

The Study on Takeshiro Kuraishi’s Educational Thoughts of Chinese Language Education

【作者】 谭皓

【导师】 杨晓;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中日两国经济、政治、文化教育等各方面的交流不断增多,中国语教育在日本的重要性日益彰显。然而学术界多关注于对语法、词汇等细节的研究,对于中国语教育思想的探讨尚显不足。仓石武四郎是日本中国语教育史上的重要人物,他将日本中国语教育从传统教育模式引入真正意义上的现代外语教育,对日本中国语教育的发展以及中日关系的推进起到了不可磨灭的作用。仓石武四郎不仅理论思想卓越,一生著作等身,而且从事中国语教育近50年,教学经验颇丰。然而,迄今为止前人尚未对其中国语教育思想进行过系统的研究和总结。本研究在充分整理、总结现有研究成果的基础上,系统地分析仓石武四郎的主要著述和其他大量的相关中文、日文文献,初次概括出仓石武四郎中国语教育思想,以期填补关于仓石武四郎中国语教育研究中的一处空白,同时为日本的中国语教育和我国对外汉语教学提供指导和借鉴。论文基本结构如下:第一部分是问题的提出,从整体上对本研究的缘起、研究目的、研究意义、研究方法以及相关概念的界定加以论述。第二部分是相关研究综述,将20世纪50年代至今关于仓石武四郎的全部研究,从数量、内容和动态三个角度加以整理、分析、总结、综述,不仅夯实了本研究的基础,而且为相关研究者节省了前期研究综述的时间。第三部分是对仓石武四郎中国语教育思想的论述和总结。在分析其教育思想产生背景的基础上,该部分首先从仓石武四郎对中国语教育的教育目的、教学原则、教学方法三方面思想加以总结,进而从仓石武四郎对中等学校、高等学校、实业学校、大学四个阶段的中国语教育的论述出发,对其阶段教学理论进行阐述。第四部分对仓石武四郎中国语教育思想的历史意义和现实意义两个方面进行论述。本研究的最后两部分是参考文献和注释。

【Abstract】 As the economical, political, cultural and educational exchanges between China and Japan have been increasing, the importance of the Chinese language education in Japan has become more and more overwhelming. However, scholars have paid more attention to the studies on some linguistic details, such as grammar and vocabulary. Therefore, the study on the theories and principles of the Chinese language education is still obviously insufficient. Mr. Takeshiro Kuraishi is one of the most significant scholars in the history of Chinese language education in Japan, who put forward the Chinese language education in Japan from the traditional educational pattern to the real modern foreign language education, which played an indelible role not only in the development of Chinese language education in Japan, but also in the promotion of Sino-Japanese relationship. His educational theories and thoughts are very remarkable and he almost spent the whole life writing hundreds of books. Meanwhile, he has also been engaged in Chinese language education for almost 50 years, which makes him full of educational experience. However, so far his educational thoughts of Chinese language education has not been studied or summarized thoroughly. On the basis of summarizing the existing researches, this study systematically analyzes the main masterpieces and books of Mr. Takeshiro Kuraishi as well as other relative text resources in Chinese and Japanese, initially generalizes his educational thoughts of Chinese language education, so as to fill a blank of the study on the educational theories of Mr. Takeshiro Kuraishi as well as provide guidance and reference for both Japan’s Chinese education and teaching Chinese as a foreign language of China.The basic structure of the paper is as follows:The first part is the question statement, generally discusses the origin, the goal, the significance, the method of this study as well as the definition of the related concepts. The second part is the summary of the related researches existing now, in which it summarizes all the researches Takeshiro Kuraishi from the 1950s to now from three aspects—the quantity, the context and development of research, so as to reinforce the foundation of this study as well as save the time of summary for the following researchers.The third part is the discussion and summary of the educational thoughts and theories of Takeshiro Kuraishi. On the basis of analyzing the background of his thoughts and theories, it firstly summarizes the educational goal, the teaching principles and teaching methods of Takeshiro Kuraishi and then discusses his educational level theory from four steps—the Chinese language education in the junior high school, the senior high school, the technical school and the university.The fourth part carries on the historic and the practical significance of the educational thoughts and theories of Takeshiro Kuraishi. Meanwhile, last two parts are the reference and the annotation of the study.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【下载频次】115

