

Developing a New Dexterous Hand with Five Fingers and the Research on Control System

【作者】 陈大勇

【导师】 蔡鹤皋;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 灵巧手是仿人机器人系统的重要组成部分,影响着整个机器人系统的灵巧化、智能化水平。随着人类对空间等未知领域的探索,应用的广泛性和作业条件的复杂性对机器人灵巧手提出了更高的要求。研制智能化、灵巧化、稳定可靠的机器人灵巧手成为机器人领域重要的研究课题。本课题来源于国家科技部(863计划)先进制造技术领域“新一代五指仿人灵巧手及其协调控制的研究”。本课题结合机械、驱动、传感等领域的先进技术研制了HIT/DLR-II型五指仿人灵巧手,包括手指和手掌的本体结构设计、单指控制和多指抓取规划的研究。新一代HIT/DLR-II型仿人灵巧手具有高度集成化、模块化、高可靠性、易于维护以及具有可重构的手掌结构等特点。HIT/DLR-II灵巧手由五个模块化的手指组成,每个模块化的手指具有三个自由度、四个关节。由于采用微型的盘式电机、谐波减速器及合理的结构布置,该灵巧手的外形尺寸相对于上一代灵巧手得到了极大的改善。此外,新一代灵巧手还具有一个可重构化的手掌结构,包括五指的空间布置和内敛/外收的拇指结构。可以通过配置拇指的不同位置来满足不同的抓取要求。单指控制是多指控制的基础层和执行层。本文基于灵巧手的手指结构,分析了灵巧手的手指运动学、动力学和手掌运动学,为实现灵巧手控制做准备。手指控制分为自由空间的位置控制和约束空间的柔顺控制,本文实现了HIT/DLR-II灵巧手关节空间的位置控制、指尖笛卡尔空间的位置控制和基于位置的阻抗控制。抓取规划是实现HIT/DLR-II灵巧手抓取操作的前提。传统的多指抓取矩阵过于复杂,难于在实际中得到应用。本文通过总结抓取理论和简化抓取模型,提出了对不同尺寸的球体的抓取规划算法,确定最佳抓取点和手指的运动分配。最后通过在Adams中进行抓取仿真验证了算法的正确性。

【Abstract】 As an important constructional part, hominine dexterous robot hand is affecting the intelligent and manipulative levels of the whole robot system. Along with the wider exploration of such unknown domains as outer-space, modern robot hand is needed to the application universality and the complexity of working condition. Developing dexterous hand with intelligence, dexterity and reliability has become one of the most promising researches in robot field. This dissertation roots in the national high technique program“a new generation of hominine dexterous robot hand with five fingers and its harmonious control system”. Based on advanced technologies in these fields as mechanical engineering, actuation and sensor, this dissertation designs a new generation of five-finger dexterous robot hand named HIT/DLR-II, including the structure of the finger and palm, single finger control system and multi-fingered Grasping planning.HIT/DLR-II hand has five identical fingers and total sixteen degrees of freedom. It has features of integration, modularity, reliability, reconfigurable palm and so on. On account of adopting subminiature electromotor and harmonic driver, the figuration and size of this generation hand has been greatly improved. Besides this, this hand also has a reconfigurable palm, including relatively spatial installation of fingers and a reconfigurable thumb.Singer finger control is the base and executive level of the hand control system. Base the finger structure, hand kinematics and dynamics is firstly analyzed, which is the preparation of control. Finger control consists of position control in free space and compliance control in constrained space. In this paper, HIT/DLR-II hand joint position control is proposed based on the PID mode position controller of actuator, then position control of finger tip in Cartesian space is done, and joint impedance control is adopting to realize finger compliance.Grasping planning is a precondition to realize multi-fingered manipulation. It’s very difficult for traditional multi-fingered kinematics to implement real grasping manipulation due to its complexity. This dissertation summarizes grasping theory and predigest grasping model, and then present a grasping algorithm to different size balls. Establish the most suitable grasp points and the kinematic distribution of fingers, the grasping algorithm is proved by emulated in Adams finally.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】513

