

The PC Desktop Management Product Selection and Implementation in Tax Authorities

【作者】 郁晶麟

【导师】 杜育根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化技术的不断进步与扩展,各种网络版计算机应用软件的推广及使用,网络技术在提高各类数据的传输效率性,数据的共享性、实现数据的集中性等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为国家财政的重要一环的税务机关,其各类税收信息更可以说是国家的命脉所在。如何有效地保护这些机密数据信息,对于局域网内安全问题、尤其是计算机终端引起的网络安全问题进行有效防护已经引起大家的重要关注。通过使用PC桌面管理软件将PC设备有效得管理起来,帮助税务机关信息部门工作人员从PC终端入手,更好得维护局域网内部的信息安全与信息质量。本文的主要内容包括:本文运用项目管理思想,先分析了局域网的安全性,并论述了税务机关内部PC桌面管理使用的必要性。然后从项目管理角度出发,详细论述了项目计划、需求分析、产品选型与评估及项目实施等各个方面。主要有,分析计算机终端安全问题以及各类安全问题产生的原因,并结合税务机关内部环境,对PC桌面管理在税务机关的使用意义提出自己的观点。在项目计划阶段,为了使项目能够按照预定的成本、进度、质量顺利完成,从工作量估计,进度计划,资源、成本、风险、质量等方面考虑,作好项目规划。在产品选型评估阶段,详细论述了税务机关对PC桌面管理产品的各类需求,从功能、质量、技术、成本、供应商五个角度出发,进行详细论述,并按照相应标准制定评估模型,随后从这五个方面对主要桌面管理产品进行详尽的评估,选择最适合税务机关的一款桌面管理产品。在项目实施阶段,从确定合同开始,对项目实施的环境、组织、方法,对最终选择的产品在税务机关的实施进行论述。最后,根据本次项目各个过程中遇到的种种问题,如工作量估算、需求分析等方面谈了作者自己的看法,总结经验,以待更好的做好PC桌面管理产品在税务机关的应用工作,并对以后类似的项目管理提供经验。

【Abstract】 With the information technology continuing to progress and expand and a variety of network version of computer application software being used and promoted, the network technology has played more and more important in improving the efficiency of various types of data transferring, data sharing and achieving the concentration of data. As an important part of the state finance the tax system, various types of tax information can be said the country’s lifelines. How to effectively protect confidential data, for LAN security issues, especially the computer terminal network security issues caused by effective protection has given rise to everyone’s major concerns.By using PC desktop management software, the management PC device will be effectively got together. And the tax authorities information department staff can start from the PC terminal to protect the information safety and information security on the internal LAN. The main contents of this article include:In this paper, project management thinking is used. Firstly the LAN security is analyzed, and then the use of the PC desktop management in the tax authorities is discussed. Then from the project management point of view, the project plan, requirements analysis, product selection and assessment and various aspects of project implementation are discussed in detail.Mainly, Analyzing computer terminal security issues and causes of all kinds of security issues, then according to the environment of the tax authorities, we put forward own point of view of the use of the PC desktop management software in tax authorities.In the project planning stage, in order for the project in accordance with a predetermined cost, schedule, risks, quality, the project planning is successfully prepared in work estimation, schedule, resources, quality and costs.In the product selection and evaluation stage, the tax authorities on the PC desktop management products for various needs, from function, quality, technology, cost, suppliers, five points of view, discussed in detail and in accordance with appropriate standards evaluation model, followed by five from the major desktop management products, a detailed assessment of the tax authorities to select the most suitable for a desktop management products.In the project implementation phase, from determining the contract, the project implementation environment, organization, methods and the implementation of the final choice of products in the tax authorities are discussed.Finally, according to various problems encountered in the process, such as effort estimation, requirements analysis etc, the author talked about his own views, to sum up experience, to do better of the PC Desktop Management products in the application of tax authorities, and provide the future management experience in similar projects.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【下载频次】50

