

A Study on Physiological Responding and Subjective Experiences of Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Emotion

【作者】 高晶

【导师】 杨丽珠;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究同时考察了在正性和负性情绪状态下的评价重视、评价忽视、表达抑制和表情宣泄对生理和主观体验的影响。研究以30名大学生为被试进行实验室研究,采用5(简单观看、评价重视、评价忽视、表达抑制、表情宣泄)×2(正性情绪,负性情绪)完全被试内实验设计。以观看图片为情绪诱发手段。使用生理多导仪为生理记录仪器,对心跳R间期(ECG R-R)和手指皮肤导电水平(GSR)的变化情况做了研究。采用情绪报告表测量主观体验。结果表明;(1)无论是对正性情绪,还是对负性情绪,在心跳R间期生理指标上,评价忽视和表达抑制均与简单观看差异显著,评价忽视和表达抑制引起了心跳R间期的增加。评价重视和表情宣泄与简单观看差异不显著;在GSR生理指标上,评价忽视、表达抑制、评价重视和表情宣泄均与简单观看差异显著,评价忽视和表情宣泄引起了GSR的减少,表达抑制和评价重视引起了GSR的增加。(2)同种调节方式下正性和负性情绪调节之间的生理反应也存在“负性偏倚”的现象,即负性情绪调节较正性情绪调节引起心跳R间期更为明显的增宽,引起更大的GSR,差异显著。(3)不同调节方式下正性和负性情绪调节均不存在性别差异,性别只对生理指标的基础值有影响。(4)评价重视和表情宣泄增强了正性和负性情绪调节的主观感受,评价忽视减弱了正性和负性情绪调节的主观感受,表达抑制减弱了正性情绪调节的主观感受,但没有减弱负性情绪调节的主观感受。(5)不同调节方式下正性和负性情绪调节的生理反应和主观体验之间的相关较低。

【Abstract】 This research studied how natural watching condiction,reappraisal , expressive suppression, rumination and expressive revealing influence physiological and subjective experiences.This experiment research has 30(15 males and 15 females) college student participants whose emotion elicited,by positive and negative pictures and using 5(natural watching condiction,reappraisal,expressive suppression,rumination and expressive revealing)×2(positive emotion,negative emotion) within-subjects design.Psysical polygraphic recording is used to record physiological data which include ECG R-R and GSR;Subjective report emotion questionnaire is used to measure subjective experience.The results indicated this:(1)Compared with the control condition , reappraisal and suppression were effective in increasing parasympathetic activation (more enhanced in inter-beat interval) both on positive and negative statuses. Rumination and revealing were not effective in changing physiological responding. Compared with the control condition , reappraisal and revealing were effective in decreasing GSR , suppression and rumination were effective in increasing GSR both on positive and negative statuses.(2)During the process of the four styles of emotion regulation, negativity bias exists between positive and negative emotion regulation.Negative emotion regulation increased more physiological responding than positive emotion regulation.(3)Sex of the subjects only affected the baseline levels of autonomic responses, and did not affect physiological responses during the process of the four styles of emotion regulation.(4)Compared with the control condition , rumination and revealing were effective in increasing subjective experience both on positive and negative statuses. Reappraisal were effective in decreasing subjective experience both on positive and negative statuses. Suppression did not result in decreasing subjective experience on negative statuses,but it resulted in decreasing subjective experience on positive statuses.(5)During the process of the four styles of emotion regulation, the co-relations between autonomic responses and subjective experience were low.

  • 【分类号】B842.6
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】663

