

Ethical Construction of Civil Servants in the View of the Socialist Harmonious Society

【作者】 杜颖

【导师】 奚玲;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公务员是国家意志的执行者和人民“公共利益”的维护者,又是社会主义现代化事业的组织者和领导者,他们的“为政之德”如何,直接关系到党和国家方针政策的贯彻执行,关系到社会主义现代化事业的成败,公务员道德建设的重要性日益凸显出来,使公务员道德建设成为我国公务员制度建设的一项重要内容。公务员道德建设研究必须有一套恰当的研究方法,本文以马克思主义为指导,综合运用思想政治教育学、伦理学、社会学等学科的一般原理,并采取了多种研究方法,主要有引用文献的方法,理论联系实际的方法,比较分析方法等。文章以和谐社会为视角,阐述了我国公务员道德建设存在的问题和原因分析,探析了公务员道德体系的构建和社会主义和谐社会下公务员道德建设的有效途径。本论文大体上分四个部分:1、研究本课题的学术意义和现实意义以及公务员道德国内外的研究现状。2、社会主义和谐社会视域下公务员道德建设的重要作用,主要有公务员道德的内容、特征及在新时代的重要作用。3、目前我国公务员道德及建设面临的问题和原因分析。我国公务员道德建设取得了很大成就,“依法治国”和“以德治国”相并重,为人民服务的宗旨逐渐确立,监督体制的健全与法律的完善。在取得成就的同时也存在一些问题,我国公务员道德失范的表现,主要从工作方面、经济方面、生活作风、精神文化方面进行阐述,还有公务员道德建设方面存在的问题,第一,思想认识不到位。第二,教育工作薄弱。第三,工作发展不平衡。第四,监督力量薄弱。第五,道德规范不明确。分析了出现这些问题的原因是传统官德文化对现代公务员道德的影响,社会主义市场经济的负面影响,政治体制改革的滞后影响以及公务员自身思想政治素质不高。4、探索加强我国公务员道德建设的有效途径。主要有提升公务员修养,强化公务员自身素质;加强法律制度建设,增强对公务员失德行为的约束力;优化公务员道德建设的环境,创造良好的从业氛围;完善公务员录用制度,保证优秀的人才进入公务员队伍;借鉴外国的道德建设方法,推进我国公务员道德建设。

【Abstract】 Civil servants are the executors of state will, the promoters of public interest and the leaders of socialist modernization cause. Their performance is related to executing the national guidelines and the success or failure of socialist modernization cause. Ethical construction of civil servants plays an important role in the construction of civil servants. With the improvement of the civil service system, the importance of ethical construction of civil servants is prominent day by day. Ethical construction of civil servants must have appropriate research methods. This thesis takes Marxism as the guidance, comprehensively uses ideological-political education, ethics, sociology and other general principles. The thesis adopts a variety of research methods. It includes references of the method, a method combining theory with practice, comparison analysis method and so on. The thesis is the perspective of harmonious society, it analyses the problems and reasons of ethical construction of civil servants in our country, and explores several solutions to enhance the ethical construction of civil servants.This thesis falls into four sections.In the first section, it studies on academic significance, practical significance and research status at home and abroad of civil servants’ethics.In the second section, it describes ethical construction of civil servants is an important role in the socialist harmonious society; it mainly includes the content, characteristics, and the important role about ethical construction of civil servants.In the third section, it analyses the problems and reasons of ethical construction of civil servants in our country. Ethical construction of civil servants has a great progress, combining rule by moral with rule by law, getting the thought of serving the people, perfecting the supervision system and law. But there are also some problems. The first one is anomie representation of ethics of civil servants. It elaborates the representation from working, economics, living and spiritual culture. In addition, ethical construction of civil servants still has some problems. It contains the following parts. First of all, don’t having a fully understanding. Secondly, the weak spot of education. Thirdly, the imbalance of working development. Fourthly, supervision strength is weak. Fifthly, ethics are not clear. After that, the author presents the reason which is formed. It consists of the influence about traditional administration culture, the harmful influence of market economy, the lagging of political system reform and the low level of civil servants’ideological.In the fourth section, it explores several solutions to enhance the ethical construction of civil servants. It is composed of promoting civil servants’culture and competence, strengthening law system construction, improving the environment of ethical construction of civil servants, consummating employment system, learning from foreign ethical construction of civil servants.

  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】163

