

A Research on Three New Types of Surface Air Cooler Applicable to Underground Construction

【作者】 朱禹洲

【导师】 刘京; 曹勇;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市人口的增加,城市化进程加快,城市的发展与用地的短缺矛盾越来越激化。目前,许多城市地面用地和使用程度已经饱和,居住环境迅速恶化,城市要实现可持续发展,必需依靠周边地区的平面扩展或向高空及地下发展。因此,研究现代城市地下建筑开发利用技术及其发展趋势是一个重要而紧迫的问题。但是,地下建筑是一个与地表空气隔绝的人工环境,封闭潮湿,又处于蓄热能力较强的土壤和岩石的包围中,其室内环境完全为人工创造,与开放性的地面空间相比,其室内空气环境有较大的差别。如果地下建筑直接使用普通的空调机组必将不易实现室内的舒适性要求。为了解决这一问题,本文认真分析地下建筑热湿负荷及室内空气环境的特殊性的,并对比了现有的空调机组新技术,研发并试制了旁通风阀表冷器机组及旋转旁通表冷器机组这两种适用于地下建筑的新型空调机组,并根据其特殊功能制定了对应的优化控制方法。为了测试机组各方面的性能,本文选取了另外一种设计理念相近的空调机组,参照相关的国家规范,在不同工况、不同运行状态下对这三种试验样机的送风量、机组全压及风机段能耗进行了测试。通过比较机组在表冷器段启闭前后的送风量、机组全压及风机段能耗变化,分析表冷器启闭功能对空调机组性能的影响。本文通过比较不同空调机组在相同表冷器段启闭状态下的送风量、机组全压及风机段能耗差异,分析不同表冷器结构之间的性能差别。本文还在机组全压相等及送风量相等两种基准条件下,比较了三种空调机组的节能率变化情况,分析三种空调机组的节能功效。

【Abstract】 With the increase in urban population and the urbanization process speeding up, urban development and the shortage of land becoming more and more intense c-onflicts. If the city went to maintain sustainable development, it is necessary to develop the surrounding areas of city, or develop in direction in a highly and un-derground space. So, it is essential to do indepth study on technology of constru- ction in underground space and development trends.However, indoor environment in construction of underground space entirely created by the artificial. It is isolation from the environment air, closed, humid and has more strongly regenerative capacity. Compared with the open ground, it is more differences in indoor air environment. So, if directiy useing ordinary air-conditioning unit in underground space Will not achieve the requirements of indoor comfortable.In order to solve this problem, in this paper, a in-depth analysis of heat and moisture load and the specificity of the indoor air environment in the construction of underground space had been taken, the specificity of the indoor air environment, and comparison of the new technologies on air-conditioning units has been taken simultaneously. Based on these results, two types of new air conditioning units for construction of underground space and its control method have been developed,. These two new air conditioning units were known as bypass-type air surface cooler air conditioning units and rotating-type air surface cooler air conditioning units.In order to test all aspects of its performance, this paper took another similar kind of air-conditioning unit for compared. In different conditions and different operating state, the three air-conditioning units have been test in air supply volume, total pressure and fan unit energy consumption. Based on these results, to analyze the performance of the different unit. In this paper, the energy-saving rate of these three air-conditioning unit has also been compared in two conditions.

  • 【分类号】TU831.6
  • 【下载频次】72

