

A Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Secondary Vocational Students

【作者】 朱云

【导师】 张吉生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 如何有效的学习英语词汇已成为广大英语学习者关心的热点。近年来,中外语言学家们对词汇学习观念和策略进行了一系列研究,但大多数研究针对高校或中学学生,而对高职学生所做的研究相对较少。根据Gu和Johnson的词汇学习问卷最新版VLQ5,笔者设计了一份词汇学习策略问卷。研究共涉及五个方面的问题:1.高职学生英语词汇学习观念、策略总体情况如何?2.高职男女生、各专业、各年级学生英语词汇学习策略的使用是否有差异?3.词汇水平高的学生和词汇水平低的学生在观念和策略上有何差异?4.词汇学习观念和策略与学生词汇量水平之间的相关性如何?5.06-10班学生经过半年的学习后,词汇量和词汇学习策略是否有变化?有471名无锡高等师范的学生参加了问卷调查和词汇水平测试(以此作为词汇水平高和水平低的学生的依据),笔者通过统计软件SPSS对所得数据进行了统计和分析处理,得出以下结论:1.高职学生已改变了传统的词汇学习观念,认为单词应该通过上下文和实际运用学会,他们能运用元认知策略、认知策略和社交/情感策略等多种策略来学习英语词汇,但运用各种策略的总体水平偏低,介于初级水平和中等水平之间。2.女生使用策略的平均值均高于男生,即女生相对于男生来说策略运用的频率较高。高职学生在认知策略和社交/情感策略的运用频率上存在着显著的性别差异,尤其是认知策略的差异极为显著。3.会计专业学生的元认知策略和认知策略略高于电子商务专业,而社交、情感策略略低于电子商务专业。不同专业的学生在观点和策略的运用上不存在显著差异,这可能是由于本研究仅抽取了两个专业,受试面较窄。4.元认知策略、认知策略和社交/情感策略水平上的平均分呈现出随年级的升高而出现下降的趋势,一年级和二年级学生的词汇学习策略的使用和管理要好于三年级学生。在元认知策略、认知策略和社交/情感策略水平上高职一、二、三年级之间存在着显著的差异。5.高分组学生和低分组学生在元认知策略和认知策略上存在极为显著的差异,在社交/情感策略上的差异也非常显著。这说明好学生比差学生能使用更多的策略,能通过运用多种策略来帮助自己完成学习任务。6.“单词在上下文中学习”和“单词应通过运用来学习”观点与词汇量水平呈极显著正相关。而“学习单词靠死记硬背”这个观点与词汇量水平却呈负相关。所有的元认知策略与词汇量水平都呈极显著正相关,在18种具体认知策略中,有16种策略与词汇量水平呈正相关,其中大多数的策略与词汇量水平呈极显著正相关。在社交/情感策略中,降低焦虑和培养毅力与词汇量水平的相关性较强。7.跟踪研究发现,经过近一个学期的学习,学生的高频词汇水平有一定的提高。但是元认知策略和社交/情感策略的使用率都有所降低,这可能与教师缺乏指导和学生重视不够有关。而在认知策略上,大多数策略有所提高,特别是语音、运用词汇表和生词本、听觉编码、运用词根词缀有显著差异,这可能与笔者在日常的教学活动中有意识地渗入词汇认知策略有关。最后,本文提出了该研究对高职英语词汇教学的启示,该研究中存在的不足及进一步研究的思路。

【Abstract】 How to effectively learn English vocabulary has become a big concern for the majority of English learners, particularly for those in secondary vocational colleges in China. In recent years, the Chinese and foreign linguists have done a series of studies on the vocabulary learning strategies. Most of the studies aimed at college or secondary school students, while relatively few studies were concerned with vocational college students. The author designed a vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire based on Gu and Johnson’s latest version of the questionnaire VLQ5. This thesis tries to discuss the following questions:1. What is the general situation of the vocational college students using the vocabulary learning strategies in learning English vocabulary?2. What is the difference in the use of the vocabulary learning strategies between different sexes/ majors /grades?3. Do high-level students and low-level students have different English vocabulary learning ideas and use different English vocabulary learning strategies?4. What relations do English vocabulary learning strategies have with the performance in English vocabulary tests?5. After a six-month study, is there any difference of students in Class 10 in the vocabulary tests and the vocabulary learning strategies?The experiment involved 471 vocational college students from Wuxi Teachers’ College for the questionnaire and the vocabulary test (in which high-level students and low-level students are identified by the proficiency of the vocabulary test). The data are collected and analyzed by SPSS, and the conclusions are made from the study as follows:1. Vocational college students hold the beliefs that words should be learned by using or by acquiring from context, which is different from the traditional beliefs. They employ a variety of vocabulary learning strategies ranging from mcta-cognitive, cognitive to social/affective strategies, but the overall level of learning strategies in English vocabulary is lower in those who are junior strategy users, mediate strategy users or the in-betweens.2. Girls use the strategies higher than boys on average. That is say, girls use the strategies more frequently than boys. There are significant gender differences in cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies, particularly in cognitive strategies.3. The students majoring in accounting use the meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies slightly higher than the students majoring in e-commerce, while slightly less than those students in social/affective strategies. There is no significant difference between the students of different majors in beliefs and strategies.4. Meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies show the downward trend with the increased grade. That is, the first-grade and second-grade use the vocabulary learning strategies better than the third-grade students. There are significant differences in the meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies among Grade One, Grade two, and Grade Three.5. There exists significant difference in meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies between high-level students and low-level students. Difference is also shown in social / affective strategies. This suggests that high-level students use more strategies than low-level students when completing learning tasks.6. The beliefs that "words should be learned by acquiring from context" and "words should be learned by using them" turn out to have positive correlation with high frequency vocabulary test. While the belief that "learning words by memorization" shows negative correlation with high frequency vocabulary test. All of the meta-cognitive strategies are positively correlated with vocabulary test. Of all the 18 kinds of specific cognitive strategies, 16 kinds of strategies are positively correlated with vocabulary test, most of which are highly related. In the social / affective strategies, reducing anxiety and training perseverance are highly relevant with vocabulary test.7. The follow-up study finds that after half a year’s study, students have improved a certain level of high frequency vocabulary. However, meta-cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies have lower utilization rates, which may be related to the lack of teachers’ guidance and students’awareness. As for the application of cognitive strategies, especially pronounciation, the use of vocabulary list, hearing coding, and the use of word formation, show a significant difference, which may be related to the teaching of conscious cognitive vocabulary strategies in the daily activities.Finally, the pedagogical implications of the research are discussed; the limitations are mentioned and suggestions for further research are proposed.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】594

