

Research on IPTV Bearer Network QoS

【作者】 王睦梁

【导师】 关宇东;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息通信技术和IP技术的不断进步,互联网和宽带通信网得到了极大的发展,在其发展过程中出现了网络电视(IPTV),它是互联网业务和传统电视业务融合的新业务。IPTV将是下一代网络(NGN)中最重要的业务之一,也是将来家庭网络中非常重要的业务形态。不同于传统的定时、单向广播电视模式,IPTV使人们可以在任何时间、任何地点有选择的观看喜欢的电视节目,实现媒体提供者和媒体消费者之间的实时互动。首先,论文阐述了IPTV的发展历史及现状,并对IPTV承载网QoS技术进行了详细介绍,在此基础上,本文分别讨论了网络服务的综合业务模型(Int-Serv)、区分业务模型(Diff-Serv)和多协议标签交换(MPLS)。然后,对IPTV系统的相关理论进行了介绍,着重介绍了网络电视所涉及的关键技术,特别是承载网技术,它是IPTV系统的根基,详细论述了承载网QoS原理和实现方法。介绍了多协议标签交换的概念和主要技术特点。本文所采用的实现QoS的方法是MPLS模型和Diff-Serv模型相结合的方法。最后,建立网络仿真模型,在普通环境下和QoS环境下分别进行仿真实验,得到统计量参数,并且把两组数据进行对比,得出结论。实验证明,用MPLS+Diff-Serv模型实现IPTV承载网QoS的方法行之有效,时延、抖动和响应时间等参数的值明显降低,网络性能得到了显著的提升。MPLS模型和Diff-Serv模型相结合实现QoS的方法具有很好的发展前景。

【Abstract】 With the development of communication technology and Internet Protocol (IP) , Internet and broadband communication network advance greatly. In the process of development, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) appears, which is the integration of Internet business and traditional TV business. IPTV will be one of the most important business in the Next Generation Network(NGN), and very important business form in the home network in the future. IPTV makes it possible that people can watch TV selectively at any time and any place, and that the media providers and media consumers can interact in real-time, which is different from the traditional, one-way broadcast TV.Firstly, the history of IPTV and the research status are presented, and Quality of Service (QoS) technique is described in detail. On that basis, the paper discusses Integrated Service (Int-Serv) model, Differentiated Services (Diff-Serv)model, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)of the web service.Then, the relevant theory of IPTV, especially the key technologies of network TV are described. All of it the bearer network technology is most the important, which is the base of IPTV system. And the QoS theory and implementation method are described. Then the concept of MPLS and main technical characters are presented. The QoS realized method in this paper combines the MPLS model and Diff-Serv model.Finally, the network simulation model is established. And in the general and QoS environment, the simulation experiments are conducted, and the statistic parameters are obtained. The conclusions are made by comparing the two results.The result show that the QoS realized approach combining the MPLS and Diff-Serv model is effective, time-delay, jitter and response time are significantly reduced, and network performance is significantly improved. The QoS realized method combining the MPLS and Diff-Serv model has very excellent prospect.

  • 【分类号】TN949.292
  • 【下载频次】87

