

Multi-media in Language Teaching Rational Application of

【作者】 林颖

【导师】 杨卓;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现在是一个崇尚科技、提倡创新的时代。教育事业在这样的环境下同样呈现出日新月异的变化,但同时机遇和挑战是并存的,所以科学发展为教育事业提出了更加严峻的挑战。发展好素质教育前提下的多媒体教育这个呼声也随之越来越响亮,改革教育教学模式即现在还在积极推行的新课标改革无疑成了符合时代发展潮流的最好方法。新课程改革实验正在向我们迎面走来,语文教学在理念、意识、方法和教学手段上正在寻求更好的突破口来适应新的教学模式的变化,而多媒体技术在语文教学中的运用正是课堂教学寻求改革的新的发展方向。本文针对当前语文教学存在的种种弊端和多媒体技术渗透学科教学的优越性,最大限度的开发课程资源,最大限度的挖掘教学潜力,最大限度的应用先进的教育教学因素和技术手段,把信息技术和语文教学紧密的结合在一起,最终实现语文教学信息化。文中从教学主体、借助条件、教学模式、教学结果等方面入手,从中突出多媒体语文教学与传统语文教学的种种不同之处,论述了多媒体教学的重要性。同时也论述了多媒体在实际应用的过程中的一些不合理的地方,提出了应该在语文教学中合理应用多媒体技术,并将多媒体技术手段与实际语文课堂教学相整合的论点,说明利用多媒体与语文教学整合可以满足不同文本的各个方面的授课要求、补充学生的认知空白、创设文章情景、强化重难点以及高效地培养学生课外自学能力等五大优势。同时也指出了运用多媒体手段进行教学时应遵循适度性、灵活性和创新性的原则。使多媒体与语文教学实际相结合,适应不断发展的知识的需要,满足实际语文教学的需要,适应新课改对语文教学提出的新要求。

【Abstract】 It is a worship of technology, promote innovation era. Education in such an environment has shown the same rapid changes, but at the same time the opportunities and challenges exist side by side, so the scientific development of education presented a more serious challenge. Quality education and develop multimedia educational context of this call also will be more and more loudly, educational reform and teaching model that is still actively pursuing the New Curriculum reform will no doubt become the development trend of the times the best way.The new curriculum reform experiment is coming to our head, language teaching in philosophy, consciousness, methods, and teaching methods that are seeking a better starting point to adapt to changes in the new teaching model, while the multi-media technology in language teaching is the classroom seeks to reform the teaching of the new direction of development.In this paper, the current existence of the drawbacks of language teaching and multimedia teaching subjects the superiority of technology penetration to maximize the development of curriculum resources to maximize the teaching potential of the excavation, the maximum application of advanced education and teaching factors and technical means, the information technology and Teaching closely together, and ultimately language teaching information technology. From the teaching of the main text, with conditions, teaching mode and teaching aspects of the results of comparison, highlight the multi-media language teaching, language teaching and traditional differences, discusses the importance of multi-media teaching. Also discussed the practical application of multimedia in the course of some of the unreasonable proposed language teaching should be the reasonable application of multimedia technology, and language teaching to consolidate its arguments, indicating the use of multimedia and language teaching, integration of instruction to meet the different texts required to supplement the student’s cognitive space, the creation of the article scenarios, enhanced emphasis on difficult and high-school students in five major advantages of self-learning ability. Also pointed out the use of multimedia tools for teaching and learning appropriate to be followed, flexibility and innovation principles. To make multi-media and the reality of language teaching to meet the evolving needs of the knowledge, to meet the actual needs of language teaching.

【关键词】 多媒体语文教学网络课件
【Key words】 multimedialanguage teachingNetworkcourseware
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】986

