

Research on Feight Hub Planning under Earthquake

【作者】 叶蕾

【导师】 安实;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 破坏性地震的发生,给城市货运枢纽带来了极大的压力。货运枢纽规模布局能否符合灾后救援物资调度运输要求,决定了灾后紧急救援工作能否顺利完成。因此在城市发展建设中,以规划年限内城市可能发生的最大等级震害为背景,考虑地震影响下货运网络与货运需求的城市货运枢纽规划是一项与城市总体规划同步,甚至要超前进行的重要工作。货运网络上的在途可靠运输时间和救援物资需求量是地震条件下货运枢纽规划中的两个重要影响因素。本文在对货运网络抗震连通可靠度和路段修正运行速度分析基础上,对地震条件下救援物资在途可靠运输时间进行分析。本文以满足灾区人员的基本生存需求为依据,对地震条件下依赖货运枢纽的救援物资需求估算方法进行研究。在震害下人员伤亡量和避难生成量预测基础上,建立救援物资需求概念模型,并量化救援物资需求。以救援物资储备量和需求量为依据,建立了依赖货运枢纽的救援物资调度模型,从而确定地震条件下依赖货运枢纽的救援物资流向与流量。在此基础上分别提出地震条件下的容量限制和非容量限制货运枢纽选址模型。地震条件下容量限制货运枢纽选址模型以各类物资运送时间约束下总物资可靠运输时间最小为目标函数。目标函数包含:在途可靠运输时间费用、枢纽内拥挤等待时间费用和超时惩罚费用。对比Aykin算法,本文运用的引入平衡分配的模拟退火启发式算法,降低了延时费用和总时间费用。地震条件下非容量限制货运枢纽选址模型同样以各类物资运送时间约束下总物资可靠运输时间最小为目标函数,不同之处为枢纽个数是变量,枢纽建设费用代替枢纽内等待时间费用包含在目标方程中。对比枚举算法可知,基于模拟退火的启发式算法可得到最优解。最后以长春为例,分别进行了地震条件下救援物资需求与调运分析、容量限制和非容量限制货运枢纽选址分析,验证了本规划方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 The destructive earthquake brings trmendous pressure to the ubran freight hubs. The scale and location of these hubs determine the effect of the mergency rescue operation. Therefore, Takes potential maximum magnitude SEISMIC in planning year for background, to meet the special traffic demand under earthquake condition is considered to be an important thing while planning urban construction activities.The reliable transportation time in freight transport network and demend of rescue materials are two important factors of hub location under earthquake. Based on the analysis of the path connectivity reliability and correction speed under earthquake, discuss the reliable transportation time. Taking the victims’basic living requirements for basis, research the method about estimating the relief demand depending on freight hubs. Then, on the basis of predicting the population reduction and refuge generation under earthquake, designed the conceptual model of relief demand, quantify the relief demand.Taking the reserve and demend of rescue materials for basis, establish the model of emergency logistics planning, determine the volume and direction of the rescue material flow. Then, to ensure the transportion supply goes well under earthquakes, this paper presents uncapacitated hub location model and capacitated hub location model under earthquake. The capacitated hub has been considered as an M/M/N queuing system, so, takes the cost of waiting time due to congestion besides the reliable transportation time cost and overtime surcharge in objective function. Make sure the minimum of the total supplies reliable transit time under the service time constraints of supplies as the objective function. Develop a heuristic algorithm to solve the problem. Compare with Aykin’s algorithm, the proposed algorithm decreases the total delivery time. The uncapacitated hub location model also make the minimum of total supplies reliable transit time under the service time constraints of supplies as the objective function, while the number of hubs is a decision variable and a fixed cost factor of establishing a hub which replaced the waiting time cost has been included in the objective function. Also, an heuristic algorithm to resolve the model. Compared with enumerative algorithm, presented algorithm can obtain optimum solution.Finally, takes Chang-Chun as an example to study the demand and scheduling of relief supplies, the uncapacitated hub location and the capacitated hub location. Through the case study, validate the feasibility of the method presented in this paper.


