

The Government’s Public Policy Implementation Study of D Yi Nationality Villages and Towns in Yunnan Province

【作者】 谭春霞

【导师】 陈爱平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 公共政策执行是将公共政策理念转化为实际效果、实现既定政策目标的过程。公共政策执行的环境、方式和能力,决定着政策执行的效果。中央出台的公共政策能否落实到位,取决于地方政府执行政策的力度和效度。其中,乡镇作为国家的最基层政权组织,处于国家与社会的临界点上,一方面承担着国家的重任,一方面直接面对社会的压力,是各种问题的焦点所在。就边疆少数民族地区的乡镇而言,其政策执行的情况不仅关系公共政策执行的成败,更直接影响国家基层政权的合法性、有效性和边疆的安宁稳定。笔者从个案研究的角度,从微观层面,从当前全国上下正在如火如荼开展的新农村建设入手,深入云南省D彝族乡公共政策执行第一现场进行了大量的田野调查,获得了宝贵的第一手资料。本文运用公共政策执行的相关理论对收集到的资料进行了分析,对云南省D彝族乡公共政策执行情况进行了研究。本文由四个部分组成:第一部分介绍了研究的背景,并对相关的公共政策、公共政策执行、乡镇、乡镇政府等概念进行了概述和界定。第二部分介绍了云南省D彝族乡执行“2008年新农村建设方案”的基本情况并分析了其特点,指出其特点是:政策资源分配不均、私人关系成为重要影响因素、利益博弈普遍存在。第三部分分析了D乡执行“2008年新农村建设方案”出现的问题及产生的原因。提出D乡在政策执行中出现三个问题:一是政策执行对象参与意识低下,导致政策执行困难;二是政策执行机制缺乏保障,导致政策目标难以实现;三是政策执行再决策滞后,导致政策执行低效。并分别从政策执行对象、政策执行主体、政策执行组织管理、政策执行运行机制等角度分析了产生问题的原因。第四部分就改进边疆少数民族地区乡镇政府公共政策执行进行了思考,从改善政策执行环境、提升政策对象素质和优化政策执行资源的角度提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Public policy implementation is the process of turning public policy ideas into practical effect and realizes the already-set policy goal. The effect of policy implementation is decided by the environment, method and ability of policy implementation. Whether the central government’s policy is carried out completely relies on local governments’ commitment and validity of policy implementation. What’s more, villages and towns as organizations at the grass-roots level are points of transition. On one hand, the organizations at the grass-roots level take national responsibility; On the other hand, they face the social stress directly, which is the focus of other problems. As far as the villages and towns of frontier ethnic group regions are concerned, the situation of policy implementation not only plays an important role in the fulfillment of central government’s policy implementation, but also in the legality and validity of national power at grass-roots level.From the case study at microscopic level, the author makes a survey and investigation and gets the first hand resources on the public policy implementation of national present new rural construction of D Yi nationality town in Yunnan Province analysis. My paper consists of four parts.It firstly analyzes the background, the features of public policy implementation and the concept of the "public policy implementation", "the public policy, town, village. In the second part, the introduction of the problems aroused in the course of public policy implementation, and the cause of the problems according to the data of survey and investigation. The characteristics of the problems are: uneven distribution, the importance of private connection and the advantage in game playing; In the third part, the author analyzes the problem and causes in carrying out new rural construction of D Yi nationality town in Yunnan Province. Then the three problems: 1) Less consciousness in the target of execution causes the difficulty of the policy execution; 2) Less guarantee in the implement of the policy results in the failure of the policy target; 3) The delay of the decision-making after the implement leads to the ineffective of policy implement and the author analyzes the cause from the field of the target of the execution, the implement object, the organization system and the execution system and so on. In the end, the author further gives some suggestions on how to fulfill the local government’s public policy implementation in frontier ethnic group villages and towns.

  • 【分类号】D630.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】253

