

Research on Solar Power Converter Module & Parallel Control Strategy

【作者】 付明

【导师】 张东来;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的太阳能电池一般采用单个功率变换器,在应用中根据实际功率需求选定相应的变换器,在系统安装完成之后,再扩展功率不太容易。本课题拟设计一种太阳能功率变换器模块及其并联控制方案,在实际应用过程中,可通过直接增减并联在母线上的模块数来扩展整个供电系统的功率。本文建立了太阳能电池的仿真模型,利用扰动观察法对该模型进行了最大功率跟踪(MPPT)仿真实验,并用太阳能阵列模拟器进行了电路实验验证,通过测试变换器工作在MPPT稳定状态下时太阳能电池的输出功率特性来判断算法是否跟踪到了最大功率点。分析了无直流电源供电的太阳能功率变换模块并联控制方案,建立了两路模块并联的Simulink仿真模型,采用太阳能阵列模拟器模拟两路太阳能电池输出,进行了两路太阳能功率变换器的并联实验,针对负载处在临界状态时会产生振荡的情况设计了滞环控制方案。设计了有直流电源供电的太阳能功率变换器并联控制方案,通过引入一个直流电源给主模块供电并采用PID控制算法来稳定母线电压,连同太阳能阵列模拟器的两路输出进行了三路模块的并联实验,对并联系统进行启动、负载切换、临界状态等测试,通过模拟额定功率范围内的各种负载变化情况,测试了系统输出母线的动态响应过程及稳态性能。设计了大功率DC/DC模块,采用MOSFET并联的方式使单体变换器的功率达到了2000W,为太阳能变换器并联系统提供了一个大功率等级的变换器平台。本课题所做的仿真和实际电路实验均验证了太阳能功率变换器模块并联方案的可行性,在负载变化时,整个并联系统能够自动调节以适应负载的功率变化。

【Abstract】 Single Power converters are generally selected for Traditional solar cells according to the power demand, the power is not easy to change when the whole system installation is completed. In this paper, design a common solar cell converter module, which can be directly in parallel on bus to improve the entire power generating system in the practical application.In this paper, establish a solar array simulation model first, carry out the maximum power tracking (MPPT) simulation experiment with disturbance observation algorithm, by testing the output power characteristic of solar batarry when the converter working at MPPT steady state to determine whether the tracking algorithm to the maximum power point. Analyze the parallel control scheme of power converter module with non-DC power supply, establish two parallel modules simulink simulation model, using solar array simulator simulates two ways output, a 2-way power modules in parallel experiments.are complemented, design a hysteresis control strategy for the load in critical state. Analyze the parallel control scheme of power converter module with DC power supply, through the introduction of a DC power supply to the main module and use PID control algorithm to stabilize the bus voltage, complement the experiments of 3-way power mudules in parallel, testing the start, load switching, critical state, by simulating various loads within the rated power scope, test the dynamic response and steady-state performance of parallel system. Design the high-power DC/DC converter, made it reach a power level of 2000W by using the MOSFET parallel manner, provid a high-power converter carrier level for the parallel modules.The simulation and actual circuit experiments in the subject verify the feasibility of solar power converter module in parallel programs, with the load changing, the whole parallel system can automatically adjust to the changing of load power.


