

The Sandhi of Xingtai Dialect

【作者】 尚新丽

【导师】 张安生;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 河北省西南部的邢台市,处于晋语向冀鲁官话过渡的地带。邢台市所辖的16个市县,有2个市县的方言属于晋语,而邢台县境内的方言既有冀鲁官话,也有晋语。邢台官话片方言中的语流音变,尤其是儿化、“子”变、“了”变、“着”变等音义关联的语流音变现象十分丰富。本文以邢台官话片方言中的语流音变为研究对象,以儿化、“子”变、“了”变、“着”变等音义关联的语流音变为研究重点,进行了田野调查和共时与历时相结合的研究、探讨。本文比较有价值的研究结论是:1.邢台官话片的重重型两字组的连调除阴平不变调外,其它声调都发生了变调;重轻型两字组中,当前字是阳平字,而后字是词汇性轻声字时,也会发生变调,其它情况不变调;叠字组连读变调中,只有部分阴平名词叠字组发生了变调。2.邢台方言中“儿”缀的结构功能很强,还存在“子”缀词语儿化和“的”字短语儿化两种特殊现象。方言中的儿化韵与普通话的有很大差异,其中有一组儿化韵中还保留了本地方言中“儿”缀早期的[-(?)]音。3.在邢台官话方言片,“子”变、“了”变、“着”变等在字组或语流中发生的变声、变韵、变调情况,与山西、河南等地的类似变音(完全合音变调)有很大的不同。邢台方言中“子”缀有儿化形式与非儿化形式两种,它们的音变情况差异较大。非儿化“子”缀音变有“增音子尾型”,“合音变韵型”两种类型;儿化音变中“子”缀在“小+X子+儿”结构中,不与前字合音,而是发作独立的轻声儿化音节[.t(?)]。“了”变、“着”变等都包括三种音变类型:增音型、合音变韵型和变异过渡型。在同一类型中,三者的音变规律大体一致。本文可以为河北方言的调查研究提供必要的补充,对研究本县方言的语流音变现象具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Xingtai city which is located in southwest of Hebei province, is situated in a transitional belt between Jin dialect ang Ji lu Mandarin. Xingtai has jurisdiction over sixteen counties. Among them, there are two counties that contain entering tone. Xingtai county is special, it not only includes JiLu Mandarin but also Jin dialect. The sandhi in Xingtai Mandarin area, especially suffixation of a nonsyllabic "Er" final varied pattern of suffix "Zi"、"Le"、"Zhe" and so on, which belong to the sandhi that is connected with means and syllable, is very abundance. This dissertation makes the sandhi in Xingtai Mandarin as the subjection, and makes the sandhi which concludes suffixation of a no syllabic "Er" final varied pattern of suffix "Zi"、"Le"、"Zhe" and so on, that is connected with means and syllable as the emphasis of researching. At the same time, we developed an investigation of field and studied of combined between diachronic and synchronic.The valuable researches in this dissertation concluded that:1. In the Mandarin area of Xingtai county, the other tones happened to change in disyllabic word of heavy-heavy-duty, except the high and level tone. In disyllabic word of heavy-light-duty, when the former belongs to the high and rise tone, it will happen to change if the rear word belongs to vocabulary words of neutral tone, the other situations will not change. In the tone sandhi of overlapping words, only part of nouns of high and level tone happen to change tones.2. In Xingtai dialects,"Er" suffixation has much strong function of struction, moreover, the dialects have two special phenomenons, that is increasing "Er"suffixation after "Zi" suffixation and "De" noun phrase. There are much differences between Xingtai dialects and common language in the rhyme of "Er"suffixation, among them,there is a group than preserved the earlier figure of [-(?)] last syllable.3. In the Mandarin area of xingtai county, final varied patterns of suffix"Zi","Le"," Zhe ", "[(?)]" in group of words and the streaming words would take place the situations of derivative initial and rhyme, modulation, these situations have great differences with the similar changes in Shanxi and Henan. Final varied patterns of suffix "Zi" in Xingtai dialects have two styles which are suffixation of a nonsyllabic "Er" and non-suffix "Er". These two styles have different derivative form. Non-suffix "Er" of "Zi" contains two types:increasing sound suffix-Zi, combining sound and derivative form. In the suffixation of a nonsyllabic "Er", suffix "Zi" does not combine with the former word, it sounds as a independent neutral tone [.t(?)]. Final varied patterns of suffix"Zi"、"Zhe"、"Le" includes there types of derivative form:increasing sound, combining sound and derivative form, variational and transitional type. In the same type, they have the same or similar laws.This dissertation can provide the necessary supplement to the investigation and research of dialects of Hebei, and it also has a certain reference value for researching sandhi of Xingtai dialects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】H172.1
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】474

