

On the History of Emotional Education

【作者】 袁宗勇

【导师】 杨向阳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 列宁说过:“没有人的情感,就从来没有也不可能有人对真理的追求。”教育过程中除了知识技能的教育,更包括情感的教育。情感是最重要的心理因素,培养学生正确的情感,是健全学生人格极其重要的一环。历史教学中的情感教育和历史情感教育的共同点是,都和人类的情感有关,都强调情感教育的作用,不同点是前者突出教学活动中教师对学生情感的培养,情感内容是宽泛的;后者是具有学科特色的情感教育,特别强调历史情感的教育,而不是其他学科性质的情感教育。目前探讨的历史情感教育大多停留在前者,本文重点探索后者,希望从历史情感入手,培养学生具有丰富而合理的历史情感。本文通过对文献资料的阅读整理,结合自身的历史教学,旨在进一步认清历史情感教育的重要意义,建构科学的历史情感教育目标,挖掘历史情感教育的启情点,研究历史情感教育的策略,制定历史情感教育的原则,脚踏实地坚持不懈,以期达到“以情优教”“优教促学”的目的。历史智慧教育、历史思维教育和历史情感教育共同组成了历史教学的主要内容,有了历史情感的教育,历史教育才是完整的教育。

【Abstract】 Lenin said:"No one’s emotions, has never been nor can the pursuit of truth."Educational process in addition to knowledge and skills of education, but also includes emotional education. Emotion is the most important psychological factors, training students the right emotion, is sound and the students is extremely important part of personality.The teaching of history and history of emotional education in the emotional education in common is that both and human emotion have emphasized the role of emotional education, the difference is that the former highlight the teaching activities of teachers to students feelings, emotional content is broad; The latter is a characteristic emotional subjects of education, with special emphasis on the educational history of emotional, rather than the nature of emotional education in other disciplines. To explore the history of the current emotional education has remained mostly the former, this focus on exploring the latter, will provide a historical feelings start to develop students with a rich history of emotional and rational.In this paper, the reading order of the literature, combined with my own history of teaching, aims to further understand the importance of emotional education of history to construct the history of science and emotional education goals, mining history, education, Kai emotional intelligence point of emotional education strategy for the study of history to develop the principles of emotional education in history, down to earth perseverance in order to achieve "in order to optimize teaching with emotion," "excellent teaching and promote learning" objective. The wisdom of history education, history education and historical thinking, emotional education came together to form the main elements of the teaching of history, with history of emotional education, history education is a complete education.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】523

