

Portable Digital Railcar Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

【作者】 方应

【导师】 王艳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 超声检测是一种重要的广泛应用于科学、工程和医学的无损检测方法。作为一种重要的无损检测方法,它能在不损坏工件的情况对其进行检测。由于其具有操作简单、可靠性高等特点,在材料和产品的检测中得到了广泛的应用。随着数字技术的不断发展,数字式超探仪展现出模拟探测仪无法比拟的优势:技术性能不断提高,功能不断增加,自动化程度越来越高。目前铁路机车轮轴探伤大都使用超声检测,而国内的数字探伤仪普遍存在数据采集频率低、信号处理能力差、数据管理功能不完善等弊端。目前国内还没有专门的轨道车探伤仪,本课题针对铁路探伤需求设计实现了高效准确的基于PC机、FPGA和USB的数字超声波轨道车探伤仪,不但体积小巧而且功能强大,集成了轨道车专用探伤仪和通用探伤仪两大功能。论文首先简要介绍了课题背景、超声理论和超声检测的基本原理,然后阐述了数字超声探伤仪的应用软件的开发,部分FPGA程序优化以及部分模拟电路调试。软件采用Visual C++6.0开发,在实现了实时探伤波型显示、DAC曲线制作等探伤工艺功能的基础上,还扩展了数据管理、报表打印、电影回放等功能,提高了超声探伤的准确性、快捷性和方便性。通过网络通信,实现了探ftp文件传输。最后对程序进行了优化与测试,确保软件运行的正确性、提高了软件靠性和持久性。对系统进行了联调,确保系统正确运行。

【Abstract】 Ultrasonic inspection is an important non-destructive testing method widely used in science, engineering and medicine. As an important testing method, it can test a workpiece without destructing it. Ultrasonic testing has been widely used in the testing of material and products for its simple operation and high reliability. With the development of the technology, digital ultrasonic flaw detector have more advantages . Nowadays Ultrasonic inspection is also widely used in the detection of axle, However devices in our country have lots of disadvantages such as low sampling rate of data acquisition and incompetence in signal processing.At present, china has not digital ultrosnic flaw detector for velchile, In this paper we introduce a PC, PFGA and USB based ultrasonic velchile flaw detector designed for high quality and high ccuracy, integrated velchile flaw detector and common flaw detector.This paper first introduces some Ultrasonic theory and the basic principles of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection. Then we describe the steps to design the software on the foundation of Visual C++ 6.0, some FPGA program optimization and anolog circuit debugging. We design the software in the Visual C++ 6.0 environment, and realize functions of ultrasonic detection device, such as, display the scanning wave, alarm when detecting flaw, manage DAC lines, manage data sets, print formatted report and retrieve the previous wave as a cine, these improve the accuracy, speed and convenience of ultrosnic flaw detector. We realized ftp transprotion through internet.Finally, some improvements have been made to make sure the instrument as perfect and effective as possible. We realized system debugging to ensure that the system is running correctly.

  • 【分类号】U216.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】180

