

On Historical Philosophy Thinking of Scholars in the Pre-Qin Period

【作者】 路懿菡

【导师】 赵玉宝;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 先秦时期的中国思想世界,经历了从“王官之学”向“诸子之学”的转变,前轴心期所酝酿的哲学观念经由先秦诸子的阐发而完成了从“集体思想”向“精英思想”的蜕变,后经由国家意识形态的干预而逐渐完成了其“经典化”的过程。而以儒、墨、道、法、阴阳各家为代表的先秦诸子共同缔造了古代中国的“思想史高原”。变乱的历史进程在不同的思想运演中产生不同的投影,业已逝去的历史在不同的历史思维中被唤回、被重现。围绕着历史进程中主体的能动性、创造性与客观规律性的关系、历史发展的规律及模式等诸命题,先秦诸子展开了不同的论说,从而形成了不同的历史哲学思想。本文即以此为研究对象,重点考察儒、墨、道、法、阴阳五家的历史哲学思想,同时着力分析了前诸子时代思想观念演进的脉络,考察了诸子历史哲学思想的产生背景,试图以此展现先秦时期历史哲学思想发展的整体脉络。本文分为三大部分,即导言、正文和结语。导言主要是阐明本文的研究目的、意义和思路,回顾了本选题的研究概况。第一章为诸子历史哲学思想的产生背景,着重分析了春秋末期以来天命信仰的转变所导致的天道观念的出现和天命观念的转变。正惟如此,“道”的抽象成为可能,人道理性方得以觉醒,而此两者的实现正是诸子历史哲学思想得以形成及展开的起点。第二章为儒家历史哲学思想,分别阐释了孔、孟、荀的历史哲学思想。揭示了三者在人道价值、天人之辨及历史的演进模式上所显示出的不同的致思倾向。第三章为道家历史哲学思想,力图揭示道家将人类历史进程视为“道”的思辨和展开过程,分析了《老子》之“道”同庄子之“道”的内在差异及由此所导致的两者对于人类自身存在境域的不同理解和救赎之道。第四章为法家历史哲学思想,着重阐发了韩非的哲学观,分析了法家的历史变易观及其与儒、道两家的不同。第五章为阴阳家历史哲学思想,分析了阴阳家的天人感应思想及其所包含的“关联性思维”,阐释了邹衍的“五德终始”的历史哲学思想。第六章墨家历史哲学思想分析了墨子视阈中的“天志”与“非命”及其所构建的以“兼爱”与“尚同”为旨归的理想社会图景。结语总结了先秦诸子的历史哲学思想中所包含的主要命题及其在先秦思想史上的意义。

【Abstract】 The historical activities are dynamic evolution processes, accompanied with the blend of inevitability of history and purposiveness. The historical activities are decided not only by the inevitable objective law, but also reflect the subjective volition of mankind. The realization of human self-cognition is achieved by the reflections on history. The generation of historical philosophy thinking is the result of mankind understanding history consciously and philosophical reflection on history, which is not only the expression of level of mankind recognize themselves, but also the requirements of mankind develop themselves. The world of thought in pre-qin period, which changed from the official learning of Western Zhou Dynasty to the various schools of thoughts. Philosophy fermented in the pre-axis era realizes the transformation from group thoughts to elitism by means of the eludication of pre-qin scholars and become classic gradually because of the intervention of national ideology sequently. The prep-qin scholars representated by Confucianism, Moism, Taoism, the Legal School and Yin-Yang School create the altiplano of ideaistic history of ancient China. Involute historical process produce different projections under different deduction of thoughts and these already gone history is recalled and reappeared under various historical thinking Pre-qin scholars develop different views around subjective initiative , the relationship between creativity and objective law and the law and model of historical development and then form different historical Philosophy. This article is to study historical Philosophy, especially the study of Confucianism, Moism, Taoism, the Legal School and Yin-Yang School, these five schools’historical Philosophy, emphasis in analyzing the process of evolution of thoughts in Pre-Qin Times and inspect the background of forming historical Philosophy of different scholars to show the whole developed venation of historical Philosophy in pre-qin period.The article is divided into three parts, introduction, body and conclusion.Introduction This part is to illuminate the research purpose, significance and train of thought of this article and review the research overview of this selected subject.Chapter I The part is to introduce the background of the birth of the various schools of thoughts and emphasis in that changes of the Mandate of Heaven after the late Spring and Autumn Period leads to the appearance of concept of the Heaven and changes of the Mandate of Heaven. Base on above statement, the abstraction of Tao(道) is available and People(人道理性) begin to have an awakening。The realization of both sides is just the beginning of formation and development of historical philosophy thinking of the various schools.Chapter II This part is to introduce historical philosophy thinking of Confucianism. And introduce the historical philosophy thinking of Confucious(孔子), Mencius(孟子) and Xuncius(荀子) separately. This part also reveal the different tendency of Confucious, Mencius and Xuncius appear on Human Values,the heaven-man relationship and evolution process of history.Chapter III This part is to introduce historical philosophy thinking of Taoism(道家). This part intends to reveal Taoism consider the historical process as the process of speculation and development. Analyze internal differences of Tao in the Book of Master Lao(《老子》) and Tao of Zhuang z(i庄子). These differences lead to Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi have their own understanding and salvation on field of being of human kind.Chapter IV This part is to introduce historical philosophy thinking of Legalist School(法家). And emphasis in elaborating Philosophy of Han Fei Zi (韩非子)and analyzing views of change in history of the Legalist School and differences to Confucianism and Taoism.Chapter V This part is to introduce historical philosophy thinking of Yin-Yang School. And analyze the theory of corresponding mutually between Heaven and Man of Yin-Yang School and relevance thoughts . And elaborate the historical Philosophy of theory of the cyclic revolution of five virtues of Zou Yan.Chapter VI This part is to introduce historical Philosophy of MoZi(墨子). And analyze“天志”,“非命”and ideal society scene created by MoZi for the purpose of universal love(兼爱) and“尚同“.Conclusion. This part is to summarize main proposition and significance to ideaistic history of Pre- Qin period that is included in historical philosophy thinking of pre-qin scholars.

  • 【分类号】B222;K092
  • 【下载频次】332

