

Huangtaiji Restructuring Study

【作者】 石怡

【导师】 谢景芳;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 历史学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 发端于东北偏远地带的女真—满洲族缘何在短短数十年中迅速崛起并统一中国,甚至将政权统治延续长达268年并且实现中国历史上持续最长久的经济繁荣与社会稳定,历来被历史工作者所关注。对此,学术界的基本认识,往往是从当代中国落后于西方的后果向前推论,认为:一、清朝是落后的满族人建立的朝代,因此,将明朝本已经很“先进”的历史发展趋势拦腰斩断,使那个本已经对中国产生“启蒙思想”的时期回退到更黑暗的政治专制。二、满族统治者怀抱狭隘的民族心理和歧视汉族的统治政策,极力压抑新思想,大搞闭关锁国,不能顺应世界潮流开眼看世界,延误了中国融入世界潮流的历史进程。三、暴力统治及其所推行的剃发易服、圈地投充等政策,不仅使广大汉族民众生存在被奴役的状态,同时造成已经产生的大量“资本主义萌芽”受到摧残。这种社会生产力发生的大倒退,终使中国进入资本主义时代的可能成为泡影。其实,当我们重新客观的去审视那个时代及其社会环境就会发现:清朝统治的全部作为,是在继承以往中国社会控制的全部经验,发挥既定制度与传统的全部效能,尽量发挥人君在专制体制下的励精图治能力,取得满族、汉族甚至全部统治范围内的各族广泛认可与支持,才成为事实的。通过认真分析满族的民族性格与传统,分析研究入关前清朝半个世纪尤其是皇太极时期近二十年的历史进程,不难发现:较以往挑战中原王朝的其它北方少数民族,皇太极作为一位领导者,非常注重吸收周边蒙、汉民族的优长,注意总结前人的经验教训,注意调整自有文化以适应自身民族发展变化带来的新挑战。另一方面,东北特殊的自然地理条件、辽东地区复杂的经济类型、多民族杂居共存的生活环境,渔猎与农耕两大不同类型文化在入关前数十年的冲突与磨合,成为满、汉民族在关外融汇最有价值的过渡期,也正因为这短暂的过渡,使得满族统治者有足够的时间可以充分准备、逐渐铲除二种异质文明融汇之后可能产生的各种障碍。过渡期内,皇太极对国家进行的各方面改革及政策调整,既强化了君主权威又保证了政府运作的高效率,在强调首崇满洲的同时也使社会秩序的有序运行得以维护,各项统治政策、国家行政管理的框架也已初具规模,而入关之后的清政权之所以能高质量长期巩固、稳定对全中国的统治,与这段历史有着密不可分的关系。

【Abstract】 The reason why Nuzhen - Manchu originated in remote north-eastern, grown and unified China rapidly, even kept the regime for 268 years, sustained China’ s most long-term economic prosperity and social stability , has long been of concern to the historical workers. Regarding this, the basic knowledge of academia always thinks, that: Firstly, the Qing Dynasty who was established by Manchu, cut down the Ming Dynasty’ s "advanced" historical development of trend in the middle, made the "Enlightenment" period back to a more darker and imperious despotic time. Secondly, the rulers embraced narrow national psychology and discrimination policy, suppressed ideas strongly, carried out a closed-door policy, couldn’ t adapt to the global trend to open see the world, delayed China’ s integration into the world. Thirdly, the government’ s cruel and ferocious policy made the majority of Hanchu people not only to survive in a state of slavery, but also causing a large number of "embryonic capitalism" by the devastation.In fact, when we re-look at the objective and the social environment of that era will find: the Qing Dynasty have had successed of the past in all of China’ s social control experience, played the well-established system and all the traditional performance, to gain all ethnic groups’ broad recognition and supportion.So, through a careful analysis of Manchu’ s national characters and traditions, especially the process of Huangtaiji, it is easy to find: compaired with other northern ethnic minorities’ rulers , as a leader, he allways attaches great importance to the surrounding absorption in Mongolia and Hanchu, pays attention to summing up experiences and lessons of their predecessors, adjusts their own cultures in order to adapt the new challenges.The north-east has special natural and geographical conditions, complex economic types, multi-ethnic co-existence of mixed living environment. Two different cultures’ conflicts and fusion(hunting and fishing culture, farming culture) for several decades become the most valuable transition period. It is precisely because of this short-term transition, the Manchu rulers have enough time to eliminate all obstacles. During the transition period, Huangtaiji carried reforms and policy adjustments on various aspects , both to strengthen the authority of the rulers and also ensured the efficient operation by the government, the framework of state administration had also begun to take shape. This period of history should be payed more attentions.

【关键词】 适应能力皇太极改制
【Key words】 adaptationHuangtaijirestructuring
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【下载频次】141

