

The Researching of Cooperation in Inquiry-based Learning on Political Lesson in High School

【作者】 陈素

【导师】 刘文达;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化趋势的加强,知识经济时代、信息时代的到来,新的知识和学科不断涌现,同时,我国经济的迅猛发展,也对未来的人才提出新的需求,要求他们具有与人合作的能力、自主学习的能力、实践探究和创新的能力等。然而,我国传统的教育理念和方法却无法满足这一需求,这就要求对我国的基础教育进行全面的改革。新课改的实施对基础教育提出许多新的要求,提倡培养学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习、创新精神和实践能力等。高中政治课教材以马克思主义政治经济学、马克思主义哲学和马克思主义政治学为主要内容,内容丰富且与社会实际紧密结合,对未来的人才具有很强的指导性和实用性。然而如果利用传统的教学方式进行教学,却难免使这些知识脱离实际而局限于课本,变成空洞的说教,失去了我们教育的初衷,也难以为社会的发展培养与时俱进的人才。所以,改变传统的教育教学理念和方法迫在眉睫。教学方法的改革是新课程理念下基础教育课程改革的重点之一。研究性学习是教学方法的一大变革,研究性学习要求学生对与政治课和现实生活相结合的课题进行研究,主动获取到知识,并在研究性学习的过程中,积极进行师生之间、学生之间的合作,这就要求按照合作学习的方法和规律来实施,才能地达到预期的学习目的。因此,笔者认为高中政治课研究性学习的开展应该在合作学习的模式下进行,将研究性学习与合作学习两者结合起来进行研究具有创新性。本论文试图在新课改指导下,引导学生进行政治学科研究性学习的合作学习模式的实践研究。笔者通过亲身的教学实践和对学生的实验,研究结果表明,高中政治课(笔者以贵阳十中高一年级为例)教材的内容与现实社会和生活中的现象联系紧密,许多现实问题是学生迫切需要认知的,通过教师的指导和书本知识的引导,通过学生们之间的通力合作,在实践探究中将问题的答案找到。在此过程中,学生不仅牢固地掌握了知识,学会了研究问题的方法,提高了社会实践的能力,更学会了与人交往与合作,这顺应了时代对学生创新能力和全面素质提高的要求,而且有利于学生主体地位的发挥、学习方式的转变、学生的创新意识与实践能力的培养和学生的全面发展,从而提高政治课教学的实效性。由于时间短暂,笔者自身水平又有限,对此课题的研究和在实际操作上还存在许多不足之处,这需要笔者在将来的教育教学工作不断反思和磨练,并加以修改才能得以完善。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global economic system and China’s economy, as well as the emergence of knowledge-based economy, information era and new disciplines, higher requirements for personnel are needed in the future. Ability to cooperate, self-learning ability, practice inquiry and innovation capability are the basic requirements. However, China’s traditional educational philosophy and methods can not meet this demand. As a result of that, China’s basic education must be reformed. Many requests have been made inside the New Course Concept, such as student self-learning, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, innovative spirit and practical ability.High school political lesson materials are based on Marxist political economy, Marxist philosophy and Marxist political science, which have rich contents. It is in close connection with social reality to guide the practical application for the future talents. But using traditional methods of teaching, the knowledge is divorced from reality confined to textbooks. That may not only lose our original purpose of education, but also can not groom the talents with the times. So, to change the traditional educational concepts and methods is an urgent matter. The reform of teaching methods is one of the keys to the New Course Concept. Research Learning is one of the major changes in teaching methods, by which students study the political lesson, as well as the theme of political lesson, and get knowledge by themselves. In this process, the cooperation between teachers and students and among students must follow cooperative learning methods and rules so as to achieve the intended purpose. In summary, I believe that research-based learning must be carried out under the co-operative learning in high school. And research in this area is innovative.Under the guidance of the New Course Concept, this paper attempts to describe how to guide students to study political subjects and research-based learning in the philosophy of cooperation. Personal teaching practice and student experiments show that high political textbooks and the reality of social life are closely related(high school political lesson of Grade one for example). The answers of many problems which the students need to recognize immediately can be found in practice by teachers guiding and the cooperation among students. In this process, students can not only grasp the knowledge but also learn the exchanges and cooperation between people. This meets the requests of students’innovation and improving the quality of students, and it is also good to change the way of learning for the students. Developing students’capacity of practice and innovation will benefit all-round development of students, and increase the timeliness of the political class.Due to time and my own limited ability, I will continue to reflect and sum up the inadequacies of the paper in the education process in the future.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】445

