

Design and Implementation of an MIS for Zao Zhuang Vocational College Based on MVC Model

【作者】 徐珊珊

【导师】 张伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国教育体制的不断改革和创新,尤其是国家实施高等教育大众化以来,高职学生数量急剧增加,高职学生管理工作面临着诸多新问题、新情况。学生信息管理是各高职类大学的主要日常管理工作之一,涉及到校、系、师、生的诸多方面。随着教学体制的不断改革,尤其是学分制、选课制的展开和深入,学生日常管理工作越来越繁重、复杂。在学生管理工作中引入管理信息化可以大幅提高学生管理工作的效率和质量,对提高高校学生管理工作整体水平有着十分重要的意义。目前,大多数高等职业学校工作的信息化建设已达到了较高的水平,办公自动化、管理自动化发展的比较迅速,很多成熟的管理信息系统已得到了广泛应用,如财务管理系统、工作流系统、资产管理系统等等,都取得了很大的成功。但是,对于刚刚开办高职不久的枣庄职业学院,在高职学生管理工作方面,缺乏专门的信息管理系统。一些现有的学籍管理系统、招生管理系统、社团管理系统等与学生管理有关的小型系统存在着一定的缺陷,一方面存在着工作的重叠、重复,但另一方面又不能有效地涵盖学生工作的全部范围,所以已不能适应枣庄职业学院的自身特点和发展要求了。因此,迫切需要研制开发一款操作简单,功能强大,具有人性化,具有枣庄职业学院特色的学生管理信息系统。本论文通过对MVC架构模式的研究,充分依托枣庄职业学院校园网,实现学生信息的集中管理、分散操作、信息共享,使传统的学生管理朝数字化、无纸化、智能化、综合化的方向发展,为进一步实现完善的办公自动化系统和全校信息系统打下良好的基础。其创新点在于基于MVC架构设计实现了学生信息管理系统,使得系统具有低耦合性、高重用性、较好的可维护性和较低的生命周期成本。

【Abstract】 As China’s education system continues to reform and innovate, especially since the popularization of higher education, the number of students in colleges and universities increased dramatically. The management of college students faces many new problems, new situations. Student Information Management is the University one of the main day-to-day management, related to schools, Departments, teachers, students of various aspects. With the start and depth of the credit system and elective system, day-to-day management of student is becoming more and more complex and strenuous. The introduction of information technology to student management can increase the decision-making support management, help to improve the overall standard of the work of college students.At present, the higher education information construction work has reached a higher level, office automation and management automation has reach a high degree, many mature management information system has been widely applied, financial management systems, workflow systems, asset management system, etc. However, the specific information management system for college students is very short. Some student management system such as school management system, recruitment management system and community management system don’t focus on comprehensive management of the students, so it can’t effectively cover the full range of student work. We urgently need research and develop a simple, powerful, user-friendly management system for students.In this paper, through the study of MVC framework and fully relying on the campus network, we achieve the information of centralized management, decentralized operation and sharing. Traditional management of student has become more and more digital, paperless, intelligent and integrated. All of this lay a solid foundation for perfect office automation systems and information systems all campus. Papers innovation is based on the MVC framework to achieve the Student Information Management System that makes the system with low coupling, high reusability, better maintainability and low life cycle cost.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】446

