surveyed, and 28 families,63 genus,and 100 species were recorded.Based on the frequency of btyophytes,the result of DCA showed that all of the study sites could be divided into two groups.Group One included 10 sites in Jiaxing and suburb areas of Huzhou,with abundant of xeric and anti-jamming mosses.Group Two included 5 sites in Yuhang and cantonal areas of Huzhou,with lots of pleurocarpi mosses,which growed on the trees and rocks and had high requirement to environment.3.2 The results of CCA showed that influences of human activites and natural medium were the most of important factors influencing the distribution of bryophytes in Hangjiahu Plain.The coverage,elecation and humidity are less important factors. The species of bryophytes in common parks were less than those in classical botanical gardens which contained heterogenous habitats.And the species of bryophytes in the wettish and flourishing hills more than those in dry hills which appeared water and soil erosion or immoderate exploitation.3.3 According to the frequency,the niche width of 100 main bryophytes species in the 15 sample sites in Hangjiahu Plain were calculated.It revealed that most bryophytes had very narrow niche width.Therefore,it’s necessary to pay more attention to protect the special habitats for bryophytes conservation.4 Ecological study of bryophytes in Mogan Mountain4.1 The frequency of bryophytes in 4 sample sites of different altitude in Mogan Mountain were surveyed,and 28 families,62 genus,and 125 species were recorded. The species similarity at 500m~700m was the highest,but at 200m~400m was the lowest.Besides,seasonal differences between in summer and winter are distinct.4.2 Theαbiodiversity index of four different elevation sites were calculated. Shannon-Wiener index and Patrick index showed zigzag raising.At the altitude 400m and 800m,the bryophytes had the highest species number,Shannon-Wiener index and Patrick index.But Pielous index of four different elevation sample sites were almost invariable.The fact that theβbiodiversity index at 400m~500m was the largest, suggested that there was an obvious change and alternation of bryophytes species.4.3 Based on the species frequency,the niche width of 125 main bryophytes species in the 4 sample sites of Mogan Mountain were calculated.It revealed that most bryophytes had very narrow niche width as the same as Hangjiahu Plain.Only 11 species’ niche width value were higher than 0.5.

【关键词】 苔藓植物杭嘉湖平原莫干山区系生态
【Key words】 BryophyteHangjiahu PlainMogan MountainFloraEcology

