

Research on Sustainable Development of Marine Economy in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 倪建强

【导师】 胡亮;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是海洋的世纪,海洋在国民经济与社会发展中居于越来越重要的战略地位。浙江省海洋经济一直保持快速增长速度,但在经济快速增长的同时也存在资源浪费、环境污染、掠夺式经营等问题。为避免海洋开发中可能出现的无序状态,浙江省海洋经济的发展必须走可持续发展之路。本文以可持续发展理论为指导,运用系统科学思想,对浙江省海洋经济可持续发展进行了定性与定量研究。文章共分六章:第一章为绪论部分,主要介绍本文选题背景与意义,海洋经济可持续发展的研究进展,研究思路和文章结构。第二章为海洋经济可持续发展的理论基础部分。首先,提出海洋经济可持续发展的科学定义与内涵,分析影响海洋经济可持续发展的相关因素;然后,研究海洋经济可持续发展的运行机理和构建指标体系。第三章和第四章为实证研究。从静态分析、动态分析和比较分析,研究浙江海洋产业的现状、变动特征、贡献度和拉动效应;最后建立浙江省海洋经济可持续发展的评价体系,运用层析分析法和熵值法并对其综合发展能力进行评价。第五章为结论、研究的存在问题和创新点,并对浙江省实现海洋经济可持续发展进行对策分析。本文得出的结论:①从静态分析和动态分析表明,海洋产业结构基本呈现三、二、一格局;海洋产业结构调整力度比较大,并逐渐向合理化演变。②从贡献率来看,海洋产业对地区经济贡献率不断增大。海洋渔业仍然是贡献率最大的产业,而临港工业、滨海旅游、海洋运输的贡献率则快速增长。从拉动效应来看,海洋产业已成为浙江经济重要的拉动力量,滨海旅游、临港工业、交通运输、海洋渔业拉动效应一次降低。③从评价指标来看,海洋经济系统指数逐渐上升,表明海洋经济进入良性发展阶段;地区经济系统指数快速增加,说明浙江社会经济在持续发展,为海洋经济的持续发展创造良好的区域环境;海洋资源环境保护。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the century of the ocean. Ocean stays in more and more important strategic status in national economy and social development. Marine economy in Zhejiang always keeps a fast increasing speed. But with marine economy rising fast, there are many problems of resource wasting, environment polluting and plunderous manage. In order to avoid the disordered state which may appears in ocean exploitation, the strategy of marine economy sustainable development (MESD in short) must be taken.Taking the theory of sustainable development as instruction, utilizing the system science thought, this article carries on qualitative and quantitative study on MESD in Zhejiang. The concrete research content is as follows. First chapter is the part of introduction. This article mainly explains studying background and significance, narrates the researching progress of MESD and introduces research structure and innovation spots. Second chapter is the part of rationale of MESD. Firstly, this part defines the concept of marine economy and marine industry, puts forward the science definition and connotation of MESD. Then, this part discusses the operation mechanism of MESD and studies the construction of appraisal index system of MESD. Third and fourth chapter is the part of case. Using dynamic analysis, static analysis and comparative analysis, this part studies the present situation structure characteristic, the contribution and pulling effect of marine industry in Zhejiang; then, using AHP and Entropy, analysis the ability of MESD in Zhejiang. Fifth chapter draws a conclusion, points out the existing problems and innovative points, further it puts forward relevant policy suggestions.The main conclusions are as follows:①From the static and dynamic analysis,we can see that marine industry structure has three, two, a pattern, and marine industrial restructuring efforts more, and gradually to the rationalization.②The contribution of port industry, coastal tourism, marine transport is rising and the marine fisheries is the biggest. Pulling effect of marine industry to the economy development of Zhejiang is significant.③The rising appraisal index of marine economy system shows that marine economy has entered a stage of sound development; the rising appraisal index of regional economic system shows that the economy of Zhejiang is developing and create a good regional environment for the sustainable development of marine economy; the falling appraisal index of marine resources and environmental protection shows that pollution has expanded and resources have been damaged to some extent; the rising appraisal index of MESD shows that the ability of MESD in Zhejiang is progressing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

