

The Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasure of Tennis Sports of Universities in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 高慧

【导师】 刘仁盛;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 网球运动是一项具有深厚的文化底蕴、高雅的属性和适应人们追求时尚、关注健康需求的运动项目。网球运动,现在已经成为人们一项重要的休闲娱乐健身项目,逐渐被现代大学生们所喜爱和接受,并在高校中正在逐步推广普及。网球运动在高校蓬勃发展,已经成为体育教学和课外锻炼的重要内容,但是由于学校自身存在的客观条件的制约,使得网球运动的开展并不顺利。目前,现行的学校网球发展条件与大学生对网球运动的需求日益扩大之间的矛盾是阻碍高校网球运动发展中的一个主要矛盾,如何解决这个矛盾,成为摆在目前各个高校管理者和体育教育工作者面前的一个重要问题。本课题在研究过程中主要运用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、调查访问法等,对黑龙江省普通高校网球运动的开展现状进行调查研究,目的是对黑龙江省普通高校网球运动的现状进行一个客观的评价与分析,找出制约黑龙江省普通高校网球运动发展的影响因素,提出相应的发展思路和对策,为我省乃至全国高校网球运动的普及和可持续发展提供重要的理论参考依据。研究结果表明:黑龙江省高校现有网球场地154片,场地较少,且主要分布于哈尔滨市,有些高校场地相对多,但是学生数量众多,人均占有量少,总体看场地设施不足;网球的健身价值被广泛认可,网球健身的人口还有上升的趋势,高校的学生创新意识强,身体条件好,无疑是网球运动开展得良好发展对象,所以今后高校网球运动在全省范围内的普及将是一个工作中的重点;黑龙江省高校开展网球运动的保障条件还不够充足。网球场地数量严重不足,不能满足网球教学,大多数院校在课余时间实行有偿使用,部分院校的收费标准超出学生的承受能力。网球师资匮乏,并且师资水平参差不齐,对网球教学工作有很大的影响;黑龙江省高校网球课程由于受到场地和师资的影响,开课率并不是很高,高校组织机构和网球俱乐部的发展不成熟,只有少数的协会,但并没有真正意义上的网球俱乐部,不利于网球运动在高校的开展、普及;影响黑龙江省高校网球运动发展的主要因素是受经济水平制约、地域气候因素影响、场地设施影响、教师学历水平不高且科研水平较差、培训机构的数量少且质量不高、交流少、资金投入不足、传媒的宣传不够;调查的大部分师生对黑龙江省高校网球运动的发展前景持乐观态度

【Abstract】 The tennis movement is an item has the deep cultural inside story, the lofty attribute and adapts the people to pursue the fashion, the attention healthy demand movement project. The tennis movement, now already became a people important leisure entertainment healthy body project, gradually is liked by the modern university students and accepts, and gradually was promoting the popularization in the universities.The tennis movement in universities’s vigorous development, already became the sports teaching and the extracurricular exercise important content, but as a result of the school own existence detachment condition restriction, caused the tennis movement the development not to be certainly smooth. Between at present, the present school tennis development condition and the university student expand to the tennis movement demand the contradiction is day by day hinders in the universities tennis movement development a principal contradiction, how resolves this contradiction, becomes suspends at the present each universities superintendents and in front of a sports educator’s important question.This topic has mainly utilized the literature material law , the questionnaire survey law, the investigation visit law in the research process and so on, conducts he investigation and study to theHeiLongJiang Province ordinary universities tennis movement development present situation, the goal is carries on an objective appraisal and the analysis to the HeiLongJiang Province ordinary universities tennis movement present situation, discovers restricts the HeiLongJiangProvince ordinary universities tennis movement development the influence factor, proposed the corresponding development mentality and the countermeasure, are popular and the sustainable development for our province and even the national universities tennis movement provides the important theory reference.The findings indicated that:Colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province to the existing tennis court 154,less space, and mainly located in Harbin City, and some colleges and universities relative venues, but the large number of students per capita less than the overall lack of venues and facilities to see;Tennis fitness values has been widely recognized, tennis fitness of the population there is an upward trend, college students a strong sense of innovation, good physical condition is very good tennis to carry out the development of the object, so college tennis in the future province-wide popularity will be a focus of the work;Colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province develop the tennis movement the support conditions not to be very also sufficient. A serious shortage in the number of tennis courts, tennis can not meet the teaching, the majority of institutions in the implementation of compensation for the use of after-school time, some institutions of the charges in excess of the carrying capacity of students. Tennis teacher shortage and uneven quality of teachers on the teaching of tennis has a great impact;Colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province tennis courses and teachers as a result of the impact site, start rate is not high, college organizations and the development of immature Tennis Club, only a small number of associations, but there is no real sense of the tennis club, is not conducive to tennis campaign carried out in institutions of higher learning, universal;Impact on colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province tennis is a major factor in the development level by economic constraints, geographical climate factors, the impact of venues and facilities, low level of teacher qualifications and poor level of scientific research, training institutions and the quality of a small number is not high, the exchange of small, inadequate funding, lack of media publicity ; Most of the survey of teachers and students of colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province, the development of sport, is optimistic about the prospect

  • 【分类号】G845
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】480

