

The Study on Liao-gang

【作者】 史泠歌

【导师】 汪圣铎;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 廖刚是南宋初年一位重要历史人物。廖刚历仕徽、钦、高三朝,为官长达三十七年。为官期间,关注民生疾苦,力求减轻民众负担。自绍兴九年(1139)四月任御史中丞到绍兴十年(1140)五月被罢,备位乌台仅一年。任御史中丞期间提出了许多积极的建议,力求有所作为,以积极的姿态活跃于南宋政坛。廖刚于宋徽宗崇宁五年(1106)中进士,从此步入仕途。从崇宁五年至宣和元年(1119)都在州县官的位置上徘徊。绍兴元年(1131),因招抚余汝霖起义有功,被任命为福建路提点刑狱公事,在仕途上出现了转机。任吏部员外郎时,建议抗金,经营建康;任侍讲时,主张赏罚分明,选贤举能;任给事中时,建议削减冗费,反对朋党之争;知漳州期间,推动了漳州地方文明的进程。绍兴九年,任御史中丞,达到了仕途的颠峰。廖刚的仕途升迁和秦桧有很大的关系。绍兴初年,高宗推崇“元祐之学”,他因是杨时的弟子被秦桧荐举为官,开始了在朝为官。他与洛学人士关系密切,主张正心诚意,否定王安石新学及改革。主张节省财政开支,反对冗费。出任御史中丞亦与秦桧的荐举有关。廖刚任御史中丞之初,认为和议息民,赞成和议。金人违反和约南侵,廖刚不党附秦桧,由赞成和议转为主张抗金,得罪秦桧,被逐出台,也因此在士大夫中享有很高的声誉。绍兴十二年以朝散大夫致仕,封顺昌县开国男,死后赠少师,谥文肃。廖刚为官多年,了解民众的疾苦。他主张为君者应有仁爱之心,以仁治天下。他重视吏治建设,建议高宗对官员应赏罚公正,消除朋党之争,才能中兴有望。廖刚也有封建士大夫共有的问题,如知恩图报不惜失职。廖刚仕经三朝,又是杨时弟子,与之交往的人很多。比如与赵鼎都主张元祐之学,且政见相似,仕途上相互帮助。与张景修则因文学上的互相欣赏而往来。但廖刚真正的一生至交唯有陈渊,二人皆为杨时弟子,且志趣相投,关系交好,政见相同而彼此欣赏。这些人在为官、人格、思想方面对廖刚有相当程度的影响。

【Abstract】 Liao Gang was an important historically personage in the first years of the Southern Dynasty. He filled an office thirty-seven years from Song Huizong to Gao Zong. In Shaoxing nine, he held office as a prime prosecutor. Only for one year later, he was dismiss, but he put forward lots of proposals, strived to scope for his abilities, and enlivened in political circles of the Southern Song with positive attitude.Liao Gang succeeded a candidate in the highest imperial exams in 1106, and then he began his official career. His post was low for a long time. Till 1132, because of succeeding in putting down peasants rebel in Fujian, his official career was taken a turn for the better. As an administer, he advised to resist the aggression of Jin Dynasty, and managed Jiankang; As lecturer of imperial family, he advocated to be fair in meeting out rewards and punishments, selected virtuous and talented persons, suggest cut down redundant expense and combated cliques. In Shaoxing 9, he got the peak of his official career.His being transferred and promoted had great matter with Qin Hui. In the first years of the Shaoxing, Gao Zong and Qin Hui had the greatest esteem for "the systematic learning of Yuanyou". He was recommended by Qin Hui, because he was the follower of Yang Shi. He had closer relationship with scholar of Luo learning. He favored in improving mental state and being honest and dependable of ideas, but denied the new learning of Wang Anshi. His being promoted did also related with Qin Hui. He thought that negotiation was favor of recuperating and multiplying population. So he agreed with the negotiation with Jin Dynasty. Jin Dynasty broke the treaty and harassed, he did not echo Qin Hui’view and advocated to resist the Jin Dynasty so that offended Qin Hui and was expelled. He enjoyed high prestige among scholar-officials. In Shaoxing 13, he was dead.He was an official for a long time, and he was very much concerned about the weal and woe of the people. He advocated that rulers should apply policy benevolence. He paid great attention on the management of official. He suggested that Gaozong should be fair in meeting out rewards and punishments and removed cliques. He also had the same problem with scholar-officials in imperial time, which paid a debt of gratitude at all cost. Not only had gone through three reign, but also he was the follower of Yang Shi, plenty of people had dealing with him. For example, Zhao Ding, who also advocated the learning of Yuanyou, hold similar political views with LiaoGang, and give great help to him. Zhang Jingxiu, owning to admiring each other, was in close contact. But there was only one most intimate friend-Chen Yuan. They were both the followers of Yang Shi, had the same interests and hold similar political views. Those people had great influence on his thought, personality, being an official and so on.

【关键词】 廖刚南宋台谏交游
【Key words】 Liao-gangSouthern Song DynastyTajianThe political thought Friends
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】K245
  • 【下载频次】106

