

In the Perspective of Modernity Thoughts and Capitalist Comparative Study of Socialist Ideology

【作者】 杨岩峰

【导师】 刘晨晔;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,我们已经习惯了把社会主义与资本主义看作两种对立的意识形态,把社会主义理论与资本主义理论当成两个对立的理论体系,把社会主义制度与资本主义制度视为两种对立的社会制度,也正是由这种认识出发,导致了资本主义国家与社会主义国家的之间长达近半个世纪的冷战。然而,即使是在冷战的高峰期,那些一贯严肃的学者也会发现,资本主义和社会主义无论是理论还是实践总有颇多的相似的之处:从资本主义国家来看,不断地在强化宏观干预以实现反危机,不断地在完善社会福利以维护社会公平,不断地在缩短工时来扩大工人的自由,同时吸收工人参与企业管理,发行企业职工股使多数工人成为股东,提高个人工资,走高工资、高消费的发展道路,如此等等;从社会主义国家来看,正在逐步重视和肯定个人利益的正当性,而且在日益肯定价值规律的客观性,同时不断地完善民主、法制,希望从制度上落实和保护公民权利,等等。伴随着社会主义国家的改革开放,特别是冷战结束以来,两种制度国家之间的交往与合作日益增多、频繁,相互学习与借鉴的范围和领域也不断拓宽,这使得共识也日渐增多、加深。甚至马克思、恩格斯当年预言的共产主义社会发展的目标,如今已经部分地在发达资本主义国家变为现实,如三大差别的消失等。所有这些无不对传统的资本主义理论和社会主义理论提出挑战,人们不禁要问:为什么会出现这种情况?到底是资本主义出了问题,还是社会主义出了问题,抑或是双方都出了问题?到底是一双什么样的“上帝之手”在冥冥之中掌控着两种制度?未来的出路到底何在?当我们带着这些现实生活实践提出的尖锐问题,重新审视社会主义和资本主义产生和发展的历史时,我们不禁发现,它们都是我们的先人在思考人类如何从传统社会走向现代社会问题的思想成果,它们共同推动了人类的现代化之旅,它们也共同塑造了当代人类文明的根基——现代性。正是现代性的产生,现代社会的到来使得主体性“人”的地位,被世人发现,并被肯定下来。正是出于对主体性“人”的权利的理性追求,才会有了出于为保障主体性“人”的各项权利而构建的两种制度方案,并最终形成了两种思潮。于是我们发现其实社会主义思潮和资本主义思潮是同根同源的,他们从相同的出发点即“人”的主体性地位出发,从人类自由、平等等应有权利上展开思维,寄希望于建构可以有效保障人的各项权利的制度。然而由于资本主义生产方式的首先登场,造成了两种思潮诉求侧重点的不同,资本主义思潮更关注于新制度的起源和可行性,而成了资本主义制度的设计者和维护者;社会主义思潮更关注于新制度的问题和完善性,而成了资本主义制度的批判者和重构者,由此使二者从相同的主体出发,而最终走入了不同的归宿。时至今日,虽然现代性已然面临多方面的挑战,但现代性大厦的根基并没动摇,人、人性、人道、人的需要,以及由此派生的民生、民有、民享等等,依旧是我们今天思考所有问题的出发点和落脚点。因此,我们理解,这个颇多微词但依旧在人类文明大厦中傲然屹立的现代性正是掌控上述格局的“上帝之手”。所以,我们需要立足现代性视域重新审视当今世界这两大思潮、两种制度、两类国家的相互关系,并由此,我们将会发现一个解释今天世界的许多尖锐问题的全新维度。

【Abstract】 We have put socialism and capitalism as two opposite ideology, the theories of socialism and capitalism theory as the theoretical system, two opposing the socialist system and the capitalist system as two social system, and is also the understanding of the capitalist countries, with the socialist countries between cold for nearly half a century. However, even in the cold war, the serious scholars also found that capitalism and socialism from theory to practice some similar in common: from the capitalist countries in strengthening macro view, in order to realize the crisis intervention, in perfect social welfare in safeguarding social justice, and constantly expand workers in shorter in the freedom, absorbed workers to participate in the enterprise management, enterprise worker makes most workers to become shareholders, improve personal wages higher wages, the high cost of development path, and so on, From a socialist country, and certainly in gradually the legitimacy of personal interests in certain law of value objective, and constantly improve the democratic and legal system, and the protection of citizens’ rights, etc. Along with the reform and opening up socialist countries, especially since the end of the cold war between the two countries, and the increasing exchanges and cooperation, and learn from one another and expanding consensus, and increasingly, also, deepen. Marx and Engels even in the communist society development prophecy, now part of the target in the developed capitalist countries into reality, as the three difference disappeared, etc. All of these is the traditional theory of capitalism and socialism theory challenged, people can not help but ask: why will appear this kind of circumstance? What is the problem that capitalism or socialism, or are both wrong? What exactly is a pair of "the hand of god" in the two wrecks control system? The future of the outlet end?When we took the real life of sharp practice, re-examine society and capitalist production and development history, you will find that they are our ancestors thinking how humans from traditional society to modern social problems, they promote ideological achievements of modern human trip, they also shape the common foundation of contemporary human civilization - modernity. Modernity is produced in modern society, the arrival of subjectivity "man", is found, and be sure. It is out of subjectivity "people", the rationality of the right will be out for the protection of subjectivity "person" rights and constructing the system of two kinds of schemes, and finally formed two trends. Hence we find that in fact socialism and capitalism trend is the same roots, they from the same point of subjectivity "person" is the right from the start, equality, freedom, democracy and human rights thinking, I hope I can spread on the construction of an effective guarantee rights. However, because of the capitalist mode of production, the first two trends caused by the different emphases appeal, capitalist thoughts more attention in the new system, the origin and the feasibility and become the capitalist system designers and maintainers, More attention in socialist new system and perfect, and became the capitalist system and the reconstruction of criticism, which makes them by the same subject to different end-result.Today, although already facing many challenges of modernity, but the modernity of building foundation and didn’t shake, and human nature, humanitarian, the need of the people, and the people’s livelihood, people are derived, and etc, are still today, we think all the problems of the starting point and the foothold. Therefore, we understand that, but still more vocal in human civilization building modernity of proudly standing is the pattern of control "hand of god". Therefore, we need to rethink modernity vision based on these two big trend in today’s world, two systems, and the relationship between two countries, therefore, we will find many of today’s world explain an acute problem of new dimensions.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【下载频次】78

