

Research on Reading Behavior Regulation Based on Reading Service in Universities

【作者】 姜虹

【导师】 贾玉文;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 图书馆学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 研究阅读行为,特别是高等教育中的阅读行为规范不仅对了解高校读者的阅读需求、阅读行为以及阅读存在的问题,而且对高校图书馆的服务都具有重要意义。高校图书馆是大学生阅读的场所和提供阅读的工具所导向,高校图书馆只有充分了解了高校学生阅读行为才能提供更好的服务。本文就是基于此来研究阅读行为规范,并从社会阅读规范的角度更深层次地研究阅读这一行为。本文一共有六章,内容如下:第一章引言。这一部分主要是选题背景及意义、国内外对阅读行为研究的历史与现状、本文的创新点。第二章是阅读行为及其规范。主要是论述阅读的本质及概念、阅读行为的特点、影响阅读的心理因素、阅读行为规范以及社会规范阅读。第三章是阅读内容的研究。包括古代科举制度对阅读的影响、近现代的阅读行为以及互联网时代的阅读行为。第四章是高等教育中的阅读规范,包括高等教育制度对阅读行为规范的影响、大学生价值观取向与阅读、教科书的阅读控制机制、图书馆的作用。第五章是研究高校图书馆的阅读指导服务,包括传统图书馆导读服务与数字图书馆的阅读服务。最后是结语。

【Abstract】 Study of reading behavior, especially in higher education to read the code of conduct for colleges and universities not only to understand the needs of readers, reading behavior and reading problems, and for library services in colleges and universities are of great significance. University Library is the place for students to read and provide a tool and guide for reading, only a full understanding for University Libraries on colleges and universities reading act to provide a better service. This article is based on reading this to study the code of conduct and norms from the social point of view to read a deeper look at the act of reading.In this paper, a total of six chapters, which reads as follows:Introduction chapter. The main topics of this part of the background and significance, both at home and abroad to conduct research to read the history and present conditions of the innovation in this article.The second chapter is read and its norms. Mainly on the nature of reading and the concept of the characteristics of reading behavior, psychological factors affect the reading, reading behavior and reading social norms.Chapter III is a study of reading. Including the impact of the ancient imperial examination system on reading, the reading of modern behavior and the behavior of reading the age of the Internet.Chapter IV of the reading is higher education, including the higher education system on the impact of reading a code of conduct, values-oriented college students with reading, textbook reading control mechanisms, and the role of the library.The fifth chapter is to examine the University Library’s reading guide services, including traditional library services and guidance of the read digital library service.Chapter VI of contemporary college students reading problems and responses, including problems, causes and countermeasures.Finally, concluding remarks.

  • 【分类号】G258.6;G252
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】841

