

Property Evolution and Annealing Effects of GaAs/Ge Solar Cell with Cover-Glass Irridiated by Electrons

【作者】 张鑫赟

【导师】 赵慧杰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 材料学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过地面模拟空间环境试验,研究了低能电子(60keV~150keV)辐照下航天器上实用的带盖片的GaAs/Ge太阳电池的辐照损伤效应。通过对电池辐照过程中伏安特性的原位测试,研究了辐照后带盖片GaAs/Ge太阳电池电性能参数的变化规律;利用光谱响应、光学反射率、光致发光光谱(PL)和暗特性测试等方法研究了带盖片GaAs/Ge太阳电池辐照前后性能的变化,分析了低能电子辐照对带盖片GaAs/Ge太阳电池性能衰减的原因;并利用CASINO软件对GaAs/Ge太阳电池进行辐照模拟研究;还对辐照后的太阳电池进行了退火试验研究。性能测试结果表明:相同能量条件下,电池性能衰减随着辐照注量的增加而增加。注量一定条件下,100keV电子辐照致使电池损伤最为严重,80keV电子辐照次之,60keV、120keV、150keV电子辐照对电池造成的损伤很小。分析结果表明:100keV电子辐照后电池光谱响应明显下降,点阵结构明显变化,内阻Rs略有上升,低能电子辐照对盖片反射率影响不大。电池电性能参数降低。低能电子辐照对电池整体性能的衰减主要是由于电子对玻璃盖片、电池表面粘结剂、发射区表面产生影响,致使电池性能下降。CASINO软件模拟结果表明:100keV的电子在带盖片的GaAs/Ge太阳电池中的入射深度刚好到达结区,对电池的粘结剂、P区和结区产生影响,从而影响光电转换效率,使电池性能明显下降。60keV的电子不能穿透电池表面玻璃盖片,120keV的电子则刚好可以到达电池的基区。退火试验结果表明:退火可使辐照后的电池性能得到恢复。在相同退火温度条件下,随着退火时间的延长,电池性能回复越多;相同退火时间条件下,随着退火温度的提高,电池性能回复越快。低能电子对电池的损伤主要是电离效应。

【Abstract】 The damage effects of GaAs/Ge solar cell with cover glass under low-energy electron irradiation were studied using a ground-based simulator for space charrged-partide irradiation.It is investigated the eiolution processes of the electrical properties of the irradiated cells using sn insitu I-V measurements, while the mechanisms on the property degradation of the damaged cells were analyzed by means of spectral response measurements, optical reflectance, photoluminecence spectrometer and dark I-V measurements. The annealiny effecys were also studied in the paper.The results on the property evolutions indicate thaf the property degradation of the irradiated solar cell increases with increasing the electron fluence as the electron energy wias fixed,while as the fluence was fixed,the most serious damage occurs when the electron energy was 100 keV, then secondary is at the electron energy of 80keV. However, only slight degradation could be measured as the electron energy is 60keV, 120keV, 150keV, respectively.Accordingly it is detected analyzed thet 100keV-elevtron irradiation results in obvious decrease in the spectral response curves of the solar cell. There is a slight increase detected in the serial resistance after the cells were irradiated. The wain reasons on the properly degradations was exposed that the electron irradiation exerts damage effects of the glass cover adhesive rubber between the cover and cells also the emission region of the cells.Simulation results using the CASINO code indicates thef,the range of 100keV electron in the covered solar cell is located exactly in the jurction of the cells,affecting the behavior of the rubber p-region and juntion region of the cells. Electrons with 60keV energy stop in the cover glass, 120keV electrona can reach the base region of the cell, while 150keV electrons penetrate thoroufhly through the cell, thus there show slight change in the cells in these cases.The results of anneal test show that the property of irradiated solar cells can recovery during the anneal test. In the same annealing temperature, the property of solar cells recovery as the anneal time goes; and in the same annealing time, the property recovery faster as the annealing temperature grows. The damage effect of the low energy electron on the solar cell is the ionization effect.

  • 【分类号】TM914.4
  • 【下载频次】88

