

【作者】 李配

【导师】 朱颖;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 世界经济一体化和联动性为全球生产网络的出现和发展创造了条件。竞争加剧和成本最优化的推动使跨国公司在不断地对外寻找廉价资源进行生产,开拓全球销售市场过程,最终成为全球生产网络的主导者。汽车产业作为一个典型的全球化产业,中国要想在世界汽车行业中有立足之地,必须融入或者建立自主的全球汽车生产网络。本文从理论上分析了全球生产网络的动力机制、治理机制、知识转移和扩散机制以及产业升级的路径,通过例证的方式说明丰田汽车全球生产网络的构建策略和韩国现代汽车技术跨越式发展所带动的产业升级,结合我国汽车产业的现状和在全球生产网络中的地位,多方面为我国汽车产业升级提供理论和实践上的指导。论文共分为五章,其结构安排如下:第一章:绪论,内容包括研究的背景和意义,国内外针对全球生产网络和产业升级的研究现状,研究方法与思路以及论文的创新点。第二章:全球生产网络和产业升级的理论简介。本章梳理全球生产网络的组织结构、驱动力机制、治理机制、知识扩散和转移以及网络内的产业升级机制。第三章:介绍了汽车业跨国公司全球生产网络。从四方面进行阐述:寡头垄断局面、汽车产业集群化发展趋势、整零厂商的协作关系以及汽车业实现全球化的布局;通过例证分析丰田汽车的全球化之路以及现代汽车产业升级之路。第四章:介绍中国汽车产业发展的现状以及汽车产业现阶段所面临的问题,并分析跨国公司直接投资(FDI)对我国汽车产业融入全球生产网络的积极作用,中国汽车产业在全球生产网络中的价值等级体系,以及在全球生产网络中的地位。第五章:针对汽车产业存在的问题以及我国汽车产业所处的阶段,提出产业升级的几点建议,主要包括推进新能源汽车的研发,推动金融服务和营销市场体系的发展,整合全球生产网络,构建整零厂商配套的新模式,建立战略联盟,形成产业集群。本文的论文类型:应用研究

【Abstract】 Wlopment of the global production network. Increased competition and cost-optimized orld economic integration and interaction create the condition for the emergence and devepush multi-national companies seeking low cost resources ,at the same time open up the global market, finally becoming a global leader in the global production network. The automobile industry is a typical global industry, if China wants to have a foothold in the world auto industry giants, we must integrate or establish independent automobile production network. In theory, this article analyzes driven mechanism, governing methods, knowledge transferring and diffusion and industrial upgrading of the path. Through the example of the way explain the strategy to build the Toyota’s global production network and research on the case of introduced leapfrogging mode of Hyundai Motor how to realize industrial upgrading. Considering the current situation of China’s auto industry and the position in the GPN, providing theoretical and practical guidance for upgrading.Paper is divided into five chapters; its structure is as follows:Chapter I:Introduction. Including the background, meaning and purpose of the study, research current situation, methods and content and research framework of global production networks and industrial upgrading at home and abroad,Chapter II:The global production network theory. Analysis of the global production network of the organizational structure, different driving force , different mechanism., Knowledge transfer and knowledge diffusion. Then introducing the industrial upgrading in different driving force and governances.Chapter III: Introduced the automotive industry global production networks of transnational corporations, an analysis of its characteristics, mainly in three aspects: an oligopoly in the market, automotive industry cluster ,the synergistic relationship between manufacturers and the layout of the automotive industry globalization , analyzing the globalization of Toyota Motor and Hyundai Motor‘s industrial upgrading.Chapter IV: The main summary of the Chinese automobile industry, then analyzing the problem the automotive industry is facing. introducing the FDI on China’s auto industry into the global production network of an active role in global production networks,the path that China enter into the auto industry into the global production network , the global production networks in the value of the hierarchy.Chapter V:Introducing several suggestions about the auto industrial upgrading, including the establishment of strategic alliances, the formation of industrial clusters, integrated global production networks, setting up the whole zero-makers supporting the new model of to promote the development of the market after the car, and promote research and development of new energy vehicles.


