

Model Development of Pollutant Concentration in Rainwater Pipe and Research on Multi-Function Rainwater Pond

【作者】 闫廷波

【导师】 赫俊国;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水是关系到人类生存发展,具有战略意义的资源。当前我国日益严重的水资源短缺和水环境污染问题,不仅困扰国计民生,并已成为制约社会经济可持续发展的限制性因素。面对缺水现状,雨水资源的开发利用已成为一种新的趋势。然而,如何进行雨水规划利用,在国内还是新的课题,诸多方面还有待于进一步研究。论文以径流过程中不透水地表表层沉积物的冲刷速率与沉积的污染物量成正比的研究结果为依据,通过理论分析和数学分析手段,进行了雨水干管中污染物浓度随降雨历时的变化规律的研究,推求雨水中污染物浓度变化模型。同时讨论了小区多功能雨水池的功能定位及容积确定,最后提出适合的水池设计方式。针对目前雨水模型研究中存在的与我国雨水利用工程实践之间的不相适应问题,论文通过数学分析的方法,推求了雨水中污染物浓度变化规律公式。公式表明,对于特定的小区,雨水干管中污染物浓度主要受降雨历时、污染物初始浓度及临界时间等的影响。在浓度模型建立的基础之上,可以确定弃流时间,为实现雨水的有效回收利用提供理论基础。城市雨水资源化的集流过程包括雨水就地利用和集中调蓄利用两个大的方向,依据利用途径的不同,需建立相应功能的雨水池。论文在完成了雨水池的功能定位分析的基础之上,提出了多功能雨水池的概念。依据实际使用功能的不同,并进行水质水量计算对比的前提下,得出多功能雨水池可具有如下两种形式:一是集储存生活杂用水、储存小区消防用水和回灌水三个功能于一体的多功能雨水池;二是集储存小区生活杂用水、储存小区消防用水、调蓄洪峰流量、回灌地下水等四个功能于一体的多功能雨水池。对于第一种形式的多功能雨水池,其容积主要由池内消防水量、火灾延续时间内补充水量、生活杂用水量之间的关系来确定:①若Vz≥V消, V = (1.0~2.0)Vz;②若V消- V补≤Vz <V消,V = Vz + V消-V补;③若Vz < V消-V补, V = (1.0~2.0)V消。对于第二种形式的多功能雨水池:①若V调蓄≥V消, V = (1.0~2.0)V调蓄;②若V消- V补≤V调蓄<V消, V = V调蓄+ V消-V补;③若V调蓄< V消-V补, V = (1.0~2.0)V消。论文通过对实际小区雨水利用工程的模拟计算得出:当小区分别设置单一功能的雨水池时,消防水池、生活杂用水池和洪峰流量调蓄池的容积分别为:300m3、140m3和600m3;若建立多功能雨水池其容积为800m3。相比较而言,建立多功能雨水池可节省基建投资37.2%,节省占地37.5%。建立多功能雨水池进行雨水的回收利用,可以有效缓解我国当前水资源短缺的现状,增加可利用水资源量。同时节省基建投资,为经济发展提供基础保障,具有显著的社会效益,经济效益和环境效益。

【Abstract】 Water is the strategic resource concerning to human survival and development. Water resources shortage has not only disturbed people’s livelihood but also become a limited factor to socio-economic sustainable development in China. Facing the water scarcity situation, the exploiting and utilizing rainwater resources have become a new trend. However, how to proceed with designing the usage of rainwater is a new subject in domestic, and many aspects have yet to be studied further. Based on the results of the study on the erosion rate of sediments on impervious surface is proportional to the amount of pollution in the process of runoff, this paper studied the rule of pollutants concentration changing with rainfall duration in rain water pipe, and determined the of pollutants concentration changing model. At the same time, this paper discussed the method of how to determinate the volume of multi-function rainwater ponds, and proposed a proper design method for the pond at the end part of the paper.In the view of the incompatible issues between the current study of rainwater model and the rainwater utilization projects in China, this paper gave a formula of pollutants concentration changes in rainwater by mathematical analysis method. The formula indicates that, for a specific area, the pollutants concentration in rainwater pipe is mainly affected by the rainfall duration, the initial concentration of the pollutants and the critical time. The time of disposable flow can be determined based on the concentration model, which provides a theoretical basis to the effective recovery and utilization of rainwater.Urban rainwater utilization including in situ utilization and concentration storage, according to the difference of utilization, the rainwater Pond has to be built to fit the different usage. The paper put forward the conception of multi-function rainwater pond based on the work of function orientation of rainwater ponds. Based on different features of practical usage and comparison of water quality and quantity,multi- function rainwater pond can be drawn with the following two forms: First, set the storage of non-portable water, fire water and groundwater recharge, the three functions rain water tank of multi-functional; Second is the storage of non-portable water, fire water, peak flow regulation, groundwater recharge, the four functions of the multi-function rainwater pond. As the first form of multi-function rainwater pond, the volume is rely on the relationship among fire water, the supply water in fire extension time, and non-port water:①when Qz≥Qf: V = (1.0~2.0)Qz .②when Qf - Qr≤Qz <Qf : V = Qz + Qf -Qr .③when Qz < Qf -Qr : V = (1.0~2.0)Qf . For The second form of multi-functional rainwater pond:①when Qreg≥Qf , V = (1.0~2.0)Qreg .②when Qf - Qr≤Qreg <Qf ,V = Qreg + Qf -Qr .③when Qreg < Qf -Qr , V = (1.0~2.0)Qf .From simulating a rain water utilization project, this paper calculated that when the district set up the single function of the respective ponds, the volume of fire pond, non-portable water storage pond and peak flow pond are: 300m3, 140m3 and 600m3; if set up the multi-function rainwater pond, the volume is 800m3. Comparatively speaking, the establishment of multi- function rainwater pond can save 37.2% of investment and 37.5% of infrastructure area.Rain water storage and utilization by establishing multi-function rainwater pond, not only can effectively alleviate the water shortage, increase the volume of available water resources, save infrastructure investment in China, but also provide the fundamental guarantee for economic development, has significant social, economical and environmental benefits.

  • 【分类号】TV213.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】199

