

The Language Teaching of People’s Education Press and "American Language" a Comparative Study

【作者】 刘寅子

【导师】 韩向东;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 基础教育课程改革在全国范围内的推进,使我国教材的编辑和出版也由过去一枝独秀发展到当下的万紫千红争奇斗艳。语文教材的建设由过去的一纲一本转变成一纲多本,又从多本化走向多样化。在语文教材建设多样化的道路上,我们不能闭门造车,应该与发达国家的教材建设多多进行比较、借鉴。本文以人教版语文教材和《美国语文》这两套语文教科书为例,进行比较研究。本文分别从两套语文教科书的设计思路与内部结构系统进行比较研究。发现彼此的异同,笔者发现这两套语文教科书在设计思路上,由于在后现代课程理论的指导下,均是以追求人的个性发展为目标,教材的内容均以人的发展为价值取向,教材的编排均符合学生的认知规律;但是由于中美两国在心理和文化等方面的差异,两者存在着巨大的不同。首先,两者的编制依据不同。其次,选文的文化内涵不同。分别从两套教科书的选文系统、练习系统以及助读系统做了比较分析。最后得出《美国语文》这套教材给我国的语文教材建设带来的可借鉴之处。首先,《美国语文》的编排与学生的心理特征相协调;其次,《美国语文》教材编排的学才化程度更高;再次,它更加关注学生的言语与写作实践。从每一课的编排上,我们可以发现《美国语文》的课后三位一体的练习很值得我们借鉴,而且十分看重知识、技能和策略的训练,同时也注重对学生批判性思维和批判阅读能力的训练。

【Abstract】 Basic education curriculum reform in the nationwide promotion of our editorial and publishing materials from the past to the present thriving development Full flourish. Language teaching materials from the building of a network into a more than a gang, and from more than to the diversification of. The diversification of language teaching materials in the construction of the road, we can not work behind closed doors, it should be the construction of teaching materials and more developed countries compared to reference. In this paper, PEP language teaching materials and "American language" the language of these two sets of textbooks as an example, a comparative study.In this paper, two sets of language textbooks from the design ideas and the internal structure of a comparative study of the system. Found in each other’s similarities and differences, I found the language of these two sets of ideas in the design of the textbook, as in the post-modern theory, under the guidance of course, are based on the pursuit of human personality development, materials development are human values, teaching students the structure are in line with the laws of cognition; However, due to China and the United States in the psychological and cultural differences, there existed a great difference. First of all, the basis of two different preparation. Secondly, the election of a different cultural connotation of the text. Two sets of textbooks from the text of the election system, exercise system, as well as time to help do a comparative analysis of the system. Came to the conclusion that "American language" The language of teaching materials to China’s building materials can be brought about lessons. First of all, the "American language" with the students the structure of the coordination of the psychological characteristics; Secondly, the "American language" teaching arrangement of a higher degree of Xuecai; again, which the students pay more attention to the practice of speech and writing. Presentation from each class, we can find "American language" three-in-one after-school practice is worthy of our reference, and a very important knowledge, skills and training strategy, but also pay attention to the students critical thinking and critical reading skills

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1385

